Since Xi failed at destroying the Western world with the coronavirus, it could very well gear his country up for armed confrontation. China also has some low-tech tricks to use that will help their already outsized force look bigger and better. While a real military confrontation always looms, many experts believe that China would rather conduct political and economic warfare to undermine the U.S. and further its strategic objectives. Pentagon war planners can envision a conflict with China starting in any number of ways. “In the beginning, it would be everything we have in theater ― Korea, Japan, and then, of course, the naval assets that are out on a deployment type of thing.”. These factors are reinforced by anti-Chinese propaganda from the US, which leverages discrepancies in the approaches the two countries take toward the problems in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tibet and, starting recently, fuel has been added to the fire – both in the form of the confrontation between Washington and Beijing over where the coronavirus infection COVID-19 originated, as well as how to set up the fight against the pandemic. That command contains three group armies, two marine brigades, two air force bases and one missile base, not including the rest of the nation’s assets that could be shuttled through the countryside to provide a deeper magazine, according to the report. The Chinese military would be able to quickly level the Marine Corps’ air bases in Japan, while Australia and Guam — places where the Marine Corps is currently operating — are too far away to be particularly helpful when it comes to launching strikes against China. Surely our sensors can defeat those decoys. “They’re strapped just trying to resupply the fleet under current conditions.”. “Most U.S. military experts think that China wouldn’t be ready to take Taiwan by force until 2028, but I’ve heard from the Chinese military that they think they’re going to be ready in a year or two,” Oriana Skylar Mastro, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, told Military Times. For example, US Army General Gus Perna, the commander of US Army Materiel Command, has already reported on the creation of new, large stockpiles of military vehicles and other property in the Asia-Pacific, and this is doubtlessly occurring in the framework of preparation for military action. Make a monthly commitment to support The Geller Report – choose the option that suits you best. But advertising revenues have all but disappeared. Carlisle said fighters, such as the F-22 and F-35, as well as the B-2, B-52 and — in the future — B-21 bombers would likely take a lead role. Todd South, Kyle Rempfer, Shawn Snow, Howard Altman, David B. Larter, China plans to double nuclear arsenal, Pentagon says, If Russia started World War III, here’s how it would go down, China moves toward new ‘intelligentized’ approach to warfare, says Pentagon, There are mounting signs of military planning for Venezuela, Alabama man accused of shining laser at military aircraft at Cairns Army Airfield, Ex-Guantanamo commander gets 2-year prison sentence for lying in man’s death, Soldiers who appeared at Democratic convention won’t be disciplined, but supervisor will. SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. The true story of the Islamic Supremacist war on free speech as told by those on the front lines fighting for our First Amendment rights, The Air Force’s fleets of bombers and advanced fighters are also limited, Carlisle said, with about 120 combat-coded F-22s, 20 B-2s, and the B-21 still years away from the battlefield. Those bombers are typically on quick alert, to get in the air in a matter of hours. China asserts territorial claims – without any legal base (when do communists need legal base for their crimes anyway)- within its “Nine-Dash Line” encompassing the Paracel, Spratly, and Pratas Islands, the Macclesfield Bank, and Scarborough Shoal: areas claimed by American allies. Earlier this year, INDOPACOM Commander Adm. Phil Davidson put out a release re-emphasizing U.S. agreements with Japan, the Philippines, Singapore and the island states of Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands, should China come a-knocking. In April, the guided-missile destroyer USS Barry completed a routine freedom-of-navigation operation in the South China Sea. In response, Beijing stated that it “expelled” our warship, describing its patrol as “provocative” and a serious violation of its sovereignty and security interests, one that “could easily trigger an unexpected incident.”. We must continue to report on the global jihad and the left's war on freedom. We must urgently pivot our strategic relationship, one that entails assuming that China is in a Cold War with us already, and ends our current naivety. That means where the Chinese military can really have an effect is in space and cyber. Air Force bases like Whiteman and Minot would start getting their bombers ready to fly. “But in 2030, when they are ready, that’s when things get really dicey unless we have a bunch of friends,” Lamb said. And if the United States does strike, it will face the world’s largest array of advanced long-range, surface-to-air systems, according to the report. That’s because most of the Pacific nations’ armies are their military center of power and hold political sway within each state’s borders. Once American boots are on the soil of Taiwan, lobbing missiles that way becomes riskier, Cheng said. And its army “continues to enhance its readiness to prevent Taiwan independence and execute an invasion if necessary,” according to the report. Zhu Feng, a professor of international relations at Nanjing University in eastern China, told the newspaper that excluding Taiwan from RIMPAC reflected a “sensitivity” from the Pentagon to avoid potential military conflict. A conflict could spin out of control quickly as sensors across the region light up with simultaneous events, stretching the United States and its allies in every imaginable domain all at once. . Trump has targeted China ever since he started campaigning for president. “The U.S. may still invite Taiwan [next time] if they want to play the Taiwan card,” he said. Rudd is claiming that the US and China may go to war in three months ahead of the US elections. Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. It is the conflict of our age, yet no one dares talk about it. The rhetoric involving provocative, anti-Chinese threats emanating from Washington has recently begun to be backed up by specific actions taken by the Pentagon to prepare for unleashing an armed conflict. The Air Force could also fly long-range strike missions from the continental United States, Carlisle said, and has done so in the past. “I am not sure they would have an immediate role in one of these situations,” said retired Army Gen. Joseph Votel, describing a conflict in Taiwan or on the South China Sea. Specifically, it intends to buy Lockheed Martin long-range anti-surface cruise missiles (LRASMs) and install them on deck-launched F/A-18E/F Super Hornet multirole fighter aircraft.At the same time, what jumps out is the fact that from 2017-2020 only 99 of these missiles were delivered to the US Navy. Here are three ways in which tensions in the South China Sea might lead to conflict. Please take a moment to consider this. It’s a long flight to the Pacific, but James said more bombers could start arriving within a day or two. And, of course, those seas are heavily trafficked by ships, both military and commercial, adding more potential for confrontations. “I expect, quite frankly, to see GPS go offline.”. A newly released report from the DoD articulates how China is adopting new technologies as part of a shift in its military strategy. Prepositioned ships full of warfighting supplies, and the surge ships on call to ferry troops and materiel to a future fight, have been long neglected. Vast amounts of airlift capability, such as C-130s and C-17s, would also be needed to bring in all the troops, weapons, equipment and supplies such a conflict would necessitate, James said. Cheng sees a host of attacks in the United States, both cyber and possibly kinetic, on communications sites and key linkage points. The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks is a groundbreaking documentary on the controversy And opposite to China, if we need to prepare politically and psychologically for losses in even a limited conflict with China, the divisiveness of the country, and the pro-Chinese and anti-American bias of our media and a part of the academic elite, romantically infatuated with communist China, could further complicate matters.