Date of birth: March 24, 1933 (Age: 83 years). Bodybuilding, weight training, nutrition - Dave Draper's IronOnline, over 3,500 pages of insight, motivation, an active community forum board, ... And a couple of magazine covers with William Smith. He wore a suit and tie, and he had a pretty decent role with her. He starred in nearly 300 projects in both films and TV project. I never would have guessed that years later that he and I would be training together, but that’s the magic of bodybuilding. We’d all run down and audition for the roles and some of us would get it and a few wouldn’t but back then there were a lot of variety shows on TV and they ‘d use us to fill in where there was a need for big, muscular guys. His first role William got at the age of eight – he became The Ghost of Frankenstein little star. At 67, I have to show my peers that we can still hang in there, stay in shape, and get film work. Actors play roles onscreen or on a stage, and then leave that character behind when they get off work. Two-time Olympian Sam Mikulak gives his take on mental and physical strength. [quote]MytchBucanan wrote: I’d say that bodybuilding has definitely come a long way in films and should continue to grow. Bill was also the badass in that memorable fight scene with Clint Eastwood on Every Which Way but Loose. What a fascinating fellow! His career spans 60 years of acting in some of the most popular films and television shows of all time. Smith is fluent in 5 languages, he used to study martial arts, and was a bodybuilder. The Terminator showed Arnold off to the maximum and also created a huge interest in bodybuilding. It seems he has the longest legs in Hollywood! "Record-holder for reverse-curling his own body weight. He did warn me that I might be too big for a lot of roles. Back in the late-50’s to early-60’s there was a group of guys who trained on the beach in Santa Monica and lived in an apartment building right on the boardwalk that was called ‘Muscle House’. That background served him very well during the many Westerns he was to appear in later. What is more, in order to be strong and to be able to perform tricks, William … The Cafe uses images to enhance its criticism and comments on classic films. Wasn’t he the dude from Commando with Arnold? If you feel this "fair use" violates your copyright of an image, please e-mail us at. [/quote] The words and images of a Hollywood legend, ©2009–2019 William Smith. Many good bodybuilders of the ’50’s and ’60’s did films in Europe in those days, such as Reeves, Reg Park, Gordon Scott and, a few years later, David Prowse, who played Darth Vader. I remember this guy in the Clint Eastwood film. Seriously though, what an impressive life. He speaks five languages, was an award-winning bodybuilder, a volunteer fireman, a teacher at UCLA and an intelligence expert in the Air Force during the Korean War. Like his nemesis or something? The network wanted Smith for the role, but producer Jerry Thorpe ultimately deemed him too muscular and menacing. Oh, did I mention that Smith also fought in a Korean War, is one of the honorary members of the Stuntmen’s Association of Motion Pictures, and has just recently published his book of poetry? His first big TV gig was as a … He was cast as Bennett after the original actor (pictured left) was fired for not being menacing enough. While Clint Eastwood wasn’t a competitor, training was in his blood and he was always around the gym crowd, and we all know how he’s done since his ‘Spaghetti Westerns’ of the ’60’s. The Movie-TV Connection Game (September 2017), James Caan and Michael Mann Team Up for "Thief", Seven Things to Know About Barbara Stanwyck, Classic Films in Focus: THEATER OF BLOOD (1973), Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers, Did You Know? William Smith, Los Angeles, CA. One of the bodybuilders was an actor who came from New York to live the Hollywood dream, but he wasn’t having much success at the time. Man, that role alone would have changed the course of his career,… of course it’s not like it doesn’t sound like he’s had one hell of a life so far. View the blog again and when you're ready to comment, your Google name is pre-filled. Man, was I blown away! I did not know most of that stuff. Get a fat-burning blitz with this 'M&F’ hardcore, get-lean training program. and sandal film each week. Of course we would! Based on feedback from our readers, we have eliminated anonymous comments.