Find investors/fund a project (Marketplace). IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera was received by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on 17 June 2019, when visiting the UN headquarters in New York. The report titled ‘Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2019’ said that more than half of the renewable capacity added in 2019 achieved lower power costs than the cheapest new coal plants. All Rights Reserved. The International Renewable Energy Agency is an intergovernmental organisation with 160 member countries. All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. Commission welcomes Francesco La Camera as newly elected Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) News 14 January 2019 Brussels Energy The Commission welcomes the decision by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to elect the European candidate, Mr Francesco La Camera from Italy, as its new Director-General. Er ist für eine Amtszeit von vier Jahren gewählt. All Rights Reserved. Francesco La Camera is the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Die Internationale Agentur für erneuerbare Energien (IRENA) hat Francesco La Camera zum neuen Generaldirektor ernannt. © 2011-2020 IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency. Francesco La Camera is currently the Director General of the Department for Sustainable Development, Environmental Damage, European Union and International Affairs. * The designations employed and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Renewable Energy Agency concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In this capacity, he developed cooperation and partnership agreements with a wide range of countries, particularly developing countries including Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Innovation Week 2020 Kicks Off with Focus on Renewable Solutions in Transport and Industry, 05 October 2020 | Find investors/fund a project (Marketplace). Articles, Renewable Energy Jobs Continue Growth to 11.5 Million Worldwide, 29 September 2020 | The case for new and much of the existing coal power generation, is both environmentally and economically unjustifiable,” said Francesco La Camera, Director-General of IRENA. At a critical time for climate change and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, Mr. La Camera is tasked with redefining the structure and operations of the Agency in response to the urgent needs of its members. Mr. La Camera noted that renewables and energy efficiency measures represent the most technically feasible and cost-effective emission reduction strategies. Previously, Mr. La Camera served as Director-General of Sustainable Development, Environmental Damage, EU and International Affairs at the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land & Sea since 2014. This is also a unique opportunity to spur economic growth in a sustainable manner and close the energy access gap by creating a world where energy is abundant and available to all. He has also coordinated a number of national strategies including on sustainable development, green finance and fossil fuel subsides among other things. Berlin … Under his leadership the Agency has forged a series of new strategic partnerships with UN organisations including UNDP, UNFCCC and Green Climate Fund among others. He is expected to start as the head of the organisation in April 2019. He brings more than thirty years of experience in the fields of … Press Releases, Meet the Permanent Representative of Uruguay to IRENA, 30 August 2020 | Articles, Winner of IRENA Youth Video Contest Announced, 16 July 2020 | Statement by Francesco La Camera, IRENA Director-General In a short few weeks, much of the world has been shut down due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, which has crossed borders and oceans, rapidly devastating communities and livelihoods. With a membership approaching near-universality, IRENA serves as the principal platform for international cooperation on renewable energy, providing a centre of excellence for knowledge and innovation which supports countries world-wide in their transition to a sustainable energy future. A key priority of his tenure is to implement a more action-oriented approach to the Agency’s work. The appointment took place during the Ninth Assembly of IRENA, the ultimate decision-making body of … Francesco La Camera is the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Mr. La Camera is elected for a term of four years. He chaired the meetings of the Signatories to the Aarhus Convention led by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) and chaired the advisory board for the Convention’s implementation.