Get the word out about your skills and your new venture using any means necessary and available. Sign up to get more info & get a FREE COPY of his starter pack, "The Shoestring Entrepreneur!". Gender Institutions and Development Database (GID-DB) 2019 A study this year by IPSE, a UK association of independent professional and self-employed people, found a 63 per cent increase since 2008 in skilled women choosing to freelance. Katia Segers, a member of the Flemish parliament and the Belgian senate, says: “In today’s modern economy, what you see is more young people starting out as independent or freelance workers developing “slash careers” [simultaneous jobs]. There is a difference in how we all treat men and women when they ask for money, The 13 highest-paying jobs with less than 40 hours per week, The gender pay gap can be even worse for women who are self-employed, sectors which are traditionally lower paid, To truly tackle the gender pay gap the Tories need to do much more, You may not agree with our views, or other users’, but please respond to them respectfully, Swearing, personal abuse, racism, sexism, homophobia and other discriminatory or inciteful language is not acceptable, Do not impersonate other users or reveal private information about third parties, We reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts and ban offending users without notification. One policy solution would be to make public the average fees for services via the government or industry associations, she suggests: “People would know if they are charging an adequate amount or being paid an adequate amount” — although she acknowledges this is “uncharted territory.”, Caitlin Pearce, head of the Freelancers Union in New York, echoes the point: “Creating channels for pay transparency is essential for independent contractors who establish their own rates and must constantly negotiate contracts with clients.”, She points to the emergence of online rates databases and informal rate guidelines compiled by workers’ alliances: “Facilitating these conversations with peers can be tricky but it is necessary to understanding industry standards and how and when you can raise your rates.”, Freelancing is a huge win for many women / From Dena McCallum, Founding Partner, Eden McCallum, London WC2, UK, Get alerts on Gender pay gap when a new story is published, Many like the flexibility of the gig economy but they sacrifice earnings parity, Women going freelance face bigger gender pay gap, ‘They are afraid’: Trump loses edge with seniors in Florida, Airlines hope Covid-19 health pass will have passengers flying again, Thiam’s name floated in Elysée talks to defuse Ivory Coast tensions, Trump sows confusion on stimulus talks with Democrats, Hopes fade for US stimulus with Washington in stalemate, The recklessness of Donald Trump on steroids, US stock markets rally after Trump surprises on stimulus, From AI to facial recognition: how China is setting the rules in new tech, AstraZeneca vaccine document shows limit of no-profit pledge, Silicon Valley start-up launches ‘Nespresso machine’ for whisky, Nikola races to convince investors of value before share lock-up ends, Why Hollywood studios pulled the plug on cinemas, Sanjeev Gupta-linked companies with just 11 staff took millions in UK loans, Vatican used charity funds to bet on Hertz credit derivatives, Covid-19 will push millions in middle-income nations into poverty, warns World Bank, The end of the dollar’s exorbitant privilege, Why investors are not likely to cry out ‘yikes’ over UK debt, EU bows to pressure on anti-greenwashing rules deadline, Donald Trump’s faults are more libertarian than authoritarian, Hungary’s abuse of the rule of law is now incontrovertible, The dangerous and inexorable rise of the instant expert. Even Belgium, the country that has been the most successful in the developed world at tackling pay inequality between men and women, has found the self-employed gender gap stubbornly high. The incorporated self-employed are only partly or non-included in the counts of self-employed in several countries. This indicator is measured by gender as percentage of total employment. Gender, Institutions and Development Database. For a start we know that a large number of self-employed women are in sectors which are traditionally lower paid. It’s sad but true. The Belgian companies must publish details of how they intend to narrow the gap, and female employees can ask for a mediator to investigate claims of wage discrimination. A 2016 academic study showed that in employment both men and women would treat a female asking for a pay rise differently from a male. There are also numerous opportunities to get more education or additional certifications surrounding your area or expertise to make yourself more credible in the marketplace. “Our research shows self-employment does not provide relief from gender bias, the gender pay gap, workplace harassment or the other stressors … That doesn’t mean that self-employment and small business ownership aren’t worth every lost sale or missed opportunity. In fact, for every self-employed woman who makes seventy-two cents, there’s a self-employed man who makes one dollar. In OECD economies, one in ten employed women is self-employed, almost half the rate of self-employed men (17%). You can provide oversight while freeing up your time to do the things you’re passionate about, and hopefully, bring in more income. Led by ILO, UN Women and the OECD, the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) is a multi-stakeholder coalition to contribute to the achievement of SDG target 8.5 focusing on equal pay between women and men for work of equal value [ Short Video] Gender, Institutions and Development Database (GID-DB) 2019. The 21st-century workplace and the rise of the gig economy, it turns out, bring their own challenges on remuneration, with a gender pay gap that is wider than the average found in employed occupations (see chart). Approval was partially successful, following selected items could not be processed due to error,,, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Gender differences in self-employment rates, Focusing on your strengths and delivering value may mean determining what you can outsource. The OECD Gender Data Portal includes selected indicators shedding light on gender inequalities in education, employment, entrepreneurship, health, development and Governance, showing how far we are from achieving gender equality and where actions is most needed. All rights reserved. Do some research to find out what others are charging based on their background and experience. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Gender pay gap is widening in Ireland, CSO figures show Gap has increased by 2%, showing women’s educational strides are not translating to pay Thu, Oct 19, 2017, 01:00 Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. I’m always slightly sceptical of this idea and particularly when it comes to self-employment. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. There are still ways women can position themselves for success despite the systemic gender biases and other environmental factors working against women in the workplace today, whether they’re self-employed or not. Average hours typically worked a week: 37.59 Median earned income: $56,000 What they do: Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing-care plans, and maintain medical records.