U ARE A GREAT MAN OF GOD BLESSED WITH GREAT WISDOM TO INSPIRE PEOPLE,PLS KEEP UP MAY THE FIRE NEVER DIE DOWN IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN.PLS MY NAME IS WILLIAMS ISICHEI FROM NIGERIA BY THE GRACE OF GOD I AM A PASTOR.I WILL LIKE US TO MINISTRY FRIENDS I WILL LOVE U TO BE MY MENTOR.I HAVE READ SOME OF UR BOOKS I KNOW FOR ABOUT TWO TIMES U HAVE BEEN TO NIGERIA SO PLS BE MY MENTOR AND MINISTRY FATHER. I love the metaphorical principles here and I thought I’d share. Always do your research well. M. Munroe,your biblical philosophy of the eagle is quite intresting and inspiring but would like to hear you respond on commentator #4.I am a Nigerian and also hold you as a mentor.Thanks. no wonder he is inspirational big time. #7 is false as well. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:2-4). Thank you Dr. Myles for allowing the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to use you to bless us with your wonderful teachings. I have always given you great respect because of who you are. I believe that if all professing Christians would learn these principles, then this world will be full of victorious sons and daughters of the Lord. The eagle signifies strength and we get our strength from God Most High. I believe that would make it a process not a one time deal. May God open your understanding to scripture. Did you ever think that maybe your heavenly Father is trying to teach you how to soar? She is scared to death, as she looks down below. Then, when my husband tried to move a seemingly forsaken baby bird from behind his truck, we found out that the parents were watching very close by, because they swooped at my husband, warning him to back off. user in his/her mind that how a user can know it. Dr u’re the blessing for this generation!m ore anointing Sir. Wsh I kud len mo abt Eagles. It really helps me know my faith and walk with Jesus. May God open your understanding to scripture. You are aware that you have an enemy of your soul, satan and his demons, who are dedicated to keeping you from soaring. What a lesson of life that continue to transform generations. This wolrd is a place were all can learn all and all from may things that is be created by God almight. May God bless you Dr. this is a great revelation to the people of God. The God creating the Earth thing is something that even the Bible can not decide on how it went. These are very good and up building characteristics of a natural strong bird and very up building principles of life from you Dr.Thank you so much,i wish many leaders especialy here in Africa could think in those lines. The sad fact about Christianity is that we have inherited teachings passed down from generation to generation without discovering anything ourselves and test these commonly held beliefs against our life. The reason I ask is because your layout seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something unique. dr myles, your books have helped me a lot in my perceptions of life. and understanding…. 9 – In Alchemy, the eagle was seen as a representation of the original matter at the start of the alchemical process; for the alchemists, the eagle fans the fire with its wings, encouraging the development of the new matter as it is created from the original matter. It is full of interesting information. Want u to mentor me.08076739828. Curious and Concerned on the other hand has their faith in which to steer him. You see, an eaglet cannot fall faster than her father can fly. .about trueness of bird behaviour visa ve human principles. I began collecting eagle figurines without totally knowing everything I needed to know about the eagle. Shrieking and bleeding they jump out again this time wondering why the mother and father who love them so much are torturing them. When an Eagle grows old, his feathers become weak and cannot take him as fast as he should. Having no option, we prayed and fasted for a united and strong ministry in Bahamas behind them. Eagles are large, powerful birds of prey. I’m fascinated by these wonderful inspirational teachings. wao wat an inspiring stry about eagles salute Dr myles, This deserves to be shared and commented: One of the most astonishing characteristics about eagle is the molting process they go through.The life span of an eagle is 70 years. Here is a collection of our favorite Bible verses about eagles. (It resembles the crow, but is larger weighing three pounds; its black color is more iridescent, and it is gifted with greater sagacity. THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN THIS. The image of God as an eagle is found throughout the Bible, but we see it most in the Old Testament. The Bible often uses the symbol of an eagle to portray strength, power, vision, and even destruction. Wow, interesting Dr. Myles. My country, Kenya, where Dr Myles made one of his last missions and moving sermons and interviews have made great bench mark for any given serious gospel preacher and teacher. They have amazing eyesight and can detect prey up to two miles away. Be Blessed too, indeed its a great quotes & inspiration, am also making a follow on how an eagle operates. Thank you very much. God bless and