Apparently there is a superstition that a baby looking through their legs (kinda up on all fours with their head down) means that someone-- usually their mother-- is pregnant. Is the condition of being only an infant an adequate excuse for intentionally inflicting injury on an older child? Another note on the milk, she was always congested for as long as I can remember. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription … Above post is mine. Since starting on the soy, he has had a bad reaction in terms of bowel movements – it constipated him somewhat. I called the pedi and was told to try Karo syrup, try prunes, etc. My 11 month old was pooping fine until 7 months. And always trust your mommy instinct. Kinda pricey but for an older baby or toddler who isn’t going to eat too much at once it’s not that bad. Apparently there is a superstition that a baby looking through their legs (kinda up on all fours with their head down) means that someone-- usually their mother-- is pregnant. Thanx a very concerned and exhausted mom. Seeking for other pediatrician. He just had to grow out of it. I took him to the pediatrician who tested his urine for infection; it came back fine. The doctor’s thinking is that my baby is withholding BM’s because he is afraid it will hurt….thus making himself constipated. Is there a solution for this. I don’t feel like it’s caused from him actually pooping but from the gas? © 2020 Everyday Health, Inc. LO seems like he might be getting the hang of things a bit better now though, because sometimes he has poops that he doesn't scream for. by: granny We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. I read in the four-month checkup information on this website that if my baby holds his legs straight rather than bouncing when he's standing, I should tell the doctor. We went to the GI and have talked to our Ped on several occasions. It comes and goes until he actually poops which sometimes carries on for a day or two. Ashley Greene 7. by: Anonymous I stopped breast feeding a few weeks after he turned one and he has had a harder time since I did that. We are taking her to a specialist now and they’re saying it’s best to take it before it gets this bad (she’s 11 months now). (. by: Anonymous My MIL swears that if someone you know dreams of fish, you are pregnant. My daughter, who turned 2 in April, seems to hold her BM’s in by crossing her legs. While sitting crossed legs, it won’t hurt your baby, but it can contribute to leg cramps or ankle swelling. of Benefiber in his morning milk (1% cow’s milk) and he gets fresh fruit everyday. Check out Dr. Greene’s website. So I am calling a specialist in the morning. When my baby boy turned 6 months old he started SCREAMING with every bowel movement. Also, we’ve used, on-and-off, a gentle laxative called MIRALAX (1/2 capful in each of his 6 oz morning bottles). My 10 month old was breast feed for 6 months w/ supplemental formula. Ever since I started “adult” cereal (cheerios, etc.) Well the straining I learned was him holding back his bowel movement. Could that be it? After this week we are switching him to regular formula and no more meds. by: NP My daughter is 13 months and have been crying when she poops since she was 1 month. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. (Answer approved by our Medical Reference Team), Find comments to this question below. She has been tested now for allergies (skin test and blood test) and had an endoscopy for celiac disease. We finally went to see a Pediatric GI doctor this past week. Maybe it’s the movement down his intestines that’s painful. ? Then they ordered an X-ray of her stomach. The Dr. said he was miss diagnosed with Colic when he was born and the meds and special formula he was put on have added to the problem not helped. She would then close her eyes and bring up her legs (almost like when you are doing ab exercises) and bring them down again and up again. She has chronic renal failure and really doesn’t eat any food due to her condition. Have a doctor’s appt on 5 march 2010. Sitting crossed-leg is considered as the most stylish, attractive and elegant posture, but it has been liked with many negative health effects as well. (Which is not) so this past Saturday I put my daughter into the tub and she started screaming because she was having a bowel movement so I felt and looked at her butt and reddish pinkish skin was out of her butt so my first thought was hemorrhoids so I called the doctor today and we met. I think she is scared to poop and hope it goes away soon. I’m really worried. Thanks for the support! I was told to use light karo syrup which worked to get the stool out but still hard and painful for him and then he was getting really hyper and wired (I think from the sugar in the karo) so I took him off that and the formula and put him on Soy formula which gave me a whole new baby as far as gassy and fussy went. Have you all had any food sensitivies or allergic reactions? She had her first stretching at 6 weeks and 2 more before she was 8 months old. She went fine after 2 months but went back to crying until now. While pregnancy, the body goes through with many physical changes. Should I let my child fall asleep after he's bumped his head? I heard about dreaming about water & pregnancy. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. by: Kansas Mom by: Anonymous Actually, just the other day, I talked to a mom who was so relieved. Now I’m going to try Pro -biotics. What you can do to help her, is to learn how to carry our baby massage. This difficulty began at about 11 months as he was transitioning from formula to whole milk. My doctor told me it might be a tear – a fisure (sp?). by: Anonymous I hope other parents now have a chance to try to exclude milk from ther children’s diet as one way of treating constipation. by: Anonymous My son is 14 months old and has had a really painful time pooing now for about 8 weeks. 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His stool is loose like when he was breastfeeding so he’s not constipated (I don’t think??). Oh, my, word! im planning to bring her back on her doctor. He referred me to a surgeon in my hometown. We keep them up because there are a ton of great conversations here and we believe you deserve to see them all. I am going to look into milk allergy. (People Also Like To Read: Best Diet and Exercise for Asthma Patients). This has been going on for months . Breast milk has a whey protein base- cow’s milk, soy milk and regular formula all have the same protein base that kids can be allergic too. the pain on her face is extream. All of the information and facts mentioned in the GoMedii Blog are thoroughly examined and verified by the Doctors and Health Experts, elsewise source of information is confirmed for the same. How often does she poop? If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. ER, walk-in clinics, family doc…everyone. the. His stool is really hard and large for such a small guy. I will try the probiotics found in yogurt sounds like a good idea. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I really wish you good luck! Disclaimer: GoMedii is a recognized and a considerate healthcare platform which tends to connect every dot of the healthcare needs and facilities. I will report back to this site on our findings hoping that they might be of some use to the others with this issue. Then I noticed his stool went from normal to peanut butter consistency to hard stool. I stopped the bananas and he’s back to normal. But a friend of mine who went to med. I’ve told other people about this and everyone agrees this isn’t “normal”, so why do the doctors brush it off so easily?