", McSally’s campaign has pointed to the Protect Act, which McSally co-sponsored, in response as evidence of her fight on behalf of Americans with complicated medical histories. Sen. Martha McSally and Mark Kelly debated a host of topics including border security and climate change in what's likely the only debate between them in the U.S. Senate race. McSally agreed. When barriers were built near Tuscon, Arizona, illegal border crossings fell by 90 percent over 15 years. Near Yuma, Arizona, when barriers were built, illegal border crossings dropped by 95 percent over nine years. McSally sold off the investments last year, according to her campaign manager. The Border Patrol is not only an essential law enforcement agency in safeguarding southern Arizona, it’s a vital employer in many rural communities near the border. The $1.9 trillion figure comes from a 2018 report issued by the Congressional Budget Office, which said the cuts would increase the national deficit by that much between 2018 and 2028. While Arizona Senate hopeful Mark Kelly has not endorsed “abolishing” ICE or stripping funding, the Arizona Democrat was visibly hostile toward a border patrol agent, per a first hand account from Art Del Cueto, the vice president and spokesperson for National Border Patrol Council and an agent in Tucson’s sector. In contrast, McSally opposes a public healthcare option and enacting further gun control laws./Rob Schumacher/POOL/The Arizona Republic via USA TODAY NETWORK. Long-time investors in World View, which Kelly co-founded, include Tencent Holdings, a Chinese tech company that operates the WeChat messaging and social media service. The claim: Kelly said McSally told Arizonans to go on spring break after being briefed on the dangers COVID-19 "at some point, whether it was the last week in January, early February.". The firsthand account was reported earlier today by Townhall. There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night. The facts: McSally seemed to be referring to Art del Cueto, a border agent and vice president of National Border Patrol Council, a labor union that represents border agents and support staff. "Washington needs to get out of its own way, immediately put more resources into this program, and fix some of the issues that have made it harder for Arizona small businesses to get this relief," he said in April. Garcia later told The Republic he wasn’t calling for an open border with Mexico at Netroots or suggesting that existing barriers be taken down — he was instead referring to Trump's costly border wall proposal, he said. Rose Law Group is a full service real estate and business Law Firm practicing in the areas of land use/entitlements, real estate transactions, real estate due diligence/project management, special districts, tax law, water law, business litigation, corporate formation, intellectual property, asset protection, data breach/privacy law, ADA compliance, estate planning, family law, cyber-law, online reputation and defamation, lobbying, energy and renewable energy, tax credits/financing, employment law, Native American law, equine law, DUIs, and medical marijuana, among others. Other sponsors, such as Time Warner, UPS, Pepsi and Intel, assist with program costs. Thirty-five, Judge gives voters extra time to register By Howard Fischer | Capitol Media Services via Arizona Capitol Times Arizonans will be given another 2 1/2, Image from Shutterstock.com. A substantial amount of Democrats favor abolishing Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) in order to prevent a crackdown on illegal immigration, while also villifying border patrol for enforcing the law of the land. McSally praised the administration’s China travel ban, while placing the blame for the pandemic on China and the nation’s response. The idea of abolishing or cutting funding to ICE would not resonate with voters in battleground states, as it represents a public safety issue, especially in states like Arizona. He said 80% of that "went to the wealthiest Americans and big corporations.". The facts: The Senate race, like other competitive Congressional races nationwide, has spurred massive amounts of spending this year. McSally repeatedly brought up the "Communist banner," indicating Kelly considered it one of his most important possessions. Kelly disrespected the Border Patrol agent. This is the same David Garcia who fantasized about getting rid of the border wall and pushed policies that have been dubbed “#AbolishICE lite.”. You may opt out at anytime. Recently, three former astronauts endorsed McSally over Kelly in an op-ed published in The Arizona Republic, saying that being an astronaut does not qualify Kelly for the position. Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly apparently refused to shake the hand of a border patrol agent during an event in Tucson on Monday, telling the man that “you’re one of them.” Art Del Cueto, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, recounted the concerning incident during an interview with KNST on Thursday. There is no other issue where the state of Arizona has suffered more due to the dysfunction in Washington. Kelly, a Navy veteran called for expanding public health, said the naming of a Supreme Court justice should wait until a new president takes office, and reaffirmed his opposition to a border wall. Tuesday’s debate is the only public debate of this year’s Senate race, although McSally has challenged Kelly to further debates. "In 2016, after a … The man who appears to have set off the violent confrontation, 35-year old Joseph Rosenbaum, has since been exposed as a convicted child rapist. Obviously he won’t do that in front of a crowd… But it happened to me. Kelly met his wife, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, at the Young Leaders Forum. That incident showed me everything I need to know about who Mark Kelly is. The former astronaut refused to shake Cueto’s hand, walking away in an act of disrespect to the Border Patrol union official. All rights reserved. Wood secured a sizable judgement against CNN and the New York Times for the recklessly defamatory slander of Nicholas Sandmann, claiming that the pro-life teenager was a racist of some sort for merely smirking as a Native American activist chanted at his face. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Skip to comments. Both contenders are following party lines, with most Republicans seeking to confirm a justice for the nation’s highest court while Democrats want to wait, hoping that former Vice President Joe Biden will become president. Mark Kelly had a deplorable moment and showed how much disdain and hatred he has for the Border Patrol. In other words, the 80% assessment reflects just one point in the life of a bill that spans 10 years.