Add comma separated list of ingredients to exclude from recipe. Hi I wanted to share mine.I am a Japanese and I thought that I could help others to make more authentic one. Your business or event? Both sauces did well with this recipe. What are the Best Public Gardens to Visit in the Blue Mountains? The world’s most iconic cities are identifiable just as much by their nicknames as they are by their landscapes. The HRB Blended Lunch: A regional discovery of food & wine. The first time I tried okonomiyaki, Jack and I were in Hiroshima. Repeat until you have used up all of the batter. To make batter put all vegies and meat and pour flour and add water and make batter and consistency is about not too watery not too thick like pancake batter..I usually eyeball it but you can start from 3table spoon of flour and 2 table spoon water etc.. but you need batter to the amount it can cover veggie and meat.Then I use vegitable oil and just like you make pancake you cook it flipping after one side done.Then splash worcestersauce and cook some seconds and off to your plate.Mix ketchup and worcestersauce;ratio I think 4:6(I eyeball it but to your taste is fine) and brush this over okonomiyaki and eat.Some people back home in japan drizzle mayo after you take okonomiyaki out to plate and drizzle worcester sauce and sprinkle crushed seaweed on it.You do not need okonomiyaki sauce or tonkatsu sauce.It still tastes good.Until you figure out water and flour ration to make batter is kind of practice but you will learn as you cook. level 1. dcp0001. Nowadays, Osaka’s nickname is all the more relevant, with food placed at the cultural epicentre of Osaka’s lively, bustling lifestyle. But switching up your side dishes can bring a refreshing change to a classic comfort food dish. It differs by region and this authentic recipe is the well known and mouth-watering Osaka okonomiyaki. Setsuko Yoshizuka is a freelance food writer and Japanese cookbook author. I loved this recipe because it was full of healthy veggies. But switching up your side dishes can bring a refreshing change to a classic comfort food dish. Info. Okonomiyaki Hiroshima Style. 15. -- Jennifer Lam (@_jenlam) Get it free when you sign up for our newsletter. Note: while there are multiple steps to this recipe, this dish is broken down into workable categories to help you better plan for preparation and cooking. So we get tons of eggs and have no particular choice about what veg we get each week. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Follow this easy savoury pancake recipe and also make your own okonomiyaki sauce, or simply purchase it from a local store. Add comma separated list of ingredients to exclude from recipe. Have fun playing with the ingredients! Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き) is a Japanese street food which is very popular among Western visitors who often try it for the first time in Japan. Can be made veggie using tofu instead of bacon and sausage or with shrimp or fish for those who enjoy seafood. A writer sharing travels, experiences, a love of festivals & events. Mix vegetable oil and sesame oil in a skillet over medium heat. My son is a picky eater when it comes to veggies. Mix soy sauce, ketchup, and vinegar together in a small bowl to make okonomiyaki sauce. This sauce is AWESOME. Osaka Bar We used shredded cabbage green onion flour(all purpose is fine) egg and a little water then pressed shrimp and bacon into the top of it while cooking instead of mixing it in.