Nutr J 11, 71 (2012). Most microwave bags are lined with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which has been associated with a variety of health problems. Dann ist allerdings Öl als Zugabe notwendig. In case you’re not aware, females should aim for at least 25g of fibre per day (this quota bumps up to 30 for males) – so that humble bowl of popcorn gets you almost 20 percent of the way there. Da jedoch das salzige, das süße und das Karamell-Popcorn die meist verbreiteten Sorten sind, wird hier im Besonderen auf diese eingegangen. Diverticular disease: greatest myths and facts. Dieses Geräusch können Sie nicht überhören. Food Addit Contam. Most people don't think of popcorn as a nutrient-dense, but it offers an impressive amount of essential vitamins and minerals. #Winning. 30 grams of popcorn (which is a pretty decent bowl full!) But popcorn actually delivers significant health benefits, aiding in weight loss, improving digestion, and reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and maybe even cancer. Wahrscheinlich nicht, denn der leckere Mais-Snack gehört zum Movie dazu, wie die Bratwurst beim Fußballschauen im Stadion. 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of popcorn contain 15 grams of fiber, which goes a long way towards satisfying your daily fiber requirements (5). Popcorn can be a perfect snack for people who are looking to eat healthier or to lose weight. Er kann mithilfe einer Popcornmaschine mit Heißluft erzeugt werden oder aber Sie setzen eine Popcornmaschine ein, bei der die Maiskörner auf einer rotierenden Heizplatte liegen. In the end, any type of fat used to pop or top popcorn will add to its overall fat content. Wenn Sie den Kaloriengehal… Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved, Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Most are "healthy" monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as opposed to the "unhealthy" saturated fats that clog arteries. Now, popcorn has gotten a bad rep from the movie-theater variety—loaded with calories and weird ingredients thanks to the ginormous portion sizes and "buttery" topping. Sie öffnen die Packung, lesen die Beschreibung durch, legen das Päckchen so in die Mikrowelle, dass die groß aufgedruckten Buchstaben UP nach oben zeigen, und schon kann’s losgehen. Pre-packaged microwave popcorn often contains PFOA and diacetyl, chemicals that may be harmful. Popcorn is one of the most inexpensive snack foods on the plant, coming in at a mere 15 cents (!) Um das erste Missgeschick zu vermeiden, können Sie den Topf während die Maiskörner poppen ab und zu schütteln. Popcorn is more satiating than potato chips in normal-weight adults. Plain Popcorn Calories. You'd need to walk 9 minutes to burn 33 calories. On the other hand, a piece of apple pie that contains large amounts of fat and sugar, contributes about 400 calories. Mayo is a popular condiment for sandwiches and often used as a base for salad dressings and sauces. Diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of the digestive tract that causes the abnormal formation of pouches in the intestines. Anschließend gießen Sie das salzige Popcorn in eine Schüssel. This makes popcorn an acceptable snack for most low-carb diets if consumed in moderation. If eaten plain, popcorn can fill you up with only trace amounts of saturated fat. The popular advice is, "Watch the fat and you don't have to worry about anything else," but this is overly simple and leads many people astray in their weight management efforts. Sie können auch die Menge des zugegebenen Gewürzes nicht verändern. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die Geschichte des Popcorns bis in die Bronzezeit zurückgeht. Pu-erh Tea: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, and More. Given that PFOA levels tend to accumulate in tissues over time, further research may be needed to evaluate the long-term risks of PFOA in frequent microwave popcorn eaters. If you want to make your popcorn as healthy as possible, air pop it at home. Most of the fiber in popcorn is insoluble, the type that helps keep you regular. However, popcorn cannot be eaten on phase one of the South Beach Diet and is strictly limited during the induction phase of the Atkins Diet. This way you will be enjoying a snack, which is antioxidant-rich and has a low-calorie count of just 382 kcal for 100 grams. Oder Sie haben den Herd zu früh ausgeschaltet. Image: UnsplashSource:BodyAndSoul. Are Cashews Good for You? This article reviews whether cashews are good for you. A 2005 study from the FDA estimated that microwave popcorn could account for as much as 20% of the PFOA levels measured in an individual consuming 10 bags per year.. Many brands of microwave popcorn are made using hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils, which contain harmful trans fats. contains only 110 calories, so is a perfect choice with your waistline in mind. Erst jetzt dürfen Sie den Deckel lüften. Are English Muffins Healthier Than Regular Bread? 