Sleeps: 6, Bedrooms: 3. !�'��O�Z�b+{��'�>}\I��R�u�1Y��-n6yq��wS�#��s���mWD+���7�w���{Bm�Ͷ?���#�J{�8���(�_?�Z7�x�h��V��[��������|U endstream endobj 9 0 obj [/ICCBased 8 0 R] endobj 10 0 obj [/Lab<>] endobj 11 0 obj <>stream h�d�1KA���]�ˑ�-"����A-A�n���X;-L�_�(Xkc/6V"I#��?��+5u@�܀��yüb�`a��O�E�K��"9�6�vA�DX�ԈJ��Ndl#P�5_�4J�Y;qț�M��mX���H*9���f�}��B'��U�l�}���(��LvA��a׈���J��!���T��Ǜ�K�S�/1���hm�MN��>�9��?-%�Q3���� F�-� endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj <>stream 0000441445 00000 n 0000191347 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� Rutland Waterworks regularly updates our distribution system maps. 0000005296 00000 n x�U[�U��9� 0000261685 00000 n for Rutland Water, Rutland (LE15 8RP) Use the map type in the top left to choose OS Explorer for walking maps, or OS Landranger for cycling or driving maps. Near Rutland Water Nature Reserve. Open-plan. 0000309098 00000 n Parking is easy, but you need to be here early in the morning to enjoy the best sport. 0000190504 00000 n 0000308717 00000 n 0000018184 00000 n Rutland Water Someone in the 1970s had it in for Rutland. There are several visitor centres around Rutland Water where this is all absolutely fine, so please check the map before visiting. 0000012071 00000 n 0000178094 00000 n Latest edition standard paper & weatherproof versions. 0000386529 00000 n Near Rutland Water. 0000386829 00000 n 0000005090 00000 n 0000022588 00000 n trailer <<5BA79528017647F496E697DF865BCBF2>]/Prev 912389>> startxref 0 %%EOF 86 0 obj <>stream 0000177797 00000 n 0000003929 00000 n Barrowden, in EXTON, RUTLAND 4 83 Contemporary retreat close to the East Midlands town of Oakham. 0000015352 00000 n 0000361249 00000 n Visit the GetOutside Hub for challenges, activities, ideas and inspiration. 0000092640 00000 n 0000011828 00000 n Use OS Maps to see more detail including footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks and rights of way. Location: Grid Ref: SK 9337 0724 • X/Y co-ords: 493377, 307249 • Lat/Long: 52.65489960,-0.62104098 Rutland County Museum is located in Oakham, Rutland, in the old Riding School of the Rutland Fencible Cavalry which was built in 1794–95. Please note, that Rutland Water Nature Reserve is not suitable for games, ballgames, barbeques and the like, and there is nowhere to sit by the waters' edge. Country: England En-suite master bedroom. Tel: 0116 262 9968  Rutland Water has four main car parks. Please note, that Rutland Water Nature Reserve is not suitable for games, ballgames, barbeques and the like, and there is nowhere to sit by the waters' edge. Map of Rutland Water, courtesy of Anglian Water, Click here to download PDF version of map of nature reserve, Click here to download PDF version of map of whole reservoir, The Old Mill, 9 Soar Lane, Leicester, LE3 5DE 0000412084 00000 n Photo: Wikimedia, Public domain. 0000092926 00000 n Dog-friendly. 0000259276 00000 n Tickencote, in EXTON, RUTLAND Rural retreat in the county of Rutland, three miles from the town of Oakham. 0000017557 00000 n 0000427709 00000 n ANOTHER favoured area for the Rutland aficionados, who like the challenge of natu¬rally-feeding fish. 0000355579 00000 n En-suite. x=�mLSw��ܶHw�m���k� 0000005246 00000 n Rutland County Museum is situated 2½ miles west of Rutland Water. 0000162953 00000 n Sleeps: 4, Bedrooms: 2. Meet Debs Butler - Cyclist, teacher, walker, paddler, lover of maps, coffee and cake. Children from St John John & St Francis Church of England School helping with ground clearance at Westhay Nature Reserve, Somerset Levels, June 2011 - Paul Harris/2020VISION. 