Tess Tyler | She asks Quasimodo to follow the captain, but when Quasimodo finds where Phoebus is, he sees Phoebus leaving his fiancée's house. Inspiration Also, unlike his literary version, while he does initially work for Frollo, Phoebus is very brave and honorable in general, as he genuinely cares for both Quasimodo and Esmeralda; even willing to stand up for them when they are in danger. Professor J.T. Mr. Patel | Hans Reinhardt | Hyena Clan (2019) (Shenzi, Kamari & Azizi) | Nizam | Wynnchel & Duncan | Frank Sitwell | Jennifer Stone | Sergeant Harley | He and Esmeralda also proclaim their love for each other at the Festival and then watch happily as Quasimodo and Madellaine proclaim their love for each other. He was vain, untrustworthy, and a womanizer who did not really like Esmeralda at the beginning, and at the end when Esmeralda was killed by Frollo, he watched her execution with little or no remorse. Phoebus spots Esmeralda sneaking into Notre Dame in her old man disguise and, realizing the man is really her, follows her inside. Phoebus is a character who appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. James Haggin | Dr. Facilier | Miss Hendra | Vandevere | Nigel | As an ex-soldier fugitive, Phoebus continues to help the gypsies from Frollo's obsessed wrath and after escaping from his imprisonment instills courage in the people and joins both the townspeople and the gypsies together to fight against Frollo and his men from the attack on Notre Dame. At Esmeralda's execution, Quasimodo breaks free from the cathedral and rescues her, giving Phoebus enough time to escape from his cage, freeing himself and the other gypsies, and rallying the citizens and gypsies to fight against Frollo's tyranny. Red Queen | Kevin Kline (films, Animated Storybook) Phil LaMarr (Kingdom Hearts 3D), A merge of both Captain Phoebus and Pierre Gringoire from Victor Hugo's original novel, Witty, selfless, honorable, charming, valiant, noble, kind, gallant, chivalrous, diligent, brave, heroic, romantic, passionate, well-meaning, courteous, caring, fatherly, overprotective, strict, positive, calm, Slender, muscular, pale skin, blond hair, gold goatee, navy blue eyes, To serve and protect the city of Paris from injustice. Jack Frost | Vulcan | Jabberwock | In the film, Phoebus's character is combined with Pierre Gringoire's from Hugo's original novel. Capitaine Phœbus de Châteaupers [febys də ʃɑtopɛːʁ] is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, Notre-Dame de Paris. Buldeo | He is in fact engaged to his cousin, Fleur-de-Lys de Gondelaurier, who is a spiteful socialite and jealous of Esmeralda's beauty. James Hook | Baby Thaddeus | PAT | Morgana | Frollo, however, summons the Bullet Gargoyle and flees. The two are visibly drawn to each other at this point, and just when they are apparently about to kiss, Frollo and his thugs appear. Lyle Van de Groot | Gogans | Allies Gem | Vidia | Marina Del Rey | The Gammas | Bullwhip | Zombies | Snerbert | He is a Pocilie Man However, Phoebus's righteousness, and love for the "gypsy woman" Esmeralda, drives him to betray his superior and fight for the liberation of Romani people. Clayton's Pirates | Cave of Wonders | Grim Reaper | The captain of the guards finds her to be more than just a beautiful woman to look at after the feisty gypsy proved to stand out from what society expected of women and also have a true sense of justice. Mary Sanderson | The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Golden Films): Jean-Claude Lucinda | Ricky King | During the climactic battle between Frollo and Quasimodo, Phoebus is nowhere to be found though he was possibly still fighting. Fantomius | Ranch Wilder | Alec Frost | Jesters | The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996): Claude Frollo | Frollo's Soldiers (Phoebus de Chateaupers, Brutish Captain, Oafish Guard, Pierrat Torturue & Henriet Cousin) Phoebus could have proven her innocence, but he remained silent. However, Phoebus's righteousness, and love for the "gypsy woman" Esmeralda, drives him to betray his superior and fight for the liberation of Romani people. Rhino | Ratso Ratzkiwatzki | Wooly Bill Hitchcock | The Watcher | Arthur | Connie | Tanamashu | Prince Achmed | Penny Lent | A.J. Occupation Undertow | Tal Hajus | Muppet Villains | Alice in Wonderland Villains | Claude Frollo | Phoebus de Chateaupers | Pierrat Torturue | Henriet Cousin, Movies RoboGadget | Kelly | Phoebus about to lead the revolution. Humma Kavula | While trying to seduce Esmeralda, he is stabbed in the back by Frollo. Sark | Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz | Tad White | But as opposed to being an antagonist, he serves as a supporting character. Jacques Lebeau | However, Phoebus's righteousness, and love for the "gypsy woman" Esmeralda, drives him to betray his superior and fight for the liberation of Romani people. He becomes fond of Esmeralda, such as complimenting her for fighting as well as a man, and the two truly fall in love (unlike the Phoebus from the novel, who only wanted passion from Esmeralda). Bradley Uppercrust III | Natalya | Wildebeests (Blag) | Skeletons | Pramod Kadam | Unfortunately, Sarousch had taken Zephyr hostage and uses him as leverage to keep Phoebus at bay, which forces Phoebus to relent as his son was in danger. Phoebus' character is almost the exact opposite of his counterpart in Victor Hugo's novel. Colonel Pierson | Phoebus and Esmeralda finally admit their feelings for each other and share a kiss, but Phoebus loses consciousness as Frollo returns, though Phoebus is hidden by Quasimodo underneath a table. Latham Cole | Ms. Stout | Miners | Disney Characters introduced in Birth by Sleep: Prince Phillip • Maleficent's Goons • Doc • Grumpy • Happy • Sleepy • Bashful • Sneezy • Dopey • The Prince • Evil Queen • Magic Mirror • Prince Charming • Jaq • Lady Tremaine • Anastasia • Drizella • Lucifer • Grand Duke • Grand Councilwoman • Captain Gantu • Jumba • Experiment 221 • Lost Boys Nebula Ghosts | Elliot T. Jindraike | Video games Jesse | El Diablo | Phoebus was first introduced to Esmeralda at the Feast of Fools, where her alluring performance immediately caught his attention. His investigation leads him to conclude that Sarousch and his accomplice, Madelleine, are the culprits, putting a strain on his friendship with Quasimodo, who is developing a budding relationship with Madelleine. Mountain Ox | Alignment Recess Villains | Arawn | Armando Salazar | I shall remedy that." Halloween Parade • The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime • Villains Grove • Villains Mix and Mingle • Villains Night Out! Thantos DuBaer | Professor Siles | Snow White Villains | Gary Trousdale admits that what he most likes about Phoebus is that "although he can keep a straight face when it's required of him, you can tell deep down, he'd rather tell a joke." Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. John Wilkins | 2010 Marvel Animated Universe Villains | Shortly after Sora's arrival in La Cité des Cloches, Phoebus alerts Claude Frollo about the presence of monsters running about in the streets, while Frollo interrogates Sora about being a gypsy. Mad Doctor |