Your outlook on life will inevitably change once you take that leap and move abroad. If you had medical problems that might have been caused by the climate back home, you’ll also score in the allergies department, helping you lead a healthier and happier life! 6775. Consider the kind of fashion, food, and products you’re … How Purity Culture Rhetoric Can Teach Men to Devalue Women, 4 Ways to Give Before You Have Extra Money. University of Alberta 116 St. and 85 Ave.. We are located on Treaty 6 / Métis Territory. A while back, I received a flaming from a traveler who just completed a two week trip to Ecuador. . It’s hard to beat the “I’m out of the country” excuse. Of course, sometimes taxes will follow you. Today’s job market is competitive, to say the least. Silverback Strength vs Humans (Grizzly, Lion, Croc), 5 Ways to Remove a Tick Head That Broke Off (Humans, Dogs, Cats), 44 African Grey Parrot Facts (Complete Guide) Talkative Congo Grey Parrot. I find it hard to believe that someone could research any topic for eight months and still not understand it. Please login or register to post comment above our articles. The study abroad circles at universities are tight-knit and hugely supportive, and it’s not unusual to return home with new friends that you know are for life, particularly given technology now makes it so easy to stay in touch. Don’t believe me? You know – the one who claims to love travel but really has ulterior motives. Instead you can work anywhere you want. Before I set out to spend a semester studying abroad in Lausanne, Switzerland, I’d never been further afield from my home country of Britain than neighboring France. We are located on Treaty 6 / Métis Territory. So in order to revel in this particular reason for travel, you can only stay in the same foreign language for approximately two months at a time. 9 Types of Tigers: Guide to All Subspecies (Size, Population, Illegal Trade), 19 Facts About African Oxpecker Birds (Both Species of Buphagus), 21 King Cheetah Facts (King Cheetah vs Cheetah) Fur, Photos, Speed, How to Choose the Best Camera for Safari [Buyers Guide], Going on a Safari? Is the World Ready for Actual Trillionaires? Follow: Twitter; Facebook; Instagram; Services and information . Thinking of becoming an expat? Here are 12 awful reasons to travel abroad. Stop Looking Within Yourself. You begin to look on the bright side of things and cease taking yourself and life too seriously. When I first saw the following video, I thought about the complaining expats who have trouble with an inconvenience. They get off the plane complaining about something. But here’s the drag: the opportunities to spend months living abroad are few and far between as you get older. At first glance, going on exchange seems like a pretty pricey endeavor. You’ll have an unending supply of ammo to keep your friends on their toes, hopping up and down wishing they were you for years to come. And some of them favor lashing out against anyone in their path. Traveling is easier than you think.