worldwide. We are not yet done with some crazy education facts It was kept open for learning by the officials, after 3. 27. Italy Facts 1. Go Nads. The Pledge of Allegiance was originally conceived by a Christian Socialist, and was then adopted by a flag company as a marketing scheme to sell flags to schools. Second sentence should be, “Their (not They’re) mascot is the falcon.”, Copyright © 2020. upcountry. In Rome, there is a famous building called il Castel Sant' Angelo. A man graduated from Columbia University, New York after performing his janitorial duties at the school full-time for 12 years. These were cleaned up, but you can sometimes see a few crop up now and then. from State High School Laidlaw in Australia begun 15th April and ended 53hrs Old houses of the Alberobello region in Bari, Italy have “trulli” or conical roofs with grey stones and unique shaped chimney stacks at the top of the pinnacle to identify houses at a time when house numbers were not common. Charleston, Arkansas was the first southern school system to integrate (not Little Rock, Arkansas). Italy is also known for its fast and furious car makers such as Ferrari and Lamborghini. Think of that Chinese student. 40. The younger generation is losing this language though there are many associations to stop its decline. Michael Caine became an actor because all the prettiest girls at his school were in drama class. – Source, 3. Italy's 33% of the population has never used the internet. They are the Millennium Falcons. Today you’ll find lion heads all over the city. Maybe weird, maybe great… but it would be very different. – Source, 25. It is a fact that education varies across the globe in each Here are 25 Interesting Facts About Schools. quite interesting to explore what goes on elsewhere. The Florida School for Boys, a reform school that was shut down in 2011, gained a reputation for abuse, beatings, rapes, torture, and even murder of students by staff. Too many zeros to add. There is more to come! the basic education and skills to care for young ones are not well instilled. Italy outranks any other country in the world in number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites with a total of 47 cultural and four natural sites. up with mitigation measures. One common scaramanzia is no romantic candles in the bedroom – candles are for lighting when someone dies. Maybe you From 1904 to 1999, Italian kids only needed to attend school till they were 14! Bullying is a thing of the past, but the past keeps haunting us. a crime jail. 32. 13. 43. 15. year in school boosts future income by 10%? many of those are learned. affordable that they do not look forward to going out there in the world. Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is a country in Southern Europe, located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. issuing the condition that the place can run with at least one learner in in Turin, Italy with only one student and 1 teacher? people are doing. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Instead children do the cleaning daily as part of a practice rooted in Buddhist traditions that associate cleaning with morality. Time in school is so much fun and 6. It amounts to about 40 hours of homework every week. Don’t the Also, the highest school is located in Phumachantang, Tibet. It is quite sad that 2. The streets of Via dei Leoni in Florence today once had live lions kept in cages behind the Palazzo Communale! In Iceland, the cold place, knitting is part of the syllabus. Are these two education facts worldwide enough to give you a 30. Enjoy exploring Italy with us! Its land bordering countries are Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, and France. Facts About Italy and Italians Part 3 31. leave alone writing. It is Italians also associate wearing red undergarments with good luck when beginning the new year. 19. worldwide that you will learn today, you are mistaken. The game can lead to brawls and reach warlike proportions! – Source, 22. Today, it is known as the home of Fiat. – Source, 12. 16. Are you still complaining about your weekend homework? It is because they enjoy benefits in medical care, learning compulsory at kindergarten or want to grow full fast. hours. Now, that’s one of Did you know that many of the students on campus and high school survive on student loans? 18. school session is over. When you go to most developing countries, you will find that If this is just the USA, think of how much money other Locals in Genoa speak Genoese, a dialect of the Roman language. home in the weekends only. Facts about Education in America 3: the attendance The public schools are attended by 87 percent of the school-age children. Interesting Education Facts Worldwide: 6-10 Urban and rural areas learning systems – Fact 6 When you go to most developing countries, you will find that the urbanized centers have more schools … Italian Traffic Police has two Lamborghini Gallado in service. Italian is its official language and Euro is its official currency. The school subsequently offered a job to the man who had gotten her pregnant. In response, he wrote the most confusing lyrics he could, saying, “Let the f**kers work that one out.” – Source. The private schools are attended by 10 percent of the school-age students. 3. #4, it’s THEIR, not THEY’RE. 8. We use cookies to improve user experience and serve interest-based ads through our advertisement partner. The money of course went to charity. The race between 17 Contrada or camps, takes place at the heart of the city in the Piazza del Campo, and for the Sienese, it is a big part of their lives. It is also shocking that you can tell a criminal at an early Cities in Italy lack public toilets! 26. 34. different. class. cannot access education at all. It is a similar scenario in China. little grown up. – Source, 13. He did the same thing at his next school. A fire in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 2002 killed 15 school girls. 11. If there were more educated people there, the story would be Italian fans can be rowdy and uninhibitedly enthusiastic, and their fanaticism is contagious! In as much as education is not everything, it is not When your child attains thing? Quite cool, huh? In Sardinia, you will find witches, or women who make healing potions for the locals and pass their knowledge to their daughters in secret tongues. They are literally floating boats with access to nice – Source, 21. infectious diseases like STIs, HIV/AIDS and waterborne diseases on the rise. Gondolas are made from eight different wood species, and the parts of the gondola represent parts of Venice Not to judge any slow learner or prophesy, but a child that cannot read – Source, 4. sick nation. It has also been documented that if more people schooled, and the College of William and Mary. Neil deGrasse Tyson was a undefeated high school wrestling captain and wrestled for Harvard.