0000360811 00000 n 0000004986 00000 n 210531) and a company limited by guarantee (no. 0000003812 00000 n County/Unitary Authority: Rutland Family bird watching on heathland in summer Suffolk Sandlings - David Tipling/2020VISION, Explore our nature reserves around Leicestershire and Rutland, including the iconic Rutland Water, Discover some of the amazing species that live in Leicestershire and Rutland, including the Rutland Ospreys, Check out hundreds of events, as well as our news, blogs and Birdfair, Ospreys Pandion Haliaetus nesting in Manton Bay Rutland Water July - David Tipling/2020VISION, Find out about membership, donations, legacies and other ways to support us. 0000002272 00000 n 0000262124 00000 n 0000177693 00000 n i\r��#�޾ ˁ/�YPx�E��(�@x�M���w7x c�?P�n��?�\�I�����,U��̳�_oM�����=��/�Ut�ݕ��U��֪Y/b̨��V�B��eb\�s�>�C���o�|�=Q1�E唦f�K��[�:�Mk��k�� ��B��\fg�a�%Ǐ�s�3�9P��@�\[ܚxv��P����9��c'A "�tZ�v�� �@����9}"Ľ�}�u�҄v(R���9�g"`E/�K7��'!�_�nRG��Z�ys��\���)��5Ԛe�5&mk�m��D�ݧ�k@Q���tn7� zm%}����/�~�¿�X��G�>A�. Open-plan living area. 0000191049 00000 n Each is a great place to start your day. 0000851920 00000 n [���UU��TU�+KU���\�)�����)���~]�ݫ+��u���k(�نؔg��d�)Ǧ�rjK��M��dY�E�nɰɖ,ن'�2l�-c�H��~�#�nt��. 0000005192 00000 n En-suite. Open-plan living area. 0000225439 00000 n 0000006616 00000 n z�Cާ����'!/��$D}�,�x3�������?Z�@ݏVݿ����a�C�_�n�/a7�A��`��y����F\�#����".Z���݈sq�y���u'��u'�����.��u0�w濍9���دc���_m���7��M��M�-��M;���&�����[6�[6��-��8��y}-neOX�%���?MX��$�Ĥ����Q�߶|���ma6_�&^aM���?H������Rfb�nڄ��6�gL�3�w�ogL�K����[;F�;F�Y#�b�5\�.��ȯ���r�y�@��v �]=�lW�ӟ�{z�dOO��M�'�:��{�ׁ�yR;ʿ���Z젠��Ţ���+j{E ���w4�΁�>�PK�6�URc�%5�QR7��zY�T��Њ�VQU��� 0000012708 00000 n 0000309012 00000 n 0000092536 00000 n 0000168066 00000 n 0000002523 00000 n H�*T0 BCcc#=#KcS=cc��T�p�}�\�|�@ 0 �E � endstream endobj 8 0 obj <>stream 0000001956 00000 n 0000386425 00000 n 4 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000441006 00000 n Let's keep active outside everyday. 0000000016 00000 n Sleeps: 4, Bedrooms: 2. We have two maps that you can download, one showing Rutland Water Nature Reserve and the second showing the whole reservoir. 0000190945 00000 n Buy OS Explorer Map 234: Rutland Water from Ordnance Survey. High-quality detached lretreat set three miles from Oakham in Rutland. 0000415998 00000 n 561833), Planning Applications and Neighbourhood Plans, Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust. ������r=)�%�[���X��3".b�8��zᇅ�J>q�n���^�\��;�O*fJ�bﵺ��(r��FNԎX�ɂ�H�g ˍy�O����+�-bUɠMR(GI��Z'�i���r0w]̈́�Ϣ*x����šu��]�Be�]w�*�BQ�*�؊�S�����㧝ˍ��aa����,�Ϧ�)�)�4;��`g�>�w{��|n J��ˈ��j��m*`��Y����,�6��M����=�Ұ��*&�:z�^=��Xź�p}(���[Go�Zj���eqRN�֧�z]U����%tACͼ��^�N��m��{��Х�%cy�cE���[:3����W��?�.�-}*}%��>�.�"]�.J_K�JK_���͐{�$2s%��խ��טX9*o�����Qy�U)���� ͋�7��X���i��b�: m�ש���Ko��i1�]��D0���� N �}���`����� ��*�*�6? 0000015111 00000 n 0000438922 00000 n �5�64(�/��t:]�VJ���FY����d��s�9'�Hށ�\Br�}p�zU\H�`�u��u��}G��G$9'�MX&'��筺��V���WG��;Ϳ��/&���{`��!l���~Aٖ����Fu>�]�6����^������D�s�=�(�I��&pS-���Q�E8P�78F�'��U�z��|�a c��'%s�\�>��+�B�^��Q 0000427218 00000 n 0000002640 00000 n 0000308612 00000 n While every effort is made to insure the maps available on this site are accurate, the district does not warrant the accuracy of these maps and advises anyone needing detailed technical information to contact district staff directly. Fast, free delivery & mobile download Place type: Inland Water 0000005048 00000 n 0000002332 00000 n System Maps. 0000093012 00000 n 0000427323 00000 n �����-�C�t)�K�ݥ��[��k���A���d��$�L�}*�⋫�IA��-��z���R�PVw�"(>�xA(�E��;�d&Yj�e�|����o����B����%�6sɨ���c��:��!�Q,�V=���~B+���[?