Unlike many second marriages, where there is nothing but nonstop tension between the first and the second wife, Kamala Harris and Kerstin Emhoff are actually very good friends. Despite not having children of her own, and despite coming into their lives when they were adults, Kamala Harris has a great relationship with her step-children. In fact, he frequently posts social media updates where he's featured spending quality "father/child" time with his two offspring. Her brother Cole Emhoff just graduated from Colorado College. The siblings were born during Douglas’ marriage to film producer Kerstin Emhoff. Here's just a glimpse at the familial relationship that Harris has with her stepchildren, of whom she says, "They are my endless source of love and pure joy (via Marie Claire). Je suis dans l'action. According to his LinkedIn page, Cole graduated Colorado College in 2017 with a Bachelor's degree in psychology and works as an executive assistant at Plan B in Los Angeles. Cole works in Los Angeles at music company Plan B, having graduated from Colorado College, and Ella is a student at Parsons School of Design in New York City, where she supports her studies by taking commissions for knitwear. Ella Emhoff. But of all the titles she's held — prosecutor, senator, presidential candidate, and now, vice-presidential hopeful — she said that it's the title "momala" that she loves the most...which is the nickname that her step-children have given her. pic.twitter.com/7gV1ogzMx2, — Douglas Emhoff (@douglasemhoff) March 23, 2019. New Details On The Man Who Rushed The Stage And Took Mic Away From Kamala Harris​, when Harris came into their lives — in 2018, she wore Converse sneakers and brought them cookies, she said about her relationship with Kerstin, she is an aunt to her sister Maya's children, Who Is Anna Paulina? New Details On The Conservative Youth Organization Leader — And Her Run-In With Kamala Harris​, 8 Unromantic (But Real) Signs You've Found The Love Of Your Life, How Tall Is Barron Trump? She went on to co-found the production company Prettybird. Cole and Ella Emhoff are the stepchildren of Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris from her marriage to Douglas Emhoff. The term “stepmom” soon evolved into “momala” - a play on her name, and also the Yiddish term “mamaleh”, meaning little mama. Instagram. Congratulations to Kamala Harris on her historic nomination! In an essay she wrote for Elle, she explained, "I was determined not to insert myself in their lives until Doug and I had established we were in this for the long haul. Brooklyn-born, New Jersey-raised, and living in California from 11th grade, Emhoff had married his first wife, Kerstin, in 1992. Nous sommes devenues un duo de pom-pom girls sur les bancs lors des concours de natation et matchs de basket-ball d'Ella, c'est gênant pour elle. Cole and Ella Emhoff are Douglas Emhoff's children from his first marriage to Kerstin Emhoff. Emhoff was an assistant at William Morris Endeavor before becoming an executive assistant at Plan B Entertainment. As of just a few minutes ago, presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has announced that he has chosen Kamala Harris as his running mate. GIPSY DAUGE The California Senator has recently written about the joys and struggles of being a stepmother to her two children, Cole and Ella. 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Harris and Emhoff married in 2015, and she has described her family as “pure joy” - relishing their Sunday dinners, and childhood sports matches, and time spent together. Doug Emhoff has a great relationship with his kids, too. She's never really discussed why she never had children of her own — either by choice or by circumstance — but she has written a children's book in the past with her niece Meena Harris, and she is an aunt to her sister Maya's children (including her niece, Meena, the founder of the Phenomenal Women's Action Campaign). They had two children - Cole, now 26, and Ella, now 21, named for jazz greats John Coltrane and Ella Fitzgerald. History in the making! If Biden does, indeed, win the election, he will live in the White House. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Her net worth is estimated to be $500 thousand as she shares the net worth of her parents which is around $5.8 million. As much as I want to be at the rally in Texas today, Ella wanted a Daddy/Daughter Spring Break weekend in DC. “Votez !” : Eva Longoria et Kristen Stewart s’engagent avant la présidentielle, Joe Biden : sa femme a été mannequin… comme Melania Trump, Joe Biden dans la tourmente : sa femme Jill accusée d'adultère, Les Miss France en deuil : disparition cruelle pour Sylvie Tellier, Jean-Jacques Bourdin se pensait hors antenne : sa petite remarque à Marion Maréchal, Le tout dernier cadeau de Grégory Lemarchal à Karine Ferri, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès : un hacker bouleverse l’affaire, Filip Nikolic (2Be3) : à 15 ans, sa sublime fille Sasha fait sensation sur Instagram. Ella and Cole Emhoff When Kamala started seriously dating Doug Emhoff, she took meeting his two children with his first wife, film producer Kerstin Emhoff, very thoughtfully.