Try 200+ at home workout videos from Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Prevention, and more on All Out Studio free for 14 days! Rest 30–60 4. Perform as many mountain climbers as you can for three seconds. Plank jacks are similar to the mountain climber exercise, in that you try to stabilize the hips and spine while moving the lower limbs. By using an unstable surface, more muscle fibers are recruited and used to keep your torso stable. Get ready for your obliques to burn. Pull your leg back to the starting position and then repeat on the other side. Make sure you repeat 2 times! Before starting any new diet and/or exercise program, always be sure to check with your qualified medical professional. Return to the start position, then push straight back for a donkey kick. Focus your eyes on the floor. Remember to keep your body stable, so your hips don’t rock. USA, Copyright 2020 Onnit Labs, Inc.  Onnit is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information or services you chose to follow without consulting a qualified medical professional. Absolutely! You can make it harder by looping a resistance band around your ankles. People often ask how many calories they are burning in their workouts. Bump up your cardio/strength combo workout by busting out 15 reps of plank jacks followed by 15 mountain climbers. Jump your feet back together. Your abductors pull your legs away from you As an added benefit, the explosiveness of mountain climbers means it doesn’t take much to reap the rewards, so you can add this move to your regular prerun or postrun routine without a huge time investment. return to the starting position. Land on your toes, allowing your the plank jack. They ramp up your heart rate, challenge your balance and agility, and get your muscles burning. of.” Instead, hop your feet out just three or four inches from the starting Here’s a short, sweet and effective workout for your core that uses Plank Jacks as an anchor! This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Start in high plank position and complete one set of mountain climbers (left, right, left, right). Onnit, The hopping component of the exercise allows you to feel your core engage more than when doing a regular plank, and most people seem to enjoy the plank jack more, too.”. If you thought the plank jack was a basic bodyweight movement, you can see that there’s a lot more to it. hit the pages of fitness magazines in 2014, when it was offered up as a more Perform a set of mountain climbers (left, right, left, right), then tighten your core and lift your right leg (bent about 90 degrees) out to the side for a fire hydrant. Incorporating Plank Jacks Into Your Workouts. Video: 8 Plank Variations to Shake Up Your Core Workouts (Runner’s World), 5 ways to keep your quarantine workout routine going as you head back to work, Hear from nurse who shared shocking weight loss photos, A look at the potential long term effects of Covid-19, Wearing surgical mask may reduce COVID-19 infections up to 75%, Sneeze guards are trending right now. Grab a medium pair of dumbbells and go from one move directly to the next. out too wide with each hop. And though they’re usually considered a lower-body exercise, mountain climbers actually engage the upper arms and core, too. Your body should be in a straight line, your back flat. Do this twice a week until it feels comfortable, and then try the full plank jack.