To summarise the plot, two friends invest in a closed-down hotel in a small town, with plans to … Perfect guideline on how to NOT make a movie. Sinopsis Film A Wakefield Project 2019. Let’s start with the ‘A.’ Is it grammatically incorrect? Only wasted 5 minutes on this unbelievably terrible drivel, have seen better acting in my local bar..dont waste you time on this shockingly bad horse s**t. Believe the bad reviews and avoid this like the coronavirus, in fact getting sick would probably be more fun then this. The film did tick all those boxes, but not quite to the level I would have liked. Watch Award This! Movie Info Eric and Reese move to the little town of Wakefield. Inclusion..... garbage. In the city of Wakefield, that footnote is the grizzly mass murder at the hands of Nathan Cross, a motel owner who recorded himself butchering women before being put down. Today I take a look at the sci-fi horror film A Wakefield Project written by Lindsay Seim and directed by L.A. Lopes. They enlist the help of Chloe, a psychic and possible love interest, and set about solving the mysteries that the old hotel harbours. That would be fantastic if these characters had backstories and depth to them, but they do not. Final Score: 8.5 out of 10. No scientific discoveries are being made, nor are mad scientists experimenting on animals or people; heck, this isn’t even a ghost hunting/ supernatural investigation type deal. Did he get fired from his old job? Now, due to anomalous sun flare activity, Wakefield is experiencing lots of odd electrical outages, and everyone’s cellphones are not receiving any signal. Select Server ... Download film subtitle indonesia Streaming movie subtitle indonesia Nonton film kualitas bluray Film indonesia terbaru Series drama korea subtitle indonesia Film movie drama series subtitle indonesia. I'm surprised we don't have the usual fake reviews yet for this monstrosity. Luckily, that problem is remedied by the incredibly talented cast who had chemistry on camera and easily worked bits of comedy and drama into their performances while simultaneously running for the lives. by On a day when unprecedented solar flares target North America, Wakefield becomes the centre of a temporary shift in atmospheric energies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. User Ratings Another film school project taken on by amateur writers and actors. Awards Was it just too crowded, and the rent kept going up and up for smaller amounts of space? Absolute awful movies to avoid at all costs. | It is based on the short story of same name by E. L. Doctorow, which was in turn inspired by the 1835 story of the same title by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Menu. Let’s start with the ‘A.’ Is it grammatically incorrect? Suspense. But it does imply that this is simply one of a possible multitude of projects happening in a place called Wakefield. There are not, which brings us to the next problem word of the title – Project. Wakefield Inn, The Wakefield Hotel, or simply Wakefield would all be more accurate titles. Visit our full length Privacy Policy to get informed on our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information we receive from users. This may have been the movie that shows that to many streaming exist because someone gave these folks money for a movie that had no script only and outline of a plot. That small town charm that’s doused in blood. If you’re looking for horror which is easy to watch and entertaining, then A Wakefield Project could be just the thing. I’m also co-founder and reviewer of Red Cape Publishing, Editor-in-Chief of the digital magazine Indie Writers Review, and co-organiser of The Brighton & Hove Book Fayre. Anthologies exist in an interesting realm. Eric (Anthony Bewlz) and Reese (Dennis Andres) purchase the inn where the killings took place. A major collaboration between Six Feet Under Films, Toto Films and Ladywood Productions, A Wakefield Project stars Anthony Bewlz (Tooth Fairy), Dennis Andres (Workin Moms), Lindsay Seim (Insidious: Chapter 2), Rob Archer (Lost Girl), Dan Yeager, Pedro Miguel Arce and Eileen Dietz (The Exorcist). The Wolfman remake from 2010 was critically... Bethany Anne Lind absolutely kills it (literally, her character committing murder) in Matthew Pope’s latest thriller Blood on Her Name. A Wakefield Project (2019) – Tabir antara yang hidup dan yang mati telah terangkat selama 24 jam, apakah Anda akan selamat? Feb 28, 2020, 12:02 pm To summarise the plot, two friends invest in a closed-down hotel in a small town, with plans to refurbish it and open up as a bed and breakfast. While I do concede that the ‘Project’ of the title might be referring to the renovations, it is the most awkward way of getting that idea cross possible. Walmart Horror Makeup & Really Bad Acting. A medium shows up and starts informing them of the history of their property, which was once owned by a killer named Nathan Cross. In the description I saw it says if the veil of death was lifted for 24 hours would you survive, this to is never addressed. But why? Movie is too bad for a garbage dump!!! Overall, I enjoyed the film, and it did hold my interest through to the end. Chloe a medium, who used to live in Wakefield returns to her roots to enlighten the new entrepreneurs on the history of the town. Bobby LePire Trash. Tabir antara yang hidup dan yang mati telah terangkat selama 24 jam, apakah Anda akan selamat?