They can assist to solve rehabilitation aspects. None of us enjoys doing Burpees. But this freakin’ tough, calorie-torching move is great for one reason: It’s completely full-body. 4 Burpee Alternatives—So You Never Have To Do A Burpee Again If you have bad knees, weak wrists, or just plain dread doing burpees, try these low-impact moves instead for similar results. Another part of the burpee that can lead to back pain is the transition from landing into the plank and reversing back to the bottom of the squat. The "burpee" is one of the most effective (and dreaded) exercises because it engages multiple muscle groups, requires aerobic capacity, burns calories and only requires your body weight. I like to work up to 10 or more, and you can throw in some extra movements after the burpee or substitute burpees for height jumps or with a partner doing kicks or punches on Thai pads. This special fitness program should improve motor functions like coordination, balance, agility and reaction pace. Burpee alternative for bad knees. Now you’re a burpee pro and you can stop swapping out burpees for other exercises on your 8fit app. If the lower back sags/extends excessively the facet joints (the joints between each vertebrae) can become irritated. The Pros and Cons of Burpees & 5 Natural Movements That Are Better Alternatives By Thomas Berkery, Physical Therapist, Level 1 MovNat Certified Trainer Let’s be honest. If you have ever been in an exercise class that involved Burpees you’ve learned first-hand why Burpees are loved by trainers and ... Read more › Effective exercises for the knee joints and osteoarthritis treatment. Renegade Rows demand core stability but also involve Unilateral Rows for back strength and Dumbbell Supported Push-Ups for the chest. That’s one rep. 9 Alternatives to burpees If you can’t do burpees because of a shoulder injury, wrist weakness or other issue, here are some alternative exercises that will get your … The burpee is definitely the exercise a lot of us love to hate. Then you go back the opposite way and do another burpee.