It was nothing. These battles are often produced into literature and are commonly seen within epic poems, meaning a long and serious poetic narrative featuring a hero in a variety of significant events. The smell of burnt wood was no more, oh yes, the haze has disappeared. “I must be seeing things!” he exclaimed. Nothing. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I quickly disregarded that as sympathy and changed my thoughts towards Yusuf’s behavior, he was ruthless and talks as if he had done things like these before, just not at this large of a scale. The Erusean submersible aviation cruiser Alicorn appears docked at Artiglio Port, prompting the Long Range Strategic Strike Group and an OMDF fleet to sortie and capture the submarine. After that, he went and checked the doors and windows. “Who is it? How, you ask, by beating them up senseless of course. instead describing general sciences such as chemistry, paleontology, astronomy, and particle physics. Upon arriving at his apartment, I was surprised to see 3 black plastic bags, so I asked him for an explanation for the third bag. ( Log Out /  He will be waiting for you upstairs. He walked further into the room and tried to keep his eyes open. PDF I left him without saying anything, heading back to the forest where I buried those 3 plastic bags, my heart was saying no but my guts was screaming yes. The Aspects of Museums and Utopian Study in Calvino’s Invisible Cities Each morning, he would sit at his table, tucking into a plate of steaming hot, buttery mushrooms on toast, watching the ordinary world go by in its ordinary way. As I left the area for some reason, the heavy hearted feeling from earlier returned, I brushed it off since it was a while since I had to bury someone. View all posts by A.Sayidi. “Any last words,” he mockingly asked. 5.2.6 Possible Problems with Storytelling.................................. 51 “Situations only got more complicated when she made a beeline to the kitchen. An Unexpected Visitor. What do you think it would be like living inside a mushroom? Suspense Short Story – An unexpected Visitor…. Somehow, Yusuf managed to convince the school authorities that I was innocent, thus saving me from a lengthy two month school suspension. A refreshing Sunday after the tiresome corporate job. He had lived here all his life. There was nothing there. In order to be considered an epic hero, the characters must conquer nearly impossible tasks, resulting in saving the, A Short History of Nearly Everything is a popular science book by American author Bill Bryson that explains some areas of science, using a style of language which aims to be more accessible to the general public than many other books dedicated to the subject. “I’ve prepared everything like the bag and the clean-up, all you need to do is to help me dig an unidentifiable grave,” he continued. Everything was silent, for it was late at night. Oh boy you do love packages! He offered me some juice but I asked for some coffee instead as I needed it badly. One teaching resource. He was born here, had taken his first steps here, studied at school here and worked the fields here all his adult life. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It is widely regarded as the first non-fiction novel, and explores the motives and consequences in a horrendous murder case from many perspectives. My peaceful morning was somewhat interrupted by an unexpected doorbell, who could it be, I wondered. It was an unusual morning, the weather was incongruously perfect, the skies were too clear, some white and fluffy clouds were happily roving in front  of the otherwise blaring sun and its unbearable heat. The temperature was just right, at least by Malaysian standards. He may distort these incidents, may not observe chronological sequence, he can use messengers or flashbacks, and so on and so forth. He even went downstairs and into the living room. “Finding me in an awkward position with another girl is the worst scenario you can expect being a wife,” he said with a chuckle. "An Unexpected Guest". Your humoristic style is awesome, keep up the good work! Draw/describe what/where you have imagined. The Unexpected Visitor It was a rainy night. And this turning point of Raju’s life is what I am styding in this paper. Meet up with Ravandwyr. Raju himself is shown very spontaneous, unprincipled and a pleasure seeker. Google uses cookies to help serve the ads it displays on the websites of its partners, such as websites displaying AdSense ads or participating in Google certified ad networks. Enjoy this occasional holiday. The huge mountains in the East were barely visible from here. “Go ahead, kill me, I’m dead anyway, either caught by the police and sentenced to death for my eight victims or you shoot me, either way you are going to jail too.” Soon after I can hear police sirens from afar, it was getting louder. ( Log Out /  If you could choose to live inside any vegetable what would it be and why? The dark clouds blocked the moon light from hitting the ground. “I doubt Yusuf would do that, he knows how precious she is to me and how dangerous I can be” I tried to fool myself. What do you want from me?” cried Connor out of fear, School Guidance Counseling Group: When Parents Divorce Essay example, Two Egyptian Sectors: Muslim Brotherhood versus Egyptian Army, Messianic in Spectres of Marx by Jaques Derrida Essay, Evoluation and Technology in Different Cultures Essay example, Relational Theory: All About Relationships Essay. These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Date :7/4/2016 I tried to call my girlfriend in an attempt to arrange a lunch-date, instead, the call kept on going to voicemail. Fortunately, contemporary writers of fiction for young adults continue to offer us fresh opportunities to enjoy literature with our students. Stories about youth and the transition from that stage of life into adulthood form a very solidly populated segment of literature. His heart was beating like crazy. I opened the door, and after the usual greetings, he introduced himself as Yusuf, claiming to be an old schoolmate from my primary days. Where do you think the rope leads? ( Log Out /  I was starting to think of him as a serial killer being hunted and had just recently reached a count of five victims. Nothing. Who are you?! I used that opportunity to wrestle the gun from him, it was easier that I thought it would be. “My wife left for her job and I was home alone. “It was out of self defense,” he said softly. Page 1 of 5 This very turn in his life completely changes his life. 50 After hearing his reason, I said, with a chuckle “so you came for help, you do know right that I’m in no position to do anything like what you did.” “I wonder how an ex-black ops operative settled for a job pushing papers all day with no benefits,” he replied. Someone! Share via: An Unexpected Visitor. Each of these boys faces a different element of youth that requires a fundamental shift in their, Guho Co-educational schools, or same-sex schools? Down on Earth, the Evergreens and other plants and trees shook violently in the wind. Weather reports say the haze has drifted its way past Malaysia to our unfortunate Southern neighbour, Singapore. The temperature was just right, at least by Malaysian standards. In Calvino’s novel Invisible Cities, the traveler Marco Polo tells Kublai Khan fiction of the various cities of his empire, which the Khan himself will never visit. An Unexpected Visitor. There was also a great amount of fog throughout the woods. I heard a clicking sound. After what felt like a minute of awkward silence, mostly due to me being shocked on how he could have found me, I invited him in for a glass of teh tarik, of which he accepted.