As for all the countries in the world, however, living here is not a bed of roses. Despite the uncounted she eps and cows in the country, iIcelanders are really bad at making cheese. Questa è forse la cosa che mi annoia più di tutte qua in Islanda. L’elettricità e l’acqua da queste parti hanno dei prezzi ridicoli rispetto al resto del mondo, dovuti all’uso saggio delle risorse naturali del paese, usate per poter essere usufruiti da tutti. By 4 pm I needed a nap! I just love the food in Iceland, but there are few really bad ones like where you got that nasty burger . The housing expense is 1% lower, unlike the national average. Unfortunately when it is about International music, tis country is totally ignored by big bands or big names of music. Read on: What to pack for a trip to Iceland. If you’re coming from America or other continents, however, it’s going to be more difficult. Safe place: Iceland is a very peaceful country. (As you might have noticed, Iceland’s right between USA and Russia!). If you book tours for each day, usually you pack a huge bag of items to carry with you throughout the day. It is the county seat as well as the largest of Thurston County. Si può trasferire denaro, attraverso la banca, solo su conti a nome di altri, dopo aver inventato milioni di valide scuse. Interesting facts about Sweden. You will laugh when Icelanders proudly will tell you the story of how the MacDonald closed down few years ago, while attending to eat a disgusting hamburger at one of the many stalls that appear in the weekend in the street, serving some of the most horrible food you ever. Things Finland is known for, What is Norway known for? I wrote one like it after we lived in Hawaii (Honolulu) for 3 months. Language: English and Danish language are included in the education system thus making it easy for Icelanders to use both languages. Ovvero congelate forse per mesi prima di arrivare a queste latitudini. Most importantly, the cost of living is lower than in other popular cities in the states. There were multiple times where I finished a big hike got back to the van and made myself lunch. Stockholm vs. Copenhagen: Which should you visit? Mi ha dato un sacco di ispirazione per la mia vita e per i miei progetti futuri. It is now six month I have been living in Iceland. The rules are much easier if moving from Europe to come and live in the country. Much of the food people eat on a daily basis in Iceland is imported of course, meaning that if you want any kind of vegetables or fruits, it will likely be frozen or have survived a trip there on a container ship that may or may not have been kind to its overall quality. It’s hard to fathom these days, but it wasn’t too long ago that picking up stakes and moving to a foreign country to live and work was unimaginable for the majority of people. You can go where you want to go when you want to go once you get there. You don’t pay import taxes but you still pay VAT and vörugjöld(product tarif, for lack of translation) so buying stuff from China didn’t get less expensive with the trade agreement. The high cost of living: Iceland relies mostly on imports increasing the prices of commodities. Ho scoperto il tuo blog tramite il gruppo Facebook Amici dell’Islanda (sono una delle due amministratrici donna ) e non potevo certamente non venire a sbirciare!! Non è cosa difficile da notare che gli islandesi arrivano tardi agli appuntamenti, cosa che mi fa sempre sorridere pensando alla proverbiale puntualità nordica. you, Hi Joe, Not a lot for many people, but a long time for someone like me, considering in the past two years this is the longest time I have spent in the same place. taxes are pretty high. Inside the guide are budgeting tips, where to take the best Instagram photos, maps to hidden hot pots, and so much more. Where to Next by Tessa Juliette Torrente © 2015. However, the average lows in winter don’t get much below freezing thanks to the warming effect of the ocean current. If you need to see Iceland on a budget a van is going to be your cheapest option by far. This was a huge one for me and encompasses why I loved my Go Camper van so much. Great! Best place for hiking, kayaking, climbing, skiing, and camping. While Canada is the most popular option, people have also been considering moving farther afield, even moving to Iceland. That applies too if you are one of those people addicted to ordering from Amazon or Alibaba; oftentimes the import duties on stuff you order can rival the cost of the actual item itself — or even be higher. Interesting facts about Iceland, Is Iceland a part of Scandinavia? Living in Scotland — Pros and Cons. 10. I thought this was a very insightful post. Rispetto ai loro cugini nordici di Norvegia, Svezia e Danimarca, gli islandesi hanno un animo quasi mediterraneo. A visit to