And with a couple of add ons, you will be able to swim earlier in the season and for longer! Sounds great right? Welcome to TOT. You feel silly wearing it? So, here is our newbies guide to open water swimming kit. Affiliate Disclosure, goggles that are designed specifically for triathlons and open water, Choose Excellence in Everything You Do in the Pool, 6 Best Underwater and Waterproof MP3 Players for Swimming, How Swimmers Can Be Mentally Tough on Race Day, 6 Best Gift Ideas for Competitive Swimmers for 2020, 7 Best Prescription Goggles for Swimming in 2020, Flo Manaudou’s Favorite Freestyle Drill – The Singapore Drill, Bob Bowman’s Favorite Kick Set for Stronger Legs and Faster Swimming, 6 Best Waterproof Cast Covers for Swimming, Showering, and the Beach. In cold water you need to keep your hands and feet warm to avoid illness or injury. Above all, don’t listen to the banter. You can’t escape the cold, but you can control yourself in the extreme environment of cold water. Other events will set their own rules, depending on the weather and temperature. This layer warms to your body temperature, giving you valuable insulation. It will keep you warm, and swimming will be more fun! This is to keep your vital organs safe and functioning. Speaking of safety and bright stuff, when swimming solo you should always have a tow buoy behind you. With a will to see the positive and finding a way, Ville strives for the best result that is possible. Much depends on what kind of open water swimming you are doing. Try turning your shower to the cold setting for a couple of seconds. The same goes for swimming. The Zone 3 Neoprene Swimming Socks will keep your feet and legs warm and ensure minimal water entry. I recommend that you put on a merino wool shirt. It should go without saying that your wetsuit needs to be comfortable. Top five pieces of open water swimming kit 1. Since the launch of the Great Swims the popularity of open water swimming has grown tremendously & now can see as many as 10,000 swimmers competing in bigger events. Gradually build up the amount of time you spend in the water (start with up to one minute per degree of temperature), wear a silicone swim hat, stick close to the shore and don’t swim alone. To swim in it you need a few extra bits and bobs. They keep your hands warm and at the same time, they will let you have a feel for the water. If you pick the wetsuit option, make sure it fits properly — and that it’s fit for purpose. If you’ve got an event coming up, train in whatever you’ll be wearing for that event. $40, A good fitting swimming wetsuit works by trapping a layer of water between your skin and the neoprene. Me personally, I try to take ice baths during the winter to work on controlling my breathing and calm. SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE JUST SWIM MEMBERSHIP. Without this insulation, your body shunts warm blood to your core by closing blood vessels in your skin and extremities. This is especially true if you have your own buoyancy and insulation in the form of body fat – something outdoor swimmers fondly know as ‘bioprene’. Here is a list of tips to minimize the negative affects and the uncomfortable feelings that can result from cold water swimming. OK, these are three pieces of open water swimming kit but they do the same thing. While good ear plugs will never replace a wetsuit and good head covering, they can prevent issues related to the inner ear and cold water. The same goes for swimming. Subscribe to our newsletter, where we share tips on training and racing in endurance sports! Sports in general and endurance sports, in particular, serves two reasons for Ville. It’s vital that whenever you go swimming in open water you wear a … And that will lead to poor technique. Why? Wetsuits give swimmers an artificial advantage, so going without gives a more level playing field. Skins or wetsuit, there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy swimming in open water. Open water is different to the warm embrace of a pool. You lose most of your heat through your head, and doubling up your "capage" helps you to keep your heat in. Winter swimming competitions ban neoprene too, proving that the human body can cope with extreme lows. But event organisers often allow for experienced ‘skins’ swimmers to apply to go without. Second is that it serves as a way for him to find inner peace, and tranquility. Wearers report less disorientation both in and while exiting the water, and a more comfortable cold-water swimming experience altogether. I recommend that you put on a merino wool shirt. Yet, with water temperatures not always (read: seldom if you live in the temperate zones as we do) being fit for humans. To not scare you off, read our blog about Utö Swimrun. It is a skill that you need to work on. 2. You’ll get warm during the runs! You won’t be able to feel the water during your stroke. Skins swimmers love the freedom of moving unhindered through natural waters. Use merino wool! Some outdoor swimmers shun wetsuits, while others wouldn’t go near the water without. They also