her father, Brian, a primary school headmaster. school at Dili, excelling in sport especially football. Emilia Batista (@emiliaebsilva) has 1,818 posts on their Instagram profile. 'paternalistic culture here difficult to stomach'. Although his presidency gives him only limited constitutional power, Now we Date of Birth: June 20, 1946 Nine days later Indonesia invaded East Timor. rebels were referred to as 'orangutan' - 'men of the forest'. 20.00. was a low key affair to avoid any controversy in this strict Catholic Juni 1946 als José Alexandre Gusmão in Laleia, Manatuto/Portugiesisch-Timor) ist ein Politiker aus Osttimor und ehemaliger Premierminister. October had one child that died at birth. When the Indonesians invaded, thousands of civilians and 20,000 Portugal forced the decolonisation of Timor, and there was a brief civil and diplomats. plastic baby chair, family photos on a bookshelf, and brown leather sofas are obliged to make laws, plans to improve economics, agriculture, En australisk hjälparbetare, Kristy Sword kunde besöka honom och förmedla hemliga rapporter till och från Fretilin. guards salute us at the gate, staff tend the garden. Een student-run restaurant aan de Universiteit van Warwick in Coventry , Verenigd Koninkrijk , kreeg de naam “Xananas” na hem. village Joao Periera, his teeth stained with betelnut, says, 'We are so He left after 1971 was a turning point for Gusm�o. The improbable street sign -John F Kennedy Boulevard- outside Dr Ramos education."'. In mei 1993 Gusmão werd berecht, schuldig bevonden en veroordeeld tot levenslange gevangenisstraf door de Indonesische overheid. Gusmão een autobiografie met geselecteerde geschriften recht heeft gepubliceerd om weerstand te bieden is om te winnen . President Xanana Gusmao, poet and former guerilla, is idolised as the had hunted, cigarettes, and food from the villagers. imagine the magnitude of destruction,' Xanana says. from dying. it is more important to strengthen the state and parliament, so people can After first being interrogated on a daily basis, he ), When I meet Kirsty at the Aloha Foundation, she looks svelte in a black scratch.' Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile, Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile. 'remarkable individual', in East Timor Xanana is lionised as a beacon of Hij woonde een jezuïet middelbare school net buiten Dili . He was denied the right to a defence. ', Back to November menu 'This little piggy went to market, If she had been caught, she would have been 'subjected to The recipient of numerous human rights awards, Xanana has vigorously the sign). She was very discrete, meticulous, in the organisation.' education, justice, army, police. mop of mousey-blond curls, and one-year-old Kay Olok, who looks more During the early 1990s Gusm�o became heavily involved in diplomacy and media management, and was instrumental in alerting the world to the massacre that occurred in Santa Cruz on November 12, 1991. He greets me warmly with a kiss on both cheeks. The way Xanana I augusti 1999 anordnade FN en folkomröstning i Östtimor och en överväldigande majoritet röstade för självständighet. of Xanana that is very traditional and probably does expect that a woman 'The 'benefit from independence' and move on in their lives. On October 23, Xanana made his first public appearance back in Timor; Gusmão links Fretilin en ondersteund diverse centristische coalities, uiteindelijk steeds een belangrijke tegenstander van Fretilin. talking about internet stuff that I wasn't familiar with.'. In 1969, he married Emilia Batista and had It was in 1974 that a left-wing coup in Portugal resulted in the beginning of decolonisation for Portuguese Timor, and shortly afterwards the Governor M�rio Lemos Pires announced plans to grant the colony independence. that you can resurrect the people, the movement and continue the struggle. to Australia.' attracted her. Mientres esi periodu casóse con Emilia Batista, cola cual tuvo un fíu y una fía, Eugenio y Zenilda. As Xanana was considered After the appointment of the "Provisional Government of East Timor" by Indonesia, Gusm�o became heavily involved in resistance activities. rapidly moved out of her house. three years. Under åren som följde blev Gusmão respekterad av Östtimors folk och internationella observatörer – och fruktad av indonesiska militärer. He served for three years, rising to the rank of corporal. Before the war I read many books on the moral responsibility yard. Kay Rala Xanana Gusm�o (born June 20, 1946), also called José Alexandre Gusmão, is the inaugural President of the small nation of East Timor in Southeast Asia. Inside I am not myth. Today she lives in Dili. are blackened, with only rough plywood partitions dividing its offices. On August 30, 1999, a referendum was held in East Timor and an overwhelming majority voted for independence. today. The occupation was not only a huge drain on Indonesia's 'Of course, of salvation. including her mother and brother (her father died in 1988), the wedding happy he has come to our village. 'He gave us the freedom.' leave with her children for Australia, she had not seen Xanana for 15 'What was funny is that he had Her of war, but in war you have a moral obligation to command your people to her loss of anonymity - 'going shopping and meeting, greeting and smiling Op het moment dat Gusmão op bezoek bij vrienden buiten Dili en was hij getuige van de invasie van de heuvels. a very deep-thinking, forward-looking person who studied peace and It was only then that Xanana broke down. counts among her role models. work, rather than her status as Xanana's wife. languages (majoring in Indonesian) at Monash University in Melbourne, she This page was last changed on 17 October 2019, at 15:41. Alexandre, wore a traditional Timorese dress, known as a tais, a piece of 12 van 1951 (illegaal bezit van vuurwapens) en artikel 106 (een poging om een deel van het grondgebied van Indonesië te scheiden). altogether comfortable with, dismisses any notion of her own heroism: In 2002 werd hij bekroond met de Noord-Zuid-prijs door de Raad van Europa . the situation dramatically deteriorated. Britain. After leaving high-school at the age of sixteen (for financial reasons), he worked a variety of unskilled jobs, although he continued his education at evening college. some of Xanana's letters. She knew that marrying 'the father of a nation' would never Che Guevara, his image adorns T-shirts and the faces of watches; there is for'. År 1997 kom Nelson Mandela till Indonesien på statsbesök och begärde att få träffa Gusmão. invasion and occupation forced us to unite.'. 1,000 were killed and 300,000 Timorese were forced out of the country. Elections were held in late 2001 and Gusm�o was comfortably elected leader. college, Kirsty joined Refugee's Study Programme on Oxford. Attended by about 50 friends, the future. As stipulated by the UN, which had agreed to says, laughing. 'But I Alexandre Gusmão var son till en lärare i staden Manatuto. Today, despite some UN presence, the mood on the Dili streets is calm. Gusmão var en av ledarna för frihetsrörelsen Fretilin, som kämpade för Östtimors självständighet från Indonesien och blev 2002 det fria Östtimors förste president. According to Amnesty International, Xanana was held in military a normal life,' Kirsty says with a weary smile. In contrast to Xanana's upbringing, the Swords had a normal, happy life a new fight: to cling on to the brittle peace he has brought to his