Seizures, a rhythmic shaking of the limbs, look very different from an arch of frustration. Whether it’s a chronic problem or a once in a while occurrence, babies can have problems keeping their meal down. For a baby whose back arching is rooted in emotional distress, this is a sure-fire way of getting her to stop. They might be able to not only give you a definitive answer, but provide advice, medications, or treatments to help solve your baby’s problem. The baby laughed as his mom gave an animated reading of the story, showing off a few tiny bottom teeth growing in. Sandifer's is often mistaken for seizures. Some common causes include, enlarged tonsils, enlarged tongue, and other birth defects. , the airway of the child is partially blocked. The following are six of the most common times babies will arch their backs. If your infant is arching their back, seems uncomfortable, and is difficult to console, consult a doctor as soon as possible. For all you nervous new parents, know that infants get uncomfortable. Knowing a reason, even one that you are unable to fix, can at least prevent you from worrying about the unknown. Jaundice is fairly common, occurring in about three out of every five newborns (12). Is your baby repeatedly arching their back seemingly without being able to control it? That cashier may be scary. You may never figure out what prompted your child to arch. Yes, they may sleep through a vacuum running right next to them at certain times, but they may also decide all of a sudden that their outfit is entirely too scratchy, too warm, or too pink. What Do I Do? In some rare cases, the bilirubin levels get much higher than usual, and do not go down on their own or with treatment, and it’s in these cases that kernicterus is a concern. Note from Dr. Leah Alexander, M.D., F.A.A.P. She has been an independently contracted pediatrician with Medical Doctors Associates at Pediatricare Associates of New Jersey since 2005. Babies born with this abnormality are typically able to eat and drink normally, but they experience very noisy breathing. Or pick it up now. The good news with colic is that it usually clears up on its own when your baby is around three to four months of age. One of the symptoms of this is involuntary muscle spasms resulting in the baby arching its back severely. Required fields are marked *, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to They also have problems reading facial expressions and cues (7). As they practice this most new and amazing ability, the baby will try out all sorts of different positions. As anyone who has tried holding a leg down while changing a diaper knows, babies are able to flex their muscles with quite a bit of resistance. After graduating from Kalamazoo College and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, she completed her pediatric residency at Overlook and Morristown Memorial Hospitals. There's no confusing the two, says Sears. This reflex is normal in the first few months of life, but if the arching is very frequent or exaggerated, and there are delays in development, a neurologic disorder is something to consider. Note from Dr. Leah Alexander, M.D., F.A.A.P. Aside from in disorders like Pierre-Robin Syndrome, or Down Syndrome, infants don’t get obstructive sleep apnea. Honestly, if kernicterus occurs, it is most likely due to the infant being born in a situation where he/she is not receiving medical care, or due to medical negligence.”. Kernicterus is a rare type of brain damage that can occur in babies suffering from severe jaundice (11). Too full? Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor. If you’re still struggling with your baby arching their back, take a moment, breathe deep, and realize this is not your fault. Early in the queen's 68-year-reign, she decided that descendants not in close, direct line to the throne would carry both the Mountbatten name and the Windsor dynasty name. Parents should be sure to take their infant to all recommended well check ups so that developmental milestones can be assessed for signs of concern. If you have a mellow attitude and disposition, your baby will feel it and respond accordingly. We’re not going to let you fight this battle alone. If your baby cries for long periods of time for no obvious reason, draws their legs up to their stomach, clenches their fist, or arches their back while crying, colic might be the answer. Does it happen as your baby’s legs stretch out and their arms bend? In this case, it would be to avoid physical contact, and they are having a difficult time interpreting why you are picking them up. However, it could also be a sign of developmental impairments such as neurological and physical disorders. It’s caused by brain damage occurring either during pregnancy or shortly after birth. She explains that fit and hold problems are the most common cause of backarching, breast refusal, difficulty latching, and fussiness during breastfeeding. By figuring out the most likely times the arching occurs, you can take steps to prevent it. We'd love you to read The Discontented Little Baby Book before you have your baby. Besides being yellow, babies suffering from kernicterus might be lethargic with weak muscle tone, not feed well, and have a high-pitched cry along with irritability and arching of their backs. However, there are plenty of ways you can try to comfort your child if the cause is something more commonplace. Hopefully this article has relieved some of your worrying by providing a list of common causes for babies and infants to arch their backs. Photo about Cute baby kitten arching its back isolated on white background. If your baby is arching her back during playtime, it might mean she is fatigued and wants to take a nap. She had started doing it from, i think, three to four months of age. Harry could be heard mimicking duck sounds from the other side of the camera. The room may be too cold. You name it, your baby might not like it. If this is the case, your baby might be trying to communicate their pain through their movements. Back arching is often informative of a baby’s body language development, as she might be trying to tell you something through this unusual display. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. “There he was squirming around, smiling and just being a regular little boy. The reasons why infants arch their back could range from emotional to physical pain and even to certain serious medical conditions. Dr. Jansheski is the mother to three sons, has sponsored a young girl in India for the past 7 years and has also devoted her time to a new charity that she founded, Helping Hands M.D. The good news is there are plenty of perfectly normal reasons why this behavior occurs. The back arching is typical of painful reflux along with discomfort when lying in a supine position. Decoding Baby Crying (8 Types of Crying You Might Hear), How to Find the Best Gripe Water for Your Gassy Baby, How to Treat Newborn Chapped Lips (4 Ways To Help), Can I Give My Baby Pedialyte? You can even try giving your baby a relaxing back massage. In the meantime, read up on colic for some tips and tricks on how to deal with it, both for your baby and for your own sanity. Central sleep apnea is typically what occurs due to brain immaturity. This means when you don’t know what’s going on with your baby and you’re concerned enough to consider going to the doctor, then you probably should go. (Keep Them Safe! The seizures are very difficult to control, even with medication, and babies with this condition are at a greater risk for developmental delays. Look, Arch," Meghan said as he attempted to turn the pages backward. Every parent and doctor you meet has a different theory on what causes colic, and they all may be correct to some extent. The movement can be done repetitively, or only very seldom. Prince William and Duchess Kate of Cambridge wished their nephew a "very happy first birthday" Wednesday on Instagram, sharing a photo from his christening last July. First, let’s go over a basic description of the behavior. Babies who are cuddled often tend to sleep better, have less stress, and even have more stable heart rates. Is it normal for my baby to breastfeed for only a few minutes at a time? Although the appearance may be very similar, the causation of each type of arching is unique. "Virtually all babies go through this phase," says Bob Sears, a pediatrician in San Clemente, California, and the author of many parenting books, including his latest, The Vaccine Book. I heard duck sounds,'" she read. Don’t hesitate to contact your baby’s doctor. Since Cerebral Palsy includes numerous dramatic and clear signs, back arching may not be related in all cases. . If not, don’t worry. Pay attention to what your child is trying to tell you. Some theories are that it is gas or poor digestion, an immature nervous system, or a sensitive temperament, but the reason for it is still unknown. Many parents don’t know the difference and don’t realized that “spit ups” without pain are normal. Dr. Gina Jansheski is a board-certified pediatrician with over 20 years of experience treating infants and children of all ages in many different settings. It can be accompanied by neck muscle flexes as well, causing a full torso and head curve to form. Hi there My daughter is 19 weeks old and yesterday started arching her back. 'Wait a second, did you hear that? If your baby arches its back when it is being held, as if trying to get away from you, autism in its early stages is a possible cause to consider (8). There are countless different early signs of autistic behaviors, and this article isn’t exactly the most suitable place to go over them right now. This disorder can be terrifying, both for the child and the parent. Depending on how bad your baby’s reflux is, your doctor might recommend a special thickened formula or even an acid reflux medication. An even more pronounced version of this is GERD (. This disorder can be terrifying, both for the child and the parent. "Be ready to hold on tight," advises Sears. We really need your help, so that we can As they can’t communicate through words, this is one of the means they have of expressing their annoyance or anger. While obesity is usually the cause in adults, there is a range of other possible culprits in babies. But the thing we do best is worry. This certainly sounds scary, but is usually not a dangerous problem. “It might mean he has reflux, especially when the arched back is combined with crying,” she says. Any other trauma, such as a fall or abusive behavior, could just as easily cause some form of nerve damage. The Postpartum Struggle is Real – Here’s How You Can Deal With It, Foster Care Adoption – Cost, Requirements and Rules, 100 Beautiful Arabic Baby Names for Girls With Meanings, Must-have Pumping Essentials for Breastfeeding Moms, Nursing Necklaces for Mom and Baby – Types & Benefits, Newborn Belly Button Bleeding – Causes and Caring Tips, 8 Personality Traits of March-born Babies That Make Them Special. Think of it as a more intense version of acid reflux. Fortunately, household head injuries are rarely medically traumatic. Simply put, back arching is when your baby flexes their back muscles. We also nurture, teach, feed and clean our little bundles of responsibilities. If your baby is arching significantly and crying during or right after a feeding, gastroesophageal reflux could be the cause. If you notice that your child is arching her back, read this to know what could be the reason behind it: While the above-mentioned reasons are worth looking into, sometimes back arching in babies may not indicate a serious condition.