guide you tremendously But God said, when we wait (trust, hope) in the Lord, our strength will renew. Who can articulate eco-theology enough to resonate to ears of many who grossly inflict cruelty and abuse to these creatures? I fully believe that GOD has something to do with us & he is my savior. Please I will be happy to recieve an answer: who is an eagle. Dr Munroe’s work is good to the use of edifying the body of Christ. I just love 7 Principles of the Eagle, Dr Munroe you have a special from God to make things clear, folk might say they do not believe what you say, but they can never say they did not understand what you say//Rev. The storms in life that we as God’s royal eagles face are trials, tribulations and temptations (John 16:33; James 1:12). Hi Curious and Concerned, can you please share the results of your research on why the bible mentions the eagle as much as it does? God bless you. falls to the ground. In the bible, as a symbol of God, the eagle is given this plus omnipotence and sometimes symbolizes the strength of God’s faith, presumably due to its own strength; hence it often appears as the back of a pulpit lectern or as decoration in a church, on the font or elsewhere. , They are soul uplifting. God created everything as part of a wonderful web of life. Blog at WordPress.com. why is it that some people who dont have ideas always try to criticize others idea. Please, use my gmail account and send me updates. I reblogged this for me easy to reach out. He then brings it back to the female eagle. May God bless me with wisdom like yours amen. As a result, it turns up in symbolic form in many theologies and native belief systems, with a number of different meanings. This is a great one Dr. Monroe, more grace †̥☺ your elbow!! very inspiring and encouraging to found myself been an eagle with an attributes of eagle. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Anyway, inspite of these defects – the eagles is still the king of the bird kingdoms. for sure I will not be the same again. Junior Jones/Texas. Only government can take perfectly good paper, cover it with perfectly good ink and make the combination worthless. Therefore, the eagle can fly directly into the sun when a predator bird is in hot pursuit. Let us all study the Isaiah 40:31 and the characteristics of an eagle. Your enemy is blinded by the righteousness of the Son of God, and when you stay close to Jesus, you can escape the temptations and the flaming arrows of the evil one. Appreciate the recommendation. Thank you Mike. If you will, by faith, spread out those eagles’ wings, they will carry you on God’s Wind, His Spirit. I beleive the devil wants us to be tormented by our issues, But I’m here to torment the devil by living in faith and worshiping God. God gave the newly formed nation of Israel dietary laws to help set them apart from the pagan nations around them. It is true however, that they soar and use the air current. The best scientific information coming out of a study at the University of Az. I AM GOING TO SHARE WITH MY PEERS. clouds. When I heard of his pasing on with the wife…my wife and I cried out to the Lord….asking WHY LORD? You can leave a response, or trackback from your own […], Myles Munroe u live me with a big question to answer on this kingdom on earth God bless DT is the living a legacy here on earth. The male flies to earth and picks thorns and lays them on the crevice of the cliff, then flies to earth again to collect twigs which he lays in the intended nest. Kapa buys lots of book written by Mr Miles, and his favourate animal is an Eagle, this is amazing. i am blessed alot especially on the kingdom as a way of God. They begin to drop food all around this lifeless eagle in the valley. So inspired by this message. Caivalry greetings to you in the name of our lord JESUS in whomb we obtained mercy. Stay away from sparrows and ravens. 1 – Because of its size and sheer majesty, the eagle is, of course, seen as the ‘king’ of birds. As we face the stormy wind of afflictions in life, the Holy Spirit helps us lock our mind in a fixed position with the grace of God through faith in the finished work of the Cross, which helps us not to spend our energy but just stay in the storm and enjoy the lift and height of heavenly mindedness in a greater and greater altitude (1 Cor 10:13; Eph 6:16; 1 Peter 5:9-10; Phil 4:7). May God will continue to unfold his goodness from his throne.I am so blessed. The Dr. Is so inspirational. I thank you DR. If so how do you protect against it, any plugin or anything you can suggest? That;s the spirit your ministry has pushed in me! We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. We shall reap (divine promise), if we faint not. got much clear idea about from this piece of writing. THIS IS A LIFE CHANGING AND INSPIRING MESSAGE. Other wise a next life want become as egle . Please Dr. ( Log Out /  When an eagle … 13:1-2) but also, when storms approach, eagles can fly far above the storms, indicating that God is never affected by conditions of weather or circumstance. My FREE Bible Study Worksheets can help you! a human being comes second compared to an eagle through vission,and sensoring.