“Increased regional economic cooperation and connectivity could further contribute to the wider region’s stability,” she said. 5 0 obj Role of Pakistan. In this century, democracies must better account for information geopolitics across all dimensions of domestic policy and national strategy. “It is disappointing from Islamabad’s perspective to see the government in Delhi not respond to any of the peace overtures that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has made to India.” No formal dialogue between India and Pakistan currently exists: “Whatever the issues are between India and Pakistan, we need to be talking because a ‘no talks’ option is no option.” She was confident that the issues on partition that had never been settled were “ripe for resolution,” and noted that there was much to be gained by economic cooperation for regional growth and security. We have the challenge of finding skills, education and jobs for the young. Pakistan's geo-strategic location, large consumer market and diverse natural resource base offers it a unique opportunity to become a regional trade hub. The US. The Afghan national forces cannot hold on to the entire country any more than the Taliban can,” she said. Cambridge, MA 02138 This structure could have a benign impact on the speed of renewed diplomatic efforts, she said. With its nearly 200 million citizens and as the seventh most populous nation in the world Pakistan had a key role to play at the international level. Pakistan and India: A Challenging Relationship. Achieving stable, sustainable economic growth while mitigating social inequality was the priority of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government, Lodhi noted. This can be a factor for instability should these challenges not be addressed. To compete and thrive in the 21st century, democracies, and the United States in particular, must develop new national security and economic strategies that address the geopolitics of information. The Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) composed of representatives from Afghanistan, Pakistan, the US and China had committed to undertake efforts to promote a peace process in Afghanistan. - Quarterly Journal: International Security. Today, it is a charter member and participates in all of the UN's specialized agencies and organizations. The northern tribal regions have been experiencing an unprecedented level of violence between Sunnis and … Initially dubbed the “Af-Pak Strategy,” this strategy treats Afghanistan and Pakistan as a single theater of operations and focuses U.S. policy more intensively than before on Pakistan as a factor in regional stability. “There is now a firm international consensus that this war has to end by a negotiated peace in Afghanistan as we have seen the limits of military action,” Ambassador Lodhi noted with respect to the conflict in Pakistan’s neighboring country. “We are looking at a prolonged military stalemate there. Pakistan remained committed to nuclear non-proliferation. The authors analyze the trend of nonviolent overthrows of dictatorships in Africa. As part of the India and South Asia Program’s annual speaker series, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi, the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the United Nations discussed her country’s regional agenda. Cæ~®E~æYF{8‹þèTC.ì íu¹ûïý8iº 6÷T©(”á¼ÿ8˹¶)81Ù%fÌñ×dfÓFùšçÐ6ƒ ²ß{ÒHØ|`ІsúC6ó(›D¦ “Pakistan has been very active diplomatically since its inception. “These are the conditions under which you have to bring the two parties together. - Foreign Policy, Journal Article These three countries – the largest emerging economies – are now at a crucial juncture. However, Pakistan's low human development indicators mainly due to bad governance, low (617) 495-1400. Increased regional stability could have a stabilizing effect for ongoing domestic efforts; hence Pakistan had committed itself to supporting the reconciliation effort in Afghanistan, and was working toward normalization of relations between India and Pakistan. Pakistan can only do so much. Pakistan is the world’s sixth most populous country with a population in excess of 170 million people. We cannot negotiate for Afghanistan.”, Analysis & Opinions Pakistan’s Role in Multilateral Security Cooperation in Indian Ocean Region He said Pakistan has an important role in the region. Pakistan has transitioned from a crisis economy to a stable economy, the Ambassador said. - Quarterly Journal: International Security, Discussion Paper Its commitment to multilateral diplomacy remained high: Pakistan has served seven times as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and had committed 140,000 Pakistani troops to 41 U.N. missions in 23 countries since the 1960s. Research, ideas, and leadership for a more secure, peaceful world. T&xxc6"�\������Ճ�i޺~�=�{} ;���N�ڮ�*M��O�yvA������X.BϞ�Mm��8( Z�'V =G�^�_��Eo��SL�2���p�ځh~�E��7�ϼ��f���z�F�i�V�\}W��p7���f_��iv����T�D7 r��z��J���vV�y��M��� S� 9�rD��ろ=�u���W���̼��OB.7�o�ٰJ��+dF� qX�qW\�&�-��1,�z�B�./�|���ㄤ⣨a��l�G6hi���������6(��VBoH?�(\�M�7��2��Ƥ�sD��|�T��Y#�}���E5O#� �4CU�p��4) �Ԋ �ĝ�s,������/a���[���~\}�����~�1�ȭp��1F��(�Y���?ڮ����`f�OmA-媔�J/��-q�La�4�L�g���L���&�Ff�–1�{IT��pI�9R�:���6�k���&̼���n��_�e �?�&��JН�Y�������Y4����@va�T2i��A��s�1�ހq��5B�~!�I��M��ò��/�W�.���hz0���x:��:ʞ�B�N;��&�������S;6�N���y52��"�a��u�\���}El�z�>���j3pj���\)�}}I��fA�*���1.