Having bottled water delivered to your home is convenient. Note: Some search engines cannot search the table above therefore, we are providing this product list so that hopefully more people. Historically, roughly one out of ten residential customers have some consumption at the third-tier level. Spring water must come from springs, while purified water must undergo testing to ensure its purity. Tap water is a great deal. 06/15/12, Introduction to Single-Serving Bottled Water 06/11/12, Making Water Conservation a Way of Life – Indoors 04/02/18, Making Water Conservation a Way of Life – Outdoors 03/26/18, Safe Drinking Water – What Can We Do? A few months ago, I revisited composting and in the next two posts, we will return to the subject of bottled water. Note: Some search engines cannot search the table above therefore we are providing this product list so that hopefully more people  will find our web-site! information below. Most keep the water cold at a minimum. What is the Environmental Impact of Bottled Water? Water is considered a pH-neutral liquid, neither alkaline nor acidic. Save. Some companies provide the dispenser free of charge once you establish a regular water schedule. This is largely dependent on the company you order from and what services they offer. These jugs are the most cost-effective way of ordering water, and because the bottles can be reused, they are also the best for the environment. 07/01/13, Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 and Beyond 06/27/13, U.S. EPA WaterSense — Save Water and Money 09/10/12, Water Saving Shower Ideas — Inline Shower Shut Off Valve 09/12/12, Water Saving Shower Ideas — Low Flow Showerhead 09/14/12, What Good is a Rain Barrel during a Drought? The customer receiving quotes by request for distilled water, purified or spring water and flouridated water. In its latest annual survey of water price trends in 30 large U.S. cities Circle of Blue found that the average price of residential drinking water for a family of four using 100 gallons per person per day rose 3.3 percent last year. To this end, most companies sell water in both 3-gallon and 5-gallon quantities. The downside is that as bottled water consumption increases so does its environmental impact, which is not good for people or the planet. Others may have a one-time purchase fee or an ongoing monthly rental fee. Standard Rainwater Tank Dimensions and Pricing: Note: Dimensions are eave height. I have read umpteen articles, web pages, and reports about bottled water pro and con, and have yet to see a statement from anyone claiming bottled water actually improves or is good for the environment. In an attempt to make bottled water seem more eco-friendly, reduce costs, and gain market share, manufacturers have introduced bottles made with less plastic, or with a percentage of recycled plastic, or from plant-based plastics. 03/19/18, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – U.S. DOE, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) – California, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), Center for Health, Environment and Justice, SLO County Integrated Waste Management Authority, Surfrider Foundation – San Luis Obispo Chapter, U.S. Green Building Council – CA Central Coast Chapter. About 96% of the energy (electricity and fuel) consumed by the bottled water industry goes into producing disposable plastic bottles, transporting water by tanker truck, and driving filled bottles from bottling plants to stores, offices, and homes across the country. Cost to hire bottled water delivery services varies greatly by region (and even by zip code). When I began this blog in June 2012, composting and bottled water were on my mind and became the topics of the first several posts. They also use more plastics, particularly the single-serving delivery service.