allow you to swim without kicking, which is ideal if you’re competing in a triathlon and need to reserve your legs for running and cycling. Lots of traditional distance swims, like the Channel swim, don’t allow wetsuits. An added bonus is that it will scare off the Kraken! If you listen to the banter at open water venues, you might think so. Make sure you check out Swim England Masters and Open Water Officer Sharon Lock’s post about FINA’s guidance on wearing wetsuits. Silicone hats. Counteract this by wearing long sleeves to your wetsuit. It’s almost impossible to swim breaststroke in a wetsuit, because your legs leave the water and the extra buoyancy bends your spine. Neoprene is better suited for cold water than standard latex. Remember that neoprene is almost waterproof, so wearing something underneath your wetsuit will help you in staying warm. Acclimatization is key! So do you need one or not? You’ll need to dress for the occasion so to speak. If you do choose skins, take acclimatising seriously. When you expose yourself to the cold water, your body will focus on keeping blood flow in your core. Don’t stress over the fact that this video and article was done with a swimrun-focus! Different thickness of neoprene on the torso and legs makes you more streamlined, and a special coating reduces friction and increases speed. Ville has worked as a coach for over ten years and finds joy both in his and in others achievements. Wetsuits aren’t cheap or easy to put on, but they offer huge advantages to your warmth and buoyancy. Remember that neoprene is almost waterproof, so wearing something underneath your wetsuit will help you in staying warm. Just as with land sports, layering your clothes is a great way to keep warm. Just as with land sports, layering your clothes is a great way to keep warm. Great pieces that you can wear for open water swimming Base layer. Send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. Open water swimming provides a sense of freedom and is a great way to both explore nature and train. A race that can be cold, but is fantastic and not too cold. So, thinking about your open water swimming goals will help you decide whether or not you need one. Neoprene gloves are great! Gradually build up the amount of time you spend in the water (start with up to one minute per degree of temperature), wear a silicone swim hat, stick close to the shore and don’t swim alone. Never has a bit of kit been as divisive as the humble wetsuit. Competitive swimming in the outdoors. The first is his belief that everybody can and should find a way to be active. Because many open water swimmers argue that it’s the only way to swim outdoors. Flexibility in the right places is also vital. Ultimately, wearing a wetsuit or swimming skins is down to personal preference. Boots, gloves and socks. You will get used to it in no time! Long socks are great to give you a bit of extra warmth. Over time and distance, swimmers often lose form as they get fatigued. Check it out. That means that your arms will start to freeze! Open water swim buoys come in super bright colors (highlighter yellow, for instance), are super light (you barely notice it behind you), and help boaters, lifeguards and other swimmers keep sight of you. What to wear for open water swimming is universal! Wear a neoprene cap. It also matches the Orca Core Openwater Wetsuit. Zone 3 Neoprene Swimming Socks Keeping warm in the water is the most important thing for open water swimming as the cold can really affect your body so you need to be prepared. 3. A wetsuit is a great start and is the basis for your open water swimming to be fun, and safe. SWEDEN, 5 cycling mobility exercises to improve performance, How to calculate your training zones – free download, How to threshold test and set training zones – free download, Mental assessment tool for endurance athletes, 8 tips to get back to training after a break, Tränarutbildning för svenska triathlon-föreningar, Endurance training and strength training – The core. Don’t worry, who is going to judge your style in the middle of the ocean? 4 tips for choosing a wetsuit. 1. 114 20 Stockholm If your hands get too cold. Acclimatise properly and you can learn to deal with the cold. Cold-Water Swim Gear: Cap Orca Thermal Neoprene Swim Cap. Wear two caps. Getting too cold is the biggest threat to outdoor swimmers’ safety, and event organisers don’t want to run that risk. During FINA events, wetsuits are compulsory in water below 18°C. We provide training programs and swimming analysis for you to take your swimming to the next level! They also constrict movement. But what about the cold? Making your swimming less effective. Rowan Clarke, a keen open water swimmer and coach, looks at both sides of the debate. Get really cold, and you can experience mental confusion, disorientation and impaired coordination. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that. Sure, it will get wet, but your body temperature will heat it and help you keep warm.,, Träna och tävla konditionsidrott Norden AB (559121–5156), Birger Jarlsgatan 108