&�,6�ι�m��z)���I��cI�K�#�[w��Yo���:���Og�׌�5��p6#K���`P\���h,+���H1J���j�F:��'"2��K>7�-�A9_E^FJ ��)��ō�FԐ܎��V�Z8���*��K7����eI�o�[�n�D��{ �Ȭ)��|_�Y���8ů� 8��n�l�\�m�6vܿ8�W]T�7�h� � v�#~ԫ�+ o�2��W�G�����k *����Ӱm �-��� -�9F� In the 50s and 60s Pakistan was a leading actor in the diplomacy accompanying the decolonization process at the United Nations and elsewhere,” she said. Aå H€F¥" ¬¤jˆì)´¤Å wŠˆâ´¢ ¶â˜A e„ÔÁÐýÒʇ`˜FÉè £á¬ðP,ˆ,Q Å%¸SMx=äÀ²U>áEöf¿Y¶F•¼õ J*u0M«K ¹uJ SHIA-SUNNI SECTARIANISM: IRAN’S ROLE IN THE TRIBAL REGIONS OF PAKISTAN SHAZIA KAMAL FAROOK, B.A. For more information on this publication: Quarterly Journal: International Security, The Political Power of Proxies: Why Nonstate Actors Use Local Surrogates, The Lebanese Intifada: Observations and Reflections on Revolutionary Times, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, Why the United States Should Spread Democracy, Deploying Energy Innovation at Scale for a Low-Carbon Economy: The Private Sector Role - ENGIE, The Future of U.S. Nuclear Policy: The Case for No First Use, Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship, US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism, The Central American Conundrum: Toward a New Regional Security and Economic Order, What the World Can Learn From Clean Energy Transitions in India, China, and Brazil, How the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Could Spiral into Bigger Regional War, Copyright © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. As the world's second largest Muslim nation, Pakistan has a critical and influential voice in the Muslim world. An ethnically and linguistically diverse country, Pakistan’s recent history has been characterized by periods of military rule, political instability and conflicts with neighboring India. foreign and national security policy in the region. should support a regional peacekeeping force and renegotiate the current free-trade agreement. x��]�v%�}�W���d�t�~yB ��{<0ccI>�/���֖�KR�� aeqhwKjI��jW���]��.��?.ޞ����f��~��C��v�ǿ�����ۓ/O�ݧ���N~8�j��t?��x���L=0�TgW'y6}>L+v]���&Sy{r�۟}w�������w�"���v��zw����/��wS4������l���O���,>}�?�YS5Cw���Pd]�6��2�ھ.��n��:ե�Zw}����uV�E���Z�r������;{7ܯ7���Gs�����Į������ֺ�j貶ɋ�j�t�v_Y]�5�����Zg�j��.��c�8���Pe�P���{/��L�����V-�����aȪ��Ǘ���_O�fZ�u���P������9}�ϳ�,�����9:_�ǫ�����ê��ϗ�C��mQ6j�,o���d]$�T�v����� �>���-���x��ۡo��:�B��Ӿ͛�/��}�V�f�c���P�wM;�Pc����Pc��ޯ���� \��lN�l�=j3% Its strategic location, its role in the birth of civilization, and its influence as a crossroads of […] Ambassador Lodhi acknowledged the ongoing tensions between the two major players in the region. 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138Locations & Directions, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, “Almost 66% of our population is under the age of 30. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how China’s new power is reaching Europe, the challenges that it poses, and the European responses to this new reality. 25, 2016 As part of the India and South Asia Program’s annual speaker series, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi, the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the United Nations discussed her country’s regional agenda. In the 20th century, market capitalist democracies geared infrastructure, energy, trade, and even social policy to protect and advance that era’s key source of power—manufacturing. A@Þr“možÖ¹PYm…ÈÃ÷*—ÙÒ±­7$×a6–Þ«k•-ìèÖ~¶Ö “=歕. - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, Policy Brief A Brief History of Pakistan By JAMES WYNBRANDT Download FPSC Recommended Book in PDF for CSS Exams Introduction Situated in the northwest corner of the Indian subcontinent, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan occupies a position of historic importance. “They’re fighting over what they view as the most precious thing in the world: the land,” Simon Saradzhyan said. Pakistan is rich in biodiversity, particularly in the arid and semi-arid regions which cover almost 80% of the total land area. We know that a politically and economically stable country is better able to “defeat (..) militancy and terrorists as well as create conditions that make it inhospitable for violent extremism to flourish,” she noted listing the defeat of extremist elements as a top priority for her government. Photos from the Summer 2019 Belfer Center newsletter. Apr. <> The reported death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar had stalled progress on talks that had just begun aimed at a negotiated peace. %PDF-1.4 %�쏢 MALS Mentor: Dr. John Esposito This thesis analyzes Shia-Sunni sectarianism in the northern tribal areas of Pakistan, and the role of Iran in exacerbating such violence in recent years. The secretary had an early meeting with Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif at the State Department. This process has to be examined in the context of the current strategic competition between China and the U.S. and its reflection on the transatlantic relationship. SOUTH ASIA WEEK: Pakistan's Role in Regional Stability. SOUTH ASIA WEEK: Pakistan's Role in Regional Stability. stream �̌a�^.X� �0�޳n#���(��Y�9�NO�μ���6��=Q)�fX{�P�7�����^=�R[ܑ�@��`�' w@Ǻ���v�8�L��,J��f����?���-Y��ob���/�ն-�����P��� P.�b��94��(˕H��L�\����k�'lr5�= I{��:��{� ��7���/~���. Pakistan’s Domestic Priorities. It also accorded high priority to building regional cooperation. synergistic role that Pakistan plays as a safe haven for Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda forces. Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on 30 September 1947 just over a month after its independence from the British Empire. Prime examples of advances in this arena included the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (part of China’s Silk Road ‘One Belt, One Road’ vision), to connect this entire continent to the Middle East and serve as a land bridge to Europe.