Iceland is still on my life agenda (ok, my bucket list). Ammettiamolo. There is no getting around it. And living in Iceland also means an equal footing for women. Also, there is a Japanese garden to visit during summer or spring. Le banche islandesi sono un incubo. Li si troverà molto più aperti e socievoli, curiosi e cordiali, non solo quando sono ubriachi ma in generale nella vita di tutti i giorni. That’s the only business agreement this country has about taxes. That’s an obvious, undebatable pro. And of course, if you have any questions DO NOT hesitate to reach out to me via Instagram, Twitter, or just shoot me an email (tessajuliette at gmail dot com). A common complaint from people who are living in Iceland as a foreigner is that the quality and selection of food there is quite limited and just plain bad in comparison to that of the U.K., U.S., or most of the rest of the E.U. There is also a high human development index in terms of literacy levels and life expectancy. Going to the supermarket in order to find something eatable and tasty is a daily mission. Am now ready for the second part of my Icelandic adventure: winter and the Northern lights! Ci sono due tipi di frutta e verdura qua in Islanda: quelli che durano per sempre, come mele e arance che, scientificamente provato, possono stare nel frigo anche per mesi interi senza perdere né forma né colore. L’Islanda è stata gentile con me. Still, if you’re thinking about living and working in Iceland, don’t plan on cutting out early very often to hit the gym or go to happy hour! Great public transportation: Olympia has excellent public transportation. That means you have to order your goods and wait for 3 months before you receive them directly from China. It has embraced me with the good vibes it had always showed me in my previous visits to the country. And of course we shouldn’t forget the surrounding ocean. Despite the fact it is pretty easy to open a bank account here, especially compared to some more strict countries around Europe, this remains the only benefit Icelandic banks allow you. Il conto però non può essere a nome proprio. You may be able to move money abroad on the account of another person, but in order to do so you need to have a good excuse, explaining them it is a present or it is money used to buy a ticket and stuff like that. The Chinese thing isn’t strictly true btw. Iceland weather is hard to predict. Local town swimming pools have great shower facilities but I get it, it's not a private shower. 4. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close. Other museums near Seattle are Boeing Museum, Seattle art museum, sci-fi, and EMP. This of course is the result of the economic crash happened four years ago, when the country suddenly discovered it was bankrupt. Cultural differences: Not only will you be met by difficult language, you will also experience cultural barriers. Lots of people who are new to living in Iceland report that the jobs they are finding available are lower-end positions in the service industry or similar industries, and that they are often for more entry-level type of work. Before moving to Iceland, you should evaluate these pros and cons of living in the country. Iceland wisely use its natural sources such as hot water in a lot of different ways. While we have our problems just like the rest of the world, the overall attitude is positive and things do seem to be changing. Now, keep in mind that the available jobs may not always be for work in your ideal position. Elves, trolls, volcanoes and more: Everything you need to know about living in Iceland as an expat…. People here are working for all their lives at the same position without any opportunity of personal or professional growth, for foreigners the chances are bigger as far they are starting from the lowest paid and hardest jobs. Let’s dive right into the pros and cons of living in a country which has the most northerly capital in the world. Gulf streams help in keeping the country warm. The flexibility also was great when it came to the route. Pros: 1. Jesus! © Scandification 2020. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 6. The economy has resulted in the growth of homeless and judgmental people who act as homeless. The city was claimed in 1846 by European settlers through the Medicine Creek treaty. Ma questo dovrebbe essere una legge solo per gli islandesi, non per gli stranieri e non per quelli che non hanno intenzione di vivere qua per sempre. There’s a reason why Iceland is called as a land of fire and ice. Compared to their Nordic cousins from Norway, Sweden and Denmark, Icelanders are almost Mediterranean for their life attitude. He's spent the past four years living in Chile, Spain, France, the U.K. and Montenegro, although his love of all things Scandinavian is paramount.