We have all been in that car with someone too proud to ask … Being resourceful is the second defining element of emotional strength. No matter what's going on in your life right now, Hold your peace! Transportation led me to independence. Whether you need help with a specific project or just an ear to share your thoughts or ideas, don’t be afraid to take that step and reach out to others; more often than not, people will be happy to help you and you will help them feel validated (people are always proud when someone thinks of them for help on specific subject matters). Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. Search. The lesson: Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Asking opens the door to the last step: to receive graciously. Let this be the sign that you've a big heart and you are not afraid to let others see it. Showing search results for "Asking For Help A Sign Of Strength" sorted by relevance. Asking for help is a sign of STRENGTH not WEAKNESS. The point of balance will be different for each person. "Vera Farmiga and Paranormal Investigator Lorraine Warren Talk THE CONJURING, the Nature of Evil, Their Relationship, and More". Asking for help is not a burden nor a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of humanness. Remaining calm in adversity is a sign of great spiritual strength. However, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Our family and friends serve as our foundational support structure. ***What if you decided to Keep Looking for Successes in your life...? Don't jump to conclusions and assume that the person we want to ask will not be in a position to help. It's a sign that you have a Big Heart... and that you aren't afraid to let others see it. It's a privilege to see the human side of Johnny. The Journal Catalogs all of the goings-on around shift; highlights our extraordinary members; recommends things to do around Denver; and explores holism in business, Why Asking for Help is not a Sign of Weakness, 10 Summer Day Trips Worth the Inbox Pileup, Shift Member Spotlight: Paul Fread, Design and Operations Manager of Original Roots, Shift Member Spotlight: Meredith Wenskoski, Owner of Livable Cities Studio, Shift Member Feature: Danny Burns, Business Development Manager of TOKY, FOR EVENTS , NEWS, AND PROMOTIONS, SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER. Please Register or Login to post new comment. "The only shoes you can walk in are your own," she says. In a world where people expect problems to be solved fast, surrounding yourself with people who can help you in different situations is highly valuable. Doesn't it amaze you at times when people do things to help you? Oftentimes we are afraid to ask for help. Never hesitate to show your own staff that you need help. But asking for help with gratitude says: (Saying) 'glory to God,' 'praise be to God,' 'there is no deity but God,' enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf (until you understand them), leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the weak with the strength of one's arms - all of these are (forms of) charity prescribed for you. Put things in perspective. I just wanted to be free. I could drive just for the fun of it. I have the power over you. During two years of rehabilitation, I have seen tremendous progress and a return of my independence. Learn the art of asking for help to empower and motivate others, and you will have learned a very powerful management strategy. Many people assume that admitting ignorance about and asking for help in understanding specific things is somehow a sign of weakness and a public declaration that one is uninformed, incompetent or outright dim-witted. www.imdb.com. One of the biggest defects in life is the inability to ask for help. Acknowledging this is not a sign of weakness, but struggling alone is a choice to grow weak. However, asking for help can’t just be about you. Denise Rezsonya, Created by: Sissy Gavrilaki, couragestrengthattitudemotivationallifequoteeffortproblemscharacter, Created by: Zaira Khan, Created by: <> Anatone, Created by: Seth Godin, Individuals, organizations, brands and leaders all have a chance to be strong. If you need help with a project or idea and don’t know where to ask, reach out to the Shift community. It is not one or the other; it is both. However, fear of asking for help isn’t just fear of not being capable, it’s also fear of being a burden, fear of imposing, and fear of being too needy. To many, it is obvious by the wheelchair that I can use extra assistance. Brian Tracy from Jul 31, 2012. Asking for help is also a sign of humanness and it can make you more approachable in the future; if you’re a leader in your company and community and you step forward and ask for help, people around you will feel more comfortable in reaching out to you in their times of need. It isn't a sign of weakness to need love; it takes far more strength to open your heart than to close it. “Ask for the rope to get out of the hole you might be … We often think that admitting struggle is a sign of weakness, but we all struggle sometimes. It had taken two years in order to develop the strength and skill set needed to get on an airplane, maneuver in the community, and care for myself in a hotel. Maggie is the General Manager at our Littleton location. If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. You just give them a chance to be as good as they really are.". A strength that expands your network and opens you up to increased opportunities. Maggie, a resident of Colorado since 2008, is an expert in the field of performing arts and musical theater. In a talk about perspective, Sullivan shares stories full of wit and wisdom and reminds us that we're all part of each other's support systems.