Diana Rigg" (1969), FLASH GORDON / "The Brain Machine" - 1955, RIFIFI EN LA CIUDAD - "Rumble In The City" (1963), BEANY AND CECIL In "Sleeping Beauty And The Beast" - 1962, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN / "The Mind Machine" - 1952, DICK TRACY - "The Plot To Kill Nato" Unaired TV Pilot (1967), MINIKILLERS PART TWO - "Macabre Heroin Flamenco" (1969), MR. HYDE / Dan Schies - Monster Kid Home Movies - 1973, Hubrisween 2020 :: C is for The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), The Mal Thursday Show: The Job That Ate My Brain, EC Split 6 by Mental Anguish and Vasectomy Party (2020), 7 Reasons Why You Should Buy Vintage Clothing. All soundclips are approximately two minutes long, or just enough to give you a feel for the movie! Looking for some great streaming picks? ", Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Spy, Super-Hero, JD, Thriller and Noir films, that's what we like, and a recurring theme in a lot of those kinds of movies has always been, you can find them! The film was based on a novel of the same name by Philip MacDonald One night on a routine call, she is faced with a moral decision, ... See full summary ». Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Who would caption a frame with the address of where our 'stars' are headed to? AAARRGGHHH!!!! Craig unexpectedly turns up alive but with apparent brain damage, leaving him in a zombified state. (in no particular order).....ongoing. These days, after getting hassled time and time again, we don't even do soundclips much anymore!! Good stuff, Please continue! Chaos ensues when everyone gets unknowingly high, revealing the family's innermost secrets. If you would like to hear more amazing music from composers like Peter Thomas and Martin Böttcher, then do yourself a favor and check out BSC Music! A veteran newscaster desperate for ratings secures an interview with a mass murderer on death row the night before the man is set to be executed. Wise-cracking ex-detective Nick Trayne is called in to try to find the whereabouts of wealthy kidnap victim Walter Craig. The Living Ghost was released in the U.S. on November 27, 1942. UFO - Thanks for your comment. THE DEATH KISS / K.B.S. This FAQ is empty. Wise-cracking ex-detective Nick Trayne is called in to try to find the whereabouts of wealthy kidnap victim Walter Craig. View production, box office, & company info, HORROR MOVIES I WANT TO WATCH. A rideshare driver discovers that his sister is in debt to a dangerous crime syndicate. Nightmare Guardian patrols inside the Earthshatter Cavern in Emerald Dream. October is packed with great movies and several new and returning TV series. ~ "We wuz there! Don't worry, there's no stopping that train! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Tabonga, it doesn't matter to me what flick you Ralphie and Rufus(lil' Pifster) review....your play-by-play never fails to get me laughing. On the night of November 13, 1974, Ronald DeFeo, Jr. took a high-powered rifle and murdered his entire family as they slept. There Are Still Places In The World To Buy Cool Music! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! "Wally Got Wasted" is like "The Hangover" meets "Weekend at Bernie's." The REAL 500 Best Albums Of All Time - Part 46 of 100 - "Weirdsville", Record #1978 - The "Moment by Moment" Soundtrack. With Diane Franklin, Shelley Regner, David Naughton, Jamison Newlander. A road trip is only fun as long as the car keeps moving. FORGOTTEN HISTORY OF GODZILLA IN AMERICA: Yes, Virginia, Hawaii is a State! It follows the adventures of 3 friends who accidentally kill a scumbag, then screw up getting rid of the body, so they... See full summary ».