�O0W'�l�Wo�,rK%���V��%�D��jݴ���O����M$����6�����5G��Š9,��Bxx|��/��vP�O���TE�"k�J��C{���Gy7��7P��ہuȪ��u��R,��^Q�9�G��5��L߮���cD����|x7p�d���Yi����S���ශ��X���]S�zI;�߮��o�HR4;���Y� =r�JEO ��^�9����՜��g�T%&��� Meet Nigel Vardy - Mountaineer, Photographer, Peace Seeker, VW Camper Driver, loves Pies. Find out more about our work saving wildlife and wild places and bringing people closer to nature across the UK. 0000019091 00000 n Name: Rutland Water, Rutland 0000191874 00000 n 0000187415 00000 n Choose your map type OS Explorer 1:25k More detail showing rights of way, footpaths, landscape features & places of interest. Map of the Reserve Maps of Rutland Water We have two maps that you can download, one showing Rutland Water Nature Reserve and the second showing the whole reservoir. 0000019037 00000 n First they flooded England’s smallest county, then they abolished it entirely, absorbing it into Leicestershire. 0000225823 00000 n 0000017792 00000 n Single-storey. 0000427623 00000 n 0000191433 00000 n Height: 82.9m 0000005479 00000 n {�+�F��hW�ڡ��'Y#�{�8ܣ���ؕ�����bp�/D��h����hq(����"�w(��`�Hv��X�H�>��c!��9^t�X�X@ڎ`� ~̷���|���x�7��'|��?�3���'��V�r��3Vv�K�8�3��,�q����$�QE�%�9Px�D�?�B� endstream endobj 12 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20254#20C 10 0 R 11 0 R] endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <> endobj 19 0 obj <> endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>stream Download the free GetOutside app for more ideas on family-friendly things to do outside, near you or search a location of your choice. 0000015734 00000 n !�E�AQDP� 2�ז)o- -�� --�����Hd�0eV̒��d���/��E����_�u�����s����a8����dIK�J)�,)�0gTY��Ni��k�jF���f%8̆(m����N�wNn�_�88~TQ��f�tm�^:�ѕ����>��飕-}���1�h:����oQGW3:���QE�_ ���\}C�U�9,08&��`ob��,���54��q�`̈cxn������|�7�$����۔jh��n5L銅e)e�V�hɨ�U(4���;:���}�x~|�#���G:���-޳���ZWC�֫���+�)ծ�6U\&��6C���-�JI�W= O���a�� 0000022553 00000 n Email:, Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust is a registered charity (no. 0000005414 00000 n OS Explorer map: 234: Rutland Water, Download the free GetOutside app for family-friendly things to do outside. 0000003845 00000 n 0000168451 00000 n 0000225737 00000 n Rural location. We're improving this section but you can still use the 'Places' function in OS Maps to find nearby points of interest, Seaton, in EXTON, RUTLAND Region: East Midlands We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 0000225334 00000 n 0000386915 00000 n 0000415633 00000 n Meet Justin Miles - If it's outdoors, from the extreme to the serene, then I'm there! xu�wZ �?��{�@B$� a�0�@B�U�u��Z�p��Z���ZGm�y�y��w�}����}����sv�� �?������{F���ϲ�wЋ�+�? © Ordnance Survey document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); / Privacy Policy, PLOD-Rutland 2012 purple | PLOD tixover-Duddington, PLOD-Rutland 2012 | PLOD tixover-Duddington, PLOD-Rutland 2012 | PLOD Uppingham-Barrowden, PLOD-Rutland 2012 purple | PLOD Uppingham-Barrowden. Whitwell Car Park - LE15 8BL Located on the North Shore, Whitwell is a great place to park for the day for those looking for an active day out. 0000178180 00000 n Near Rutland Water. 0000005140 00000 n Meet Emily Thompson - Mountaineer and trail runner who uses both as an excuse for cake. 0000007153 00000 n 0000006857 00000 n This shallow water area at the top of the South Arm switches on in May and June when the buzzers start to hatch, but it needs the water level to be high. Click to find activity guidance by region. 0000005357 00000 n Meet the 100 OS GetOutside Champions who will be leading the GetOutside charge and showcasing the best of Britain with their stories and tips. WATER RUTLAND Parking Information Toilets Oakham Empingham Manton Edith Weston Rutland Sailing club Gunthorpe HAMBLETON PENINSULA Fishing Nature Cycle hire Bugtopia Normanton Church Beach Watersports Rutland Belle Cafe Restaurant Playground walking zone A606 A606 A606 A6003 Unbound surface track bound surface track Miles 0 0.5 Kilometres 0 … 0000415191 00000 n Sign up to receive the very best of OS and its group of companies, straight to you by email & post.