Labor Senator Sam Dastyari's resignation won't derail Kristina Keneally's campaign in the Bennelong by-election, according to Opposition leader Bill Shorten. This is why Shorten has back pedaled and done nothing. Ms Keneally said she'd turned down Senate positions in the past when offered them. These include TradeMe, SkyCity (added after the Crown VIP incident) and Fletcher Building (added post construction related downgrade). ‘traitor trade’ - our increasing weight to New Zealand companies in our portfolio. Auto News: Kia's Australian Open Fleet hits the road - Bennelong candidate and former premier Kristina Keneally is expected to be offered Senator Dastyari’s seat should she just fall short in the by-election fight against Liberal John Alexander. A Newspoll published on Tuesday suggests Labor and the Liberals are 50-50 on the two-party preferred vote in Bennelong and 39-39 on the primary vote. But Labor officials were warned in 2015 that Mr Huang was a person of interest to ASIO. Mr Huang has been at the centre of a scandal about whether Senator Dastyari warned him he was potentially being monitored by security services. JA says he was informed "I am indeed something I always believed I am, Australian & solely Australian." Ms Keneally refused to rule out being parachuted into the Senate to replace Senator Dastyari if she loses on Saturday. The whole bloody lot of them up to their necks and been bought off. We are all aware that Sam Dastyari is a traitor first class (click here) – now here is the icing on the cake. By: Novamagic. "Sam Dastyari was reading talking points that could have been written by the Chinese government," she said. This Smart Backpack Is Going Viral on Instagram! "John Alexander is a very popular local member, he's working very hard and he is a very strong advocate for the people of Bennelong," she told Sky News. Your continued use of the site is deemed acceptance of our privacy policy and Terms of Service. Presidential debate plans teeter, as Pelosi probes Trump fitness for office, 'Ridiculous': Trump's bizarre rant after refusing virtual Biden debate, 'Dream come true': Tennis world stunned by remarkable 81-year first, Lisa Curry opens up on daughter Jaimi Kenny's 'red flags', Shocking footage shows fire engulfing 33-storey building. Especially if this involves a public lynching. Hours after Senator Dastyari resigned on Tuesday, the opposition leader brushed off concerns the drawn out scandal would affect Labor candidate Kristina Keneally's chance of winning. Ms Bishop, who accused Mr Dastyari of accepting Chinese money in return for changing Labor foreign policy, said his resignation should be effective immediately. The other big questions is why Brandis is doing nothing and why Turnbull is not on his case. Whilst the land of the long white cloud has for many years been the poor cousin, it would seem they have a brighter near-term future. A Newspoll published on Tuesday suggests Labor and the Liberals are 50-50 on the two-party preferred vote in Bennelong and 39-39 on the primary vote. Backpacks Can’t Get More Innovative Than This! Meanwhile, The Daily Telegraph says Mr Huang’s former adviser, Tim Xu, has joined the Liberal campaign for John Alexander in the Bennelong by-election. "I don't for one minute accept the government's characterisation of him being a traitor to Australia," said Mr Shorten, who sacked the senator from his parliamentary leadership roles two weeks ago after saying he'd lost faith in him. Tim Xu worked for Mr Huang as an adviser and interpreter from March 2014 until a few months ago. However, the government says Senator Dastyari quit because he was damaging Labor's Bennelong campaign and his resignation has been "stage managed" to open a senate vacancy for Ms Keneally if she loses on Saturday. Mr Shorten has not denied the visit but told Fairfax that senior government figures from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop and former PM Tony Abbott have also met with Mr Huang. Parents’ shocking claim after toddler found living in cage with snakes, Olympic legend vanishes after giving birth to 'Vladimir Putin's twins', X Factor's Altiyan Childs, 45, reappears 10 years after win. The Liberal's vote appears to have drifted to defector Cory Bernardi's new party the Australian Conservatives which is running for the first time in the seat. Bill Shorten Traitor. On: 4 December, 2017. "The people of Bennelong deserve a local champion, John Alexander cares about the people of Bennelong, Kristina Keneally is just shopping around for a seat in parliament.". Mr Shorten’s office stressed his home visit did not compromise Australia’s national security and that Labor would ‘no longer accept donations from Mr Huang.’, ‘It is unbelievable that Mr Turnbull still refuses to do the same.’. Mr Shorten was not personally briefed about the concerns until later that year. Tagged: australian, corruption, Labor Party Australia, Liberal Party, political. "Yuhu Group bought a membership, to the best of my knowledge Mr Huang never attended an event," Mr Alexander told reporters. Throw into that we have Julie Bishop and her antics and guess what we have got. Nothing in our politics excites such primitive passions than a public shaming of a traitor - and his expulsion from our virtuous midst. "There's a little bit of a difference between a donation and buying a membership in the Bennelong Forum - which many businesses have done here - and gives them the right to attend events that we put on.". Source:, Copyright © Novamagic Community 2020 Too bad if you get offended - smarten yourself up and lift your game, We are all aware that Sam Dastyari is a traitor first class. "I don't for one minute accept the government's characterisation of him being a traitor to Australia," Mr Shorten told reporters. Liberal member for Bennelong John Alexander, 66, may be a dual British citizen The former top-seeded tennis champ's father was born in the United Kingdom Backbencher and … Mr Alexander, who resigned as sitting MP over dual citizenship concerns, retained the seat in 2016 with a nine per cent-plus margin.