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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a more negative impact on activity in the first half of 2020 than anticipated, and the recovery is projected to be more gradual than previously forecast. endstream endobj startxref Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. h޼W�n�8�>&Xdy'E��K�ۤ]�i����J"�#�R4�3�K�4����"��Ù9I &��V2)%���QO3i5���P�2�"�9�]3晑͊�9�X K���@V�a��HG�0'�&C��&�1�0�}cV����5����iA��Lk�ٛ7|<8�'��+uq�쐏g0�X��������d\.���`��c>)��i���L�_�A6*��g�U'�Ǹ]^m��=�[��:c��. Forecasts for the UK economy: a comparison of independent forecasts. Unemployment is forecast to peak at 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2020. h޼Wmo�8�+����ӻdC��,kpk�K�u��^�ƥv���_.����0�e�"�|DGZ�L�3bRJ&�Ñ�K#X�͜b����v͜aFF4���@#�Bdh�Y���iJґ�k�qh$S���8C���,���Q�k� endstream endobj 15005 0 obj <>/Metadata 223 0 R/Pages 14999 0 R/StructTreeRoot 294 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 15028 0 R>> endobj 15006 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 34/Tabs/S/Thumb 221 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 15007 0 obj <>stream 24157 0 obj <> endobj The tables below summarise the average and range of independent forecasts for 2020 and 2021 and show the average of this month’s new forecasts. compiled by the Macroeconomic Co-ordination & Strategy Team 15049 0 obj <>stream Laurence Boone, the OECD’s chief economist, played down the significance of the UK contracting by the biggest margin in its 2020 economic outlook. The UK economy is heading for its worst crash in more than 300 years because of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new forecast from the Bank of England. In 2021 global growth is projected at 5.4 percent. FORECASTS FOR THE UK ECONOMY This edition of the comparison contains 18 new forecasts, all of which were received between August 3rd and August 13th 2020. 0 Global growth is projected at –4.9 percent in 2020, 1.9 percentage points below the April 2020 World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast. The watchdog’s best case scenario still sees GDP fall by 10.6% this year and unemployment peak at 9.7%. READ MORE: UK economy shrinks by one-fifth under coronavirus lockdown. h�b```����e ��������1�� H��޼�KШ�mS�#�K�L��l�i[�+�=x}�%yl�OM�v;�v���@��Z�qE�������k=�̐��S��a�������й e�߁d�`CGCFGCupt` @�'�f��*d�E�X ��x>v�U�ߏJG_=�71��>�"��CG�/�s�3\`v�9`�|�o��;�yc5KG�,�2pl�d �0��&#x"X�z@����X� �)LW��E2pU��� � {� %%EOF H��WYo]�~����R�{�!�[a\����KZVч (Վ[�rk�H�����s��4~.l��!9��7+/^���]x��⏯�~go�__�_|s��!�����U8��?�ׇ�_�Ks��իn>�Y��O7w���1��',���@5\�=�K�#ԸD����Y��b,)F�7f|�����FΆMt5'�n�����XF��HmI�� 1?������}K�_��q���S����r=�?�і�: �+����6Ю^���B����7�^]��AP$A��Rh�B���1BI�pi=q7�����;cH %PDF-1.7 %���� ��W�ołi��4�5�5L\#�p}|�cHU����H�-=r��ߝ}u~�Kg>��ޜ)��F&R8{���Xd�����tg��y\�1�e`��yZ(���Iɶ�@ނ��܉�K���1��� �~�S!����_�ސ�h��&q���OO�(M������ ~Y3)F���L��"����Hb��-Y)lh����O��q���ɦ��؁�@�N( ��3u�� N?����S?�f��y ��с��U��VKr8��>���6�2�2/�%��ռ��TT���#MB�-�a���N���4�`"���+�� �$�X,W6.˥������)&Ky�\���j|��%Ot����2i��� ?�ں�ͽ3����(�id��ݲ���Xx�x����TՌ���PQr���Y�5#��8���.�9.�����x. endstream endobj startxref 15004 0 obj <> endobj ���_KJ\5��R# X�:n"��u�"��ܝHk ���f�^)f��0QOG�����%&���^�Ě�*�3�����Z�,�V�:�H,pʢm+jBa�E@h& .�l��d�`�` b$eTl�K�fqs۴�yΟM�R?hT�儾��޻����H�Ey^䠔Q�ݿ;�IwvV�u�D������O��>����"ow4+�i������\�?ˈ�F�"v��"�*&V�pE#"����i�I,�GZ���H�5��6:�$��� P����t䃇r��l+��-2N�ZN2�& -���m ;>��#�̀נMb>��i���.� ,L��*]W��r{���h�䟂�HƠ=e�����4���"��M��~������2�e����f�˟2O�����*ۂ��������ϲ뼪���U�%;���f���4 �j��>J7'Y~}S3g�̑ҎO��u�d8,��GR[�bRi�����������j�=.��|�QJ�&�8v��f�����b�G�b���y����M�&�h�!��N��rP\C�!uv����U�6���n�d��c�Q屍G����k��l��`a|Q���O� �|��L 0 O ur latest Regional Economic Forecast reveals the UK economy is expected to strengthen over the coming months but the geographic imbalances between the North and South of England will widen over the next three years unless a new approach to policy is adopted.. Economic forecasts Summer 2020 Economic Forecast: A deeper recession with wider divergences The EU economy will experience a deep recession this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, despite the swift and comprehensive policy response at both EU and national levels. The European economy is now in its seventh consecutive year of growth and is forecast to continue expanding in 2020 and 2021. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. endstream endobj 24161 0 obj <>stream 398 September 2020. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development now predicts a decline of 4.5% in 2020, versus the 6% drop forecast in June. It means it no longer expects the UK … endstream endobj 24158 0 obj <>/Metadata 328 0 R/Pages 24153 0 R/StructTreeRoot 393 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 24181 0 R>> endobj 24159 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 47/Tabs/S/Thumb 326 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 24160 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.7 %����