1 ounce very lean meat (protein and water), 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) 90 proof liquor (alcohol and water). Hergestellt werden kann es in einer Popcornmaschine, in der Mikrowelle, oder aber auch in einer Heißluftmaschine. But, if you douse it in butter—a la movie theaters—then you may be getting more calories than you bargained for. Air-popped popcorn contains only 31 calories per cup. Eating less fat is an effective way to shift your energy balance to your benefit, but beware! Even if you're not trying to lose weight, popcorn is whole grain food that offers many of the same benefits of corn, rice, wheat, barley, and oats. You can connect with her on Instagram @honest_nutrition. Die Marke Seeberger erfreut sich aus den diversen Anbietern großer Beliebtheit, denn sie bietet neben dem süßen Popcorn den Snack auch noch in salzig oder mit Karamell-Geschmack an. 2020. Allerdings sind Sie bei dieser Variante nicht nur auf die im Handel zur Verfügung stehenden Geschmacksrichtungen festgelegt. There are no known drug interactions to popcorn. These ingredients not only add a significant amount of calories, but some of them can also be bad for you in other ways. The fiber in three cups of popcorn is equal to that of one cup of cooked brown rice or oatmeal. Some experts have expressed concerns about a substance known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which lines the bags of most microwave popcorn bags. PFOA is the same substance used for coating many non-stick pans. Not exactly a perk for your body, but a perk for the health of your bank balance. Sie aßen das Popcorn, nutzten es als Schmuck und versuchten sogar, aus den Formen der unterschiedlich aufgepoppten Maiskörner die Zukunft vorher zu sagen. Malia Frey is a weight loss expert, certified health coach, weight management specialist, personal trainer​, and fitness nutrition specialist. This article examines the evidence for and against eating soy. Traditionelles Mikrowellen Popcorn mit Butteraroma enthält ca. Bei dieser Wahl der Herstellung, enthält eine Portion nur 31 Kalorien (kcal) und kein Fett. That mightn’t sound impressive in comparison to the 18mg women between the ages of 19 and 50 require each day, but considering so many of us fall short, every little bit counts. The problem is that most microwave popcorn brands use hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils that contain harmful trans fats. It may also contain unhealthy trans fats. Feta cheese is a staple in Greek cuisine and the Mediterranean diet, but you may wonder what type of milk it's made of. Commercially prepared popcorn varieties can be extremely high in calories and unhealthy ingredients. Cleveland Clinic. No, not this popcorn unfortunately. Da Sie für die differenten Varianten unterschiedlich viel Fett benötigen und sich somit sowohl die Nährwerte, wie auch der Kaloriengehalt unterscheiden, wird hier von der traditionellen Herstellung ausgegangen, die jeder zu Hause selber durchführen kann. everta) for antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content, Natural polyphenols for prevention and treatment of cancer, Diverticular disease: greatest myths and facts, Perfluorochemicals: potential sources of and migration from food packaging. Denn Archäologen entdeckten bei Ausgrabungen Puffmaiskörner mit einem Alter von 4.000 Jahren. Popcorn is very high in fiber, which has been linked to several health benefits. Fiber can also help with weight loss and promote digestive health (13, 14, 15). Popcorn is filled with air (think about how small the kernels are compared to after they're popped). Popcorn is basically a health food. When choosing the right microwave popcorn, let the numbers speak for themselves. American Cancer Society. Phone: (312) 644.6610 | Email:, The Popcorn Board | Nutrition | Newsroom | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Policy But some snacks, like popcorn, are better than others and the best snacks to eat are low in calories, high in nutrition and help keep you full for a long time. By comparison, refined grains contain only the endosperm, so are nowhere near as nutritious. American Chemical Society (ACS). Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. With 31 calories per cup, air-popped popcorn contains much fewer calories than many popular snack foods. Image: iStock.Source:BodyAndSoul. Many people don’t realize it, but popcorn is a whole grain food, making it naturally high in several important nutrients. People who are on their feet all day require more energy than people who spend most of their time sitting. Not only is popcorn low in calories, but it is extremely rich in antioxidants and delivers a healthy dose of fiber to aid in digestion and heart health. Due to the increased intake of fiber, some people may experience bloating, gas, and loose stools. But the crunchy kernels hidden beneath are actually a health food. You might be surprised to learn that running two miles burns only slightly more calories than walking two miles because you cover the same distance. Kalorien und Nährwerte Die Zahlen in der Tabelle sind für Popcorn das in Heißluft und ohne Zucker zubereitet wurde. Wer jedoch den leckeren Mais Snack nur ab und zu verzehren möchte, stellt das Popcorn auf traditionelle Weise her. Natural polyphenols for prevention and treatment of cancer. Our bodies extract energy from four sources in foods: Fat receives so much attention because it is the quickest way to rack up the calories in your daily caloric intake. Updated January 5, 2016. Popcornmais: Nährwerte pro 100 g. Brennwert: 347 kcal; Fett: 3,8 g; Kohlenhydrate: 65 g (davon Zucker: 1,3 g) Eiweiß: 8,5 g; Salz: 0,02 g; So viel Kalorien hat Popcorn im Kino. Wenn Sie bei der Herstellung des leckeren Snacks sehr sparsam mit den beiden Kalorienbomben (Fett und Zucker) umgehen, ergeben sich für 100 Gramm süßes Popcorn die folgenden Werte: Um den aufgepufften Mais zu einem würzigen, herzhaften Snack zu verwandeln, wird er mit feinem Tafelsalz gewürzt.