Hang on the bar with the elbows straight. 15 – Bench dips can increase your metabolism and strengthen your muscles. A. In addition to weight loss, planking can help improve the health of your spine and reduce back pain. Start a Personalized Weight Loss Program Today ! Walk for 30 seconds, and then sprint again at a high-intensity speed for 1 minute. Tilt the head back and look toward the ceiling. All the exercises are good both for home and gym practice. Every single exercise gets you closer to the calories loss that will enable your body to lose weight and burn body fat. Jumping rope not only improves coordination and cognitive function, but the intensity of this workout elevates your heart rate, helping you burn about 1,300 calories per hour, explains Shaikh. Planks are easy to exercise for all beginners. Sit on floor with hands behind hips and knees bent, feet flat. Fidget in your seat, such as tapping your hand, rocking your leg, or engaging your abdominal muscles as you sit. A. This is a simple way to be more effective in weight loss with TRX: Now that you have seen most of the available workouts to burn fat and lose weight, there is no excuse for not getting up from your sofa to improve your health. You can also incorporate other movements like mountain climbers and jump squats. C. Lower leg (still pressing heel) to start position. Shape may receive compensation when you click through and purchase from links contained on You can adjust the grip to be comfortable. Bend the hips and knees. Along with a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet, look for other ways to be active every day. Schedule walking meetings with your coworkers. The intensity of the fitness program combined with the best diet may give you the chance to lose more weight. The outbreak has led to the closure of gyms, fitness centres and parks. Watch the following video: 90% of your body weight is indeed beneath your head level. If there's one exercise no one likes, it's probably burpees. Does Keto Weight Loss Diet Plan Actually Work? Burpee. A. You may go to the gym instead of laying on your sofa. They can bring you close to fitness for all your body muscles. Short sprints are a metabolic shock for your fat tissues. Lie flat on your back with the hands on your ears. 7 – Weightlifting is the source of muscle development. Blozy also suggests deadlifts as an exercise to build muscles in both the lower and upper body, while reducing fat. Check out a helpful video that shows the right way to perform lunges: Either you are a beginner or an expert, glute bridge is effective to lose calories and strengthen your lower muscular system. Forward lunges are very effective for weight loss as they work out your muscles. Cardiovascular workouts (or simply cardio) elevate your heart rate. Open your mouth and activate the muscles of the jaw. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Then jump continuously for 1 1/2 minutes. Rest your tongue tip gently on the back of the lower teeth to relax the jaw. Last medically reviewed on August 23, 2019. Walking and jogging are both excellent forms of exercise to boost the metabolism and burn calories. You don’t need a gym membership to work out your body and start burning fat right away. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Repeat these steps with the other leg as many times as comfortable. If your goal is to lose belly fat or to lose weight, these workouts are specifically for weight loss. She encourages lightening the load to 50 to 70 percent of your max, and increasing the reps so it’ll feel more like cardio than weight training. Use them to build 6-pack abs to go with your toned back. Now, gently lower yourself to the initial position. Trainer's Tip: Lift your leg as high as you can while staying balanced and without having to lean to the opposite side. All Rights Reserved. Everything you need to know to get started with this high-fat, low-carb diet. We focus on fitness, beauty, health, pregnancy and more. 5. Ab workouts, HIIT workouts, lower body and booty workouts. Many of the exercises would be easier to perform under the guidance of an expert. 10 Things I Learned During My Body Transformation, all the amazing benefits of weight-loss exercise. Not to mention that it can increase the strength of your leg muscle and maintain your high energy profile. Stand in a bent over row position, knees bent with a flat back. Mix these strength-and-sweat sessions with the 1, 2, 3 cardio workouts included to build muscle and score cardiovascular benefits, too. C. Switch sides, bringing left knee toward left elbow as you reach forward with right hand. You need a pair of comfortable clothes, and you can perform burpees virtually anywhere you are. There is no need for extra equipment, and you can perform them anywhere, no matter what kind of clothes you are wearing. 9 – Pushups may involve all your chest muscles and burn belly fat. As the study notes, this video will give you the chance to know more about weightlifting. Keep the lips pressed very firmly to the teeth and corners of mouth turned down. B. It means you burn more calories and fat than with any other exercise. Avoid moving any other facial muscle while doing this exercise; only use your lips. Switch legs and repeat. 20 – Short sprints wake up your metabolism and enhance the muscle mass. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. This YouTube video would help you understand the exercise: If you need to improve the loss of calories by using your body as a weight tool, squats are the exercise for you. But a few tricks can make it easier to stay active. Only then you will reach the level of the optimal weight loss that is going to bring you close to your ideal weight goal. Burpees combine squats, jumps, and pushups. Hope this article was informative and gave you the information you needed to fix on your workout regime. Nothing too heavy, though.