D. None of these 7. www is based on which model? As such, you can use the title attribute to add additional keyword information about the linked page without adversely affecting the readability of the text for the end user…. With this in mind, if you include the title attribute in the appropriate places this improves the accessibility and usability of your website or blog which can snowball into indirect search engine optimization improvements through organic incoming links. 9) To create A simple Attribute, navigate to…. [HTML Accessibility, Search Engine Optimization, Usability . 10) To create an Attribute set, navigate to catalog  > attributes  > manage attribute sets and click Add New Set in the top right of the page. In the center of the page you will have the option to create a new category. Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Disclaimer. If the aspirants keep on practicing this BootStrap MCQ Online Test accuracy gets enhanced. Action. GATE CSE MCQs. Furthermore, aspirants can get the extra information on the BootStrap Quiz. By navigating to System > Configuration and selecting the Shipping Settings tab in the top column. Follow Defines how the popover is triggered. Same quote improved: Source: HTML: The Markup Language (an HTML language reference) – Cite 12.Store Views are best used to display a Store in ______________. To display many types of map e.g. B. There is no negative marking and each question carry 1 mark. The img tag already requires an alt attribute to describe the image however if the image is clickable (has an anchor set of tags around it) then you should add a title attribute to the link. Displays text when hovering over the element: b. Note: In HTML5 the abbr element will represent an abbreviation or acronym. And aspirants should not refresh the Page till the end. 18) The URL Rewrite Management page is a SEF (Search Engine Friendly) tool that you can apply to the URLs of your category and product pages. They Copyright © 2020, FreshersNow.Com. Question 1 of 24. The major difference between minlength and min attribute is ______, ‘minlength’ is for the minimum number of characters and ‘min’ is for the minimum value, ‘minlength’ is for the minimum value and ‘min’ is for the minimum number of characters, ‘minlength’ is for multiple values and ‘min’ is for the single value, ‘minlength’ is for single value and ‘minlength’ is for multiple values, loop attribute is not used with _____________, An indication that hyperlink is to be used for downloading, Directly downloads as per the need of the user, List the topics which one can download from a certain page, datetime attribute is not related with ______________. If You want to download HTML PDF Click Here. href attribute specifies the URL of the page You can let them know by using the title attribute. As the name descibes the button element creates a button that when clicked something happens. For now, let’s concentrate on the places where you can use the title attribute that increases the accessibility (see quote below), usability and search engine optimization of your web pages. These templates are included for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, models, and image carousels. System > Configuration, and clicking on the Web tab. Home » Technical Quiz » BootStrap Quiz – BootStrap MCQ Online Test. the title attribute correctly, because it contains a space: At W3Schools we always use quotes around attribute values. Also explore over 12 similar quizzes in this category. 21) What are the options for showing products in the front end’s catalog pages? slow connection, or an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen See what happens if we try to display an image that does not exist: You will learn more about images in our HTML Images chapter. B. 9) There are two kinds of Tax Classes: ————-? When this is selected, you will be able to view the “default” options for each category. Moreover, with the help of BootStrap, we can have the ability to create responsive designs easily. By navigating to System > Configuration and selecting the Shipping Settings tab in the bottom column. a. C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these 6. One of the main things I noticed is that the title attribute isn’t read aloud, AT ALL. Relative URL - Links to an image that is hosted within Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), View arifurrahmansw’s profile on Facebook, View arifurrahmansw’s profile on Instagram, View arifurrahmansw’s profile on Pinterest, View arifurrahmansw’s profile on LinkedIn, Department of Islamic History and Culture, Department of Library and Information Science (LIS), List of Bootstrap 3 CSS classes with description, Subject: Library and Information Science (LIS), Syllabus for Four Year B.A. 3) Attributes usually come in name/value pairs forms like: 4)

My Web Page

displays? the link goes to: You will learn more about links in our HTML Links C. Defines default content value if data-content attribute isn’t present. This GATE exam includes questions from previous year GATE papers. lowercase attributes for stricter document types like XHTML. Defines how the popover is triggered. Show Answer. Example: src="/images/img_girl.jpg". {{block type=”cms/block” block_id=”block-id”}}, (B). B. Client-server. C - Stacks and Queues. XML. Example: src="img_girl.jpg". D. None of these 8. Que. 3)  You will not be able to create a Credit Memo until an Invoice has been created. description of the area on the image map. Bootstrap 20) To Create New URL rewrite Catalog  > URL Rewrite Management > select add url rewrite and then select the product and rewrite the request path. 5:03 pm and is filed under