Fortunately, although symptoms may change as the child grows older, spastic diplegia does not worsen over time. This then causes the joints to become stiff and the range of motion to decrease as the child grows. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Retrieved May 8, 2019, from, Call to Make an Appointment 800.678.5437 or. In many cases, it stems from brain damage that occurs during or around the time of birth, i.e. Sign Up. Birth injuries do not necessarily have to involve blunt force trauma; rather, the term refers to many different sorts of harm to a baby around the time of birth, including issues like oxygen deprivation and infection. The first indications often occur when the child begins to crawl. When spastic diplegia cerebral palsy is the result of preventable birth injuries caused by medical negligence, the parents of the injured child have a right to seek compensation. Developmental delay can be an early sign of spastic diplegia in infants and it is the sign parents most often notice and bring to the attention of their pediatrician. NOTE: The above information is for processing purpose. Rh (blood type) incompatibility between mother and child; Maternal thyroid abnormalities, seizures, or excess protein in the urine; and, Electroencephalogram (a measurement and recording of electrical activity in the brain); and. ... Sign up to receive health and wellness news in your inbox. Parents should also understand that their child may regress in walking some from increase in height and weight. Spastic diplegia generally affects the legs of a patient more than the arms. Intrathecal baclofen. Babies with spastic diplegia may have unusual muscle tone. Medications may be prescribed to relax stiff or overactive muscles. Spastic diplegia (or diparesis) is a subtype of spastic cerebral palsy in which the legs are the most affected limbs. is a subtype of spastic cerebral palsy in which the legs are the most affected limbs. We follow one simple mission – to do what’s right for kids. Was Your Child's Birth Injury Preventable? Note: If any of the cases listed here had been unsuccessful, the law firm would have paid all of the expenses for the case without being reimbursed by the client and would have received $0 dollars in attorney's fees. Spastic diplegia. The following are some examples of medical issues and birth injuries that are associated with spastic diplegia (2, 3): Unfortunately, these issues are often related to medical malpractice (either because they are caused by negligent actions, or because medical professionals fail to respond appropriately when complications arise). ... A serious knee injury did more than take soccer from Luke Giesing—it also robbed him of part of his identity This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The appropriate treatments will vary based on the child’s individual signs and symptoms. The gait of a person with spastic diplegia is typically characterized by a crouched gait. ... A rare heart condition doesn’t stop Nia Hughes from doing what she loves Eight-year-old Nia Hughes is a vibrant and In addition to world-class patient care, our physicians participate in research and teaching and have received top national honors in their fields. Doctor William John Little's first recorded encounter with cerebral palsy is reported to have been among children who displayed signs of spastic diplegia. Physical and rehabilitative therapy during childhood, along with the best medical treatment, can have a significant impact on your child when he or she reaches adulthood. Other causes may be due to injury of the spinal cord. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Patients have more extensive involvement of the lower extremity than the upper extremity which allows most patients to eventually walk. Even if your child has never been prone to anxiety, it’s been a weird year. Spastic hemiplegia. Going back to therapy during puberty is recommended so the teenager can adjust to the increase in height and weight and not regress as much. //-->