From Latin ītaliānus (“Italian”). Find more Italian words at! Early texts from Italy are written in dialects of the language that only later became standard Italian. (Plus "Tell me how much, how much, how much..." isn't quite as romantic, and could get you in serious trouble with your sweetheart.)Â. The official language of Paraguay is Portuguese. How many people visit Florence every year? Although Italian has a standard literary form, based on the dialect of Florence, the common speech is dialectal or a local variant of Standard Italian. This one never has to change to agree with gender or number. Outside Italy, Italian dialects are heavily influenced by contact with other languages (English in New York; Spanish in Buenos Aires). Italian language, Italian Italiano, Romance language spoken by some 66,000,000 persons, the vast majority of whom live in Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia). It is the official language of Italy, San Marino, and (together with Latin) Vatican City. How much? How much flour do you need to make pizza? In this case we're talking about more than one person, so we use the feminine plural form quante with an ‘e’. In the above examples, Giotto's bell tower (il campanile di Giotto) is masculine, and singular, so it uses quanto with an ‘o’. The first literary work of any length is the Tuscan Ritmo Laurenziano (“Laurentian Rhythm”) from the end of the 12th century, which was followed soon by other compositions from the Marches and Montecassino. So how do you know if it's a "why" or a "because"? Learn the most important words in Italian Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Italian. And the Italian word for people (persone), regardless of their real gender, happens to be feminine. include French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian, all national languages. Inflection of italiano. Why? It is the official language of Italy, San Marino, and (together with Latin) Vatican City. Life is full of mysteries, travel even more so. Learn how to use the extremely important verb: We'll go shopping and explore how to use verbs that end in -are, Discover why the verb prendere is like George Clooney, and learn how to use verbs with -ere endings. More surely Italian are some 10th-century documents from Montecassino (testimonies in court—e.g., Placiti [decrees] of Capua, of Sessa, and so on), after which there are three central Italian texts of the 11th century. Sign up to join this community Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Italian is also used as a common language in France (the Alps and Côte d’Azur) and in small communities in Croatia and Slovenia. English words for via include via, by, away, street, way, off, road, route, path and forth. italiano (feminine singular italiana, masculine plural italiani, feminine plural italiane), italiano m (plural italiani, feminine italiana), italiano m (feminine singular italiana, masculine plural italianos, feminine plural italianas, comparable), italiano m (plural italianos, feminine italiana, feminine plural italianas), italiano (feminine singular italiana, masculine plural italianos, feminine plural italianas), Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary,, Latin terms with Ecclesiastical IPA pronunciation, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Ok, that's not how the song went. How many? The happy exception to the rule