It's caused by damage that occurs to the immature brain as it develops, most often before birth.Signs and symptoms appear during infancy or preschool years. Cerebral Palsy is a birth disorder that affects muscle tone, motor skills, and movement. Different limbs may be affected by different impairments. Some toddlers with CP don’t walk at all; if your child isn’t walking by 18 months, then it may be a sign of cerebral palsy. In general, cerebral palsy causes impaired movement associated with abnormal reflexes, floppiness or rigidity of the limbs and trunk, abnormal posture, involuntary movements, unsteady walking, or some combination of these.People with cerebral palsy ca… Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or posture. It happens during the first few years of life and is a common childhood disorder. Many times, parents are the first to notice things like an uneven muscle tone, excessive drooling, crossed eyes, or other indicators of cerebral palsy. Doctors may suspect cerebral palsy if a baby has slow motor development, has tight or floppy muscle tone, or displays unusual postures. Possible signs in a child include: delays in reaching development milestones – for example, not sitting by 8 months or not walking by 18 months seeming too stiff or too floppy (hypotonia) Other signs of cerebral palsy in newborn children include multiple seizures, a tendency to use one side of their body more than the other, an unusual posture, or a tendency to cross their legs. Cerebral palsy is a complex disability and diagnosis is not always an easy process. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a type of motor disorder that can result from brain damage or abnormalities. The two most common signs of abnormal muscle tone are hypotonia and hypertonia, but tone can be defined in other ways as well: Hypotonia – decreased muscle tone or tension (flaccid, relaxed, or floppy limbs) The main symptoms of cerebral palsy are problems with movement, co-ordination and development. The most common kind is spastic CP. If you have dyskinetic CP, your muscle tone might be too tight or too loose. What Are the Symptoms and Types of Cerebral Palsy? A child will find it difficult to move about in a coordinated way. Brain damage usually triggers this condition. The time varies when parents are given an … In many cases, it is caused by a birth injury; that is, a complication or medical error shortly before, during, or after birth. If you have it, your muscles are stiff or tight, or they... Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy. This can lead to scissor-walking (a gait typically associated with spastic cerebral palsyin which the legs bend and cross over when walking) or toe-walking (where the child stands on tiptoes with no contact between heels and the ground). A child with Cerebral Palsy may demonstrate any combination of these signs. Difficulties with walking are common in children with CP because of issues with muscle development and spasticity in the legs.