7. One in five has a diagnosed mental illness, while substance abuse issues at work continue to be an issue. When a large outstanding bill remains uncollected for a long period of time, production can easily be disrupted. turnover. For example, imagine a mother who just learned that her teenage daughter is struggling with substance abuse. In the same Paychex survey, 69.3% of employees reported difficulty getting out of bed to go to work when their stress workload is high. A study conducted at Mesa Petroleum, for pain, and cardiac conditions. Attridge says EAPs' effectiveness is ultimately up to the employer. How do I start an employee assistance program? instance, people who have high blood pressure are 68 percent more likely ANSWER:  Constantly remind workers it’s there, give employees easier access, and leverage your advocates. Most companies offer employee assistance programs, yet EAP utilization averages below 10 percent, according to multiple studies, consultants and human resource professionals. Two-thirds of full-time workers say they’re burned out, and those who aren’t are struggling in other ways. For workers, employee assistance programs can be a much-needed outlet to seek help. Companies that implement EAPs have documented improvements in worker Here's what we found out. Supervisors and managers are responsible for confronting employees about unsatisfactory as well as acceptable but deteriorating performance, and referring such employees to the EAP when appropriate. Van Den Bergh, Nan, ed. 17, no. The following section contains some generalizations when describing the types of plans offered in EAPs, realizing that large companies can afford to provide employees a wider range of programs. Tech solutions have been a focus of most EAPs in recent years, and the newer companies that have sprung up say embracing different modalities to provide services sets them apart from older competitors. Feeling stressed or overworked, an inability to achieve sufficient work/life balance, and not having access to resources are some of the reasons why employees choose to leave a job. "The Cost-Effectiveness EAPs grew out of industrial alcoholism programs of the 1940's. var currentLocation = getCookie("SHRM_Core_CurrentUser_LocationID"); Business owners may have the very same concerns at this time, but there are things you can do to help alleviate some of the burdens your employees are facing. Privacy Policy, Disclaimers & Copyright elinfonet.com, LLC • P.O. For example, employees nationwide are currently dealing with stress as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, whether they are working at home and contending with work/life balance, are dealing with health issues, need to take care of kids, or are working long hours as part of an essential business. Housing / Relocatio… Prepaid by employers and made available to employees at no cost, employee assistance programs provide workers with on-demand assessments, counseling, specialist referrals, and follow-up services to help with personal or work-related problems affecting their job performance. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China "); "It increases employees' options," he says. In certain cases, EAP programs can directly help a company resolve ongoing issues. "Just knowing that can be a powerful incentive and hasten an The purpose of an employee assistance program, or EAP, is to help workers that might be experiencing either a personal, or work-related, problem to gain access to valuable counseling services. Compensation and Benefits Report. There are signs that companies are rethinking their approaches. If a worker is experiencing performance issues or discloses personal problems to an employer, a referral to an EAP resource may be appropriate. Or anxious. They Save Money and Create Opportunities to Participate in Management Employee assistance programs. EAPs have remained in employers' benefits packages despite low usage because they're relatively inexpensive. heart disease, respiratory problems, hypertension) that can be caused by XYZ Company's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to assist our employees with personal challenges that may affect their on the job performance. When you layer this on top of the numerous issues that may already be keeping employees from work — being caregivers for children and parents, or getting sick themselves — absenteeism can become a serious issue. Employee Assistance Programs: What Works and What Doesn't. Beyond the technology, these companies provide a greater number of counseling sessions than their more established counterparts. When life's challenges outpace your employees' ability to cope, it can negatively impact both their performance and productivity. The State of California’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) includes: • Services that can help employees address their problems and improve their health and well-being . The Journal of Employee Assistance Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. Companies such as Lyra and Spring Health are using technology as part of what they say is a more evidence-based approach to mental health care. Published Dec. 05, 2019 by Just answer a few questions and we'll be in touch shortly. Laurie participation in a wellness program increases productivity and reduces Surveys indicate that between 50 and 80 percent of large Like many EAPs, the company's former provider included services such as crisis management and training. Tags: While the Company has no intention of intruding into the private lives of its employees, we recognize the personal problems may eventually take their toll on job performance. tests to determine cardiovascular fitness. The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) has a great write-up on other laws you should know about, including those at the state level. health education, and preventative medicine that includes: Employee wellness programs can be quite effective. Policy Statement   1. However, a combination of a health insurance plan and an EAP could be useful to your organization and appreciated by employees. Paychex is committed to providing resources to the Spanish-speaking community. Below are a few examples of employee wellness initiatives that can be adopted in the workplace: 1. With the impact of COVID-19, the way we work has changed forever — and so has the way we learn. When you consider the true cost of losing an employee (impact on morale, productivity loss, cost of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding a new person), investing in an EAP to help with retention begins to make a lot of sense. Ready to get started? Before you do, keep the following regulatory factors in mind to stay in compliance. EAPs also play an important role in the prevention of and intervention in "Completing the There are additional benefits of an employee assistance program for employers. If your provider doesn’t offer these services, reach out to other vendors to discuss their offerings. Despite record-low unemployment and modest wage growth, the U.S. workforce is not OK. 33, no. About the Author - Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). Finally, running a good assistance program demonstrates to employees they are valued by their employers.