Weeds are controlled by using special machines. It can, however, list specific organic ingredients on its product label. The technique is distinguished by the use of green manure, biological pest management procedures and unique farming methods to keep soil efficacy. To learn more about this type of farming, we are breaking down its ten advantages and disadvantages. Organic farming methods must fit the ecological balances and cycles in nature. When done properly, organic farming is able to maintain the balance of an ecosystem. Organic foods do not contain any chemicals. The conclusion was that food items from organic farms had way more nutrients than those sourced from commercial or conventional farms. For many products, that means organic versions will spoil faster than conventional versions. Renewable resources must be used in some way as well, while synthetic fertilizers musts be completely eliminated. Organic plants have greater metabolic and structural integrity in their cellular structure than conventional crops. This is a dangerous situation because if pests knock out the remaining potato specie available today, we will not have potatoes anymore. As compared to a longer time conventionally grown food, organic food is much richer in nutrients. To counter this issue, many communities are developing food cooperatives with local farmers and markets. What makes them a great threat is they are not even labeled. Organic farmers who can provide that natural pesticides have not worked to control pests are permitted to use synthetic products under specific circumstances. Many agricultural products can be produced in an organic way. Fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics are forbidden. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. This requirement may limit the yields that a farm is able to produce when compared to GMO farming, but it also eliminates the threat of customers leaving because they don’t want to consume GMO products. As soil conditions improve through organic farming processes, the costs in this category usually decline over time. Commercial dairy and meat are highly susceptible to contamination by dangerous substances. Organic Farming Methods are Eco-friendly, ← 35 Interesting Facts About Wind Energy That Might Surprise You, ← Causes, Effects and Solutions to Urban Sprawl (Migration of a Population), International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, conservation of natural habitats and wildlife, 35 Interesting Facts About Wind Energy That Might Surprise You, Causes, Effects and Solutions to Urban Sprawl (Migration of a Population), Can You Recycle Tea Bags? Full Bio. Organic farming is defined as a production system which works with localized conditions to create products that integrate biological, cultural, and mechanical practices which promote biodiversity. In the United States, that means soybeans, wheat, or corn are typically grown. In fact, some past researchers collected and tested vegetables, fruits, and grains from both organic farms and conventional farms. Production costs are higher because farmers need more workers . Better still, the organic farmer can use a flame weeder to exterminate weeds or use animals to eat away the weeds. Organic foods cannot receive the same treatments. There is a big misconception that organic foods are relatively expensive. The processes of organic farming store carbon within our soil. These days, it normal to hear news about extinct species and this should be a major concern. Only natural soil enhancement techniques are permitted. Assessing the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides entirely doing away toget… So, sticking to organic foods sourced from veritable sources is the only way to mitigate these grave effects of GMOs. Hay, straw and wood chips are put between the rows of plants to stop weeding. Interactive Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises, Text and Worksheets available at our shop, Food Allergies in Children Are Becoming More Common, Vertical Farming - Agriculture of the Future, More animals and plants can live in the same place in a natural way.