At that time…things have changed a lot in that last fifty or sixty years, the Church was really, quite suspicious of meditation it, it regarded it as something Eastern which is very odd, but anyway it did and I guess I was caught up in that but anyway I decided to stay with meditation, because even in those early months I realised, or I felt it was, at least for me a more effective way of spiritual work. Enquiries: once your place has been confirmed payment will be in full to John’s PayPal – Everybody knows what silence is but no one can describe it. I certainly didn't have any human friend at that time. John:  Well, it certainly was very important. John:  Of course. We look down and we just live in this cocoon of mental agitation [covers his eyes with his hands], lost in thought; that’s the human condition. Practise, practise, practise. You are taken into the immensity of what's there. Well, what do you make of that? Cancellation: Charges if you need to cancel (other than due to Coronavirus postponement): Two weeks or less from the date of arrival – 100% (unless we can find a replacement guest at short notice). John:  Yes, I was offered a job out in Africa, South Africa. All single and double bedrooms have en suite bathrooms. I met him today at the Green Festival held in Bakewell's Agricultural Centre. John at Cliff College, Derbyshire. John Butler has almost disappeared and you get back to England, and the reality of day-to-day life hits you again. Soon after I got back, I had some friends then that did healing and I remember they prayed over me and it was extraordinary, I felt like, I found myself screaming, I was thrown into the ground and something was expelled, some revolting thing came out of my mouth, it opened my mouth so wide that my mouth split but what came out? By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. All single and double bedrooms have en suite bathrooms. Of course, I had the theory, I was brought up in a Christian school, I had ten years of compulsory chapel and scripture lessons, I knew a lot of the Bible by heart and the old prayer book; “The kingdom of God is within you,” you know I’d learnt that but what did it mean? And Africa was in that sense...yes and then I went on, I was in the Kalahari and the Namibian desert and that...oh I just loved it. I saw the indescribable, right there. And I never went to any big towns only little ones, I just bought what I had to and got out into the open again [laughs]. John:  To make whole, be whole. Just talk us through what happened there. That’s the word realisation. That is the essence. Iain:  Yes and you said you were nervous before the interview and you find that stillness…. Iain:  And what you're saying is that, that stillness, that presence it's right in the marketplace, in the city. John:  Well, maybe that was it. The two are really the same thing, spiritually speaking. Time goes round, round and round in eternal presence, the peace of God that passeth understanding, right here and now, you can never be closer to God than right here and now. So, thank you very much for doing part one. I just relaxed into the situation as it was, into the unknown and I suddenly felt peace, such as that I’d never felt before.