It shall forevermore endure, the saints' and angels' song. The love of God is greater far, than tongue or pen can ever tell, It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell, The guilty pair bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win, His erring child He reconciled, and pardoned from his sin, Could we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made, Were ev'ry stalk on earth a quill and ev'ry man a scribe by trade, To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry, Nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky, O love of God how rich and pure, how measureless and strong, It shall forevermore endure, the saints' and angels' song. Dance to the music. I wish you could tell me how you made it out of the wilderness bcos I have been struggling for a year now I don’t know how to move forward after the church broke me. And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall, Connie, God love you for working that front line!!! To me singing “It’s gonna take a lotta love….” God replies, “Got a lotta love, got a lotta love.” I was blown away. Or they make me feel like someone married for many years so that we know and trust each other completely. Use the hashtag #31DayswithIgnatius to share the ways you’ve experienced God through song. There are love songs I have heard a hundred times, but when I am in love with God, they take on new meaning. The most recent surprise was at the beginning of coronavirus when “Lotta Love” (sung by Nicolette Larson, written by Neil Young) started playing in my head. I looked it up and listened to it and was blown away, it was as if God was speaking directly to me! “Bendita Tu Luz” (Maná)—This Spanish love song is in the voice of a man thanking God for finding the love of his life, but it is my. The saints' and angels' song. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You’re in my heart – Rob Stewart The brokenness, darkness, and suffering of our world are in plain sight. Lisa Kelly is a wife, mother, and Ignatian Associate living in Omaha, Nebraska. Hits the empty spot in life. A song need not be overtly Christian or ever say the name “God” explicitly, but I listen as if God were singing directly to me, and I dance and wallow in consolation. How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure— The saints’ and angels’ song. Know you are loved. You’re my sweetheart – The Lumineers And made me your own The beauty of Ignatian Spirituality to me is getting to wallow in your own dance with Infinite Love, rather in in upholding restrictions of what is deemed right and wrong. Glad to know you ‘hear’ It too! Editor’s note: Throughout July, we’re celebrating 31 Days with St. Ignatius, a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality. I don’t just hear them, I feel them. Lyrics: But I need to be next to you, share every breath with you, …for the rest of my life.”. I am in love when I want to be a better person for the sake of the other—not out of guilt or fear of punishment, but out of an overwhelming desire to be with the other, to be connected to the other. She and her husband, Tom, completed the 19th Annotation in 2005, just prior to spending two years living in the Dominican Republic with their three young children, supporting the work of the Jesuit Institute for Latin American Concern. The Power of Infinite Love is so much bigger than any rule or restriction. It pulls me from being in an acquaintance relationship with God to an “us” relationship in which there is no superiority or subjugation but rather oneness.