Macmillan, Harold (1939). -Rom 12:2 Special thanks to Bro. However, unless you personally have experience in this area, you are best to not make overarching pronouncements about it. Not asking the Church to change doctrine, because in the year 2015 it would be futile to even try. This emphasis on the individual, whose conscience confronts him with a supreme and ultimate tribunal, and one which in the last resort is beyond the claim of external social groups, even the official church, also establishes a principle in opposition to increasing totalitarianism”. So please ask yourselves this question: Why aren’t we listening to them , all of them , when they are so desperately trying to give us just another piece of the puzzle to God’s artistry? Get updates from Jim Erwin delivered straight to your inbox. I have deep admiration and thankfulness for their ministries. According to the film’s promotional materials, “The Third Way will dispel common misconceptions about homosexuality and unveil the [Roman Catholic] Church’s truly compassionate and forward-thinking position on the issue.” Produced by Rev. There has been lots of discussion lately about many social issues, especially gay marriage, in Christian circles. Now, he serves Communion in a Catholic parish every Sunday. And unfortunately, he represents the Catholic Church. --1 John 4:19, PhuturePriest, Blackstone Films is a Catholic production company based in Los Angeles. Won’t post them here. Those of us who did not go along with the political redefinition were soon silenced at our own professional meetings. We appreciated the forthrightness of the speakers in acknowledging that Christians, including Catholics, have contributed to LGBT bullying. There has been lots of discussion lately about many social issues, especially gay marriage, in Christian circles. However, you are aware that’s not what the Catholic Church teaches? My life has been rich in love within my family and among my friends, both gay and straight. The loneliness was overwhelming.” Christopher says, “I was really stuck in the middle of not being able to connect with men and not being able to have a healthy relationship with women.” This segment might have resonance with some celibate LGBT Christians, but will likely strike others as overly generalizing and relying on harmful stereotypes. This man has also, over the course of our friendship, happened to share his walk with God with me. And I knew that the Catholic Church was the right church and there was something that I didn’t have.” David notes changes that started to happen when he focused on God: “I stopped sex, I stopped alcohol, I stopped drugs, and I verbally forgave my dad.” Joseph reflects on how a confessor made himself available to hear more about his story and help him process his experience, being a real father to Joseph, supporting him on his journey. Plays to emotion while downplaying Truth. Because this resource is a film, we’ve provided a significant synopsis of The Third Way to help readers understand the reasoning behind our critiques. Vitamin, dude, read scripture. Michael Schmitz says it this way: “The Catholic Church puts forth a third way: to treat every person, but in this case particularly persons with same-sex attraction, to be able to say, ‘We do not in anyway hate or condemn or fear or want to isolate you. John Hollowell and directed by John-Andrew O’Rourke, it runs just over 38 minutes. We’re glad that you’ve found us! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It costs about $850 a year for to survive–and we barely make it. Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Patheos’s Partners. Throughout all of the interviews, we see two young actors walking outside in the snow. The purpose of our initial post was to review the resource for those who might find parts of it useful. No, they didn't go after the nation's clergy. After an opening sequence featuring scenes of violence against the LGBT community and the question, “Is there another way?” we meet seven Catholics, identified simply by first name, who describe how they came to know their experiences of same-sex attraction. Feel free to comment on any post, and we’ll happily continue the conversation. Are you aware that Fr Hollowell is not only interested in enforcing this in the Church, but in the entire country as law. brandelynmarie and We are not imposing this label upon anyone: most of the documentary’s participants have chosen it for themselves. Many people are unaware that the scientific community has its own dogmas, elites, propaganda, and form of excommunication to those that disagree. And I knew that I needed God. Of course you have a right to your opinion. ", Five well-respected Catholic educators, who–unlike the gay interviewees–are identified by their full names and occupational titles, explain discrepancies between how people perceive Catholic teaching and what the Catholic Church officially teaches.