The metal staircase ends at a sportsfield next to the beach. Picture: ©, Distances between Australian cities and driving times, Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge and walk across the arch, Hotels With New Year's Eve fireworks view. On the other side next to a cafe, a staircase and bushtrail lead up further. Last updated: September 20, 2020. The path soon emerges at Bradleys Head where there are tiered lawned areas, stone walled walking paths and morton Bay fig trees. At the end of the peninsula is a small amphitheatre with a huge mast, which was the foremast of HMAS Sydney (a light cruiser that was decommissioned in 1929). Follow the signs along the path to end up on the trail to Bradleys Head. d� :�V�l@փs!�'�4�^0����G`9�i?N�,����@p����c���aL�q�����.N2�p��\##�o��,�T�(u� ��\F�4��J7!��H����K|�&p�I6��Q��. If you can manage the walk to Balmoral, it's well worth it because there are some splendid resting spots with stunning harbour views. It's been a long time coming folks so very happy to finally get this out! Documents. This walk explores a great section of Sydney Harbour. but plan extra for plenty of breaks and photography stops. Picture: ©, The beauty of the gnarled gum trees is one of the highlights of the Zoo to Bradleys Head walk. Highlights on the remainder of the walk to Balmoral include the view from Georges Head and Middle Head Road, and Balmoral itself. Whilst it’s not the most challenging hike we’ve done, I’m not complaining about a bushwalk along the coast, with lunch at the end…. %���� The walking path is a mix of boardwalk, stone steps and gravel path. �1����䝻h������eQ� H����x�+o�B7 �&��� ����4�1� �K��W�:�@}� ����(��E���8�X�W�)��H4���f��"h���z����"�,�ث��1��*4��2�˞�1�= ����2� On the other side next to a cafe, a staircase and bushtrail lead up further. The zoo itself has been on our list for a very long time to visit with our niece (my wife’s brother’s daughter, who lives in Sydney with her parents), but somehow we always get carried away with lots of other activities and haven’t managed to take her to the zoo yet. At the hairpin turn a bush trail continues on along the shore. A sheltered beach, Balmoral has a kiosk and restaurant, and a big grassy area with picnic tables. ACTNew South WalesNorthern TerritoryQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern Australia, length Required fields are marked *. How to get to Taronga Zoo and the start of the track . Picture: ©, Distance: 2.8km one way It remained a restricted-access military reserve until 2002. Now the bay, surrounded by expensive real estate, hosts a picnic area, cafes and restaurants. Mosman Walks maps (1 MB) Links. Coffee, tea and scones & cream go nicely as well. It’s more of a fishing beach than a swimming beach – although a thin piece of sand between the rocky shore would make a nice spot for a dip in summer. Show location, At the hairpin turn a bush trail continues on along the shore. At Bradleys Head you have a choice: you can end the walk and return along the path to the Taronga Zoo wharf or else go on to Chowder Bay (a further 2.5 kilometres) or even to Balmoral (a further 3.5 kilometres). Taronga Zoo to Balmoral is slightly shorter and easier, and offers some spectacular views of Sydney – but you often feel like you’re walking through someone’s backyard. At the end of the headland there’s an unmarked track that leads to some rock platforms with views toward Shark Island and Point Piper. The start of the walk sees the path covered either side with dense foliage. Show location, Opposite the bottom entrance of the Zoo, follow the path down. Select items to indicate features found along the trail. From there a footpath continues along the headland. 11 0 obj Plan your return trip from Balmoral Beach at The path is a rustic mix of gravel, timber boardwalk and stone steps and is easy for most levels of walkers, and is signposted along the way. This time I did the 6.5-kilometre medium difficulty Taronga zoo to Balmoral beach trail. It follows the twisted coastline around peninsulas and bays through thick subtropical jungle and shrub along beaches and on top of cliffs. As well as the many fortifications that remain in place, there’s sweeping views from Georges Head over Middle Harbour and towards the city. There are kookaburras in the tees surrounding the hall and friendly bush turkies parade across the lawn and walkways. Select your state Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Pls feel welcome to share advice and recent blog posts from yourself and others about this beautiful city. The usual place to begin this walk is from the Taronga Zoo Ferry Wharf. Show location, Before the open area of the dock, a stone staircase leads up to the headland. This website has been built one guy who is passionate about the outdoors (me). A solitary white-faced heron is on the beach, and on the trail back up a ubiquitous bush turkey is pecking at a discarded box of chicken McNuggets!