2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER). This resulted in 325 included articles that contained 48 assessments. However, if any item is modified to make it more appropriate for a certain physical impairment, the item may lose standardization, again compromising the overall assessment validity.6 In the absence of one assessment that can be adopted for the whole CP population, this paper has identified a suite of nine IQ assessments that have been standardized for typically developing children but also have strong potential for use with subgroups of children with CP (Table 1). The aim of this study, therefore, was to perform a systematic review to identify IQ assessments reported for children with CP, to evaluate the population‐specific psychometric properties and clinical utility of each tool, and to use this information to identify tools appropriate for children with CP with a range of motor, communication, and/or visual impairments. 0000037912 00000 n Some children require aids and supports. ACTG1 The included tests were the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale, the Leiter International Performance Scale, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the Pictorial Test of Intelligence, the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices, the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. This may be a useful area of further research as 12% of children with CP also have a hearing impairment,2 and up to 80% of some subgroups of children with CP are known to have tactile impairments.42 There was a lack of Non‐verbal IQ assessments reported for children with CP. While training was recommended for most of these shorter assessments, the administrator did not need to be a registered psychologist. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. However, although the majority of studies agree that, on average, children with typical development have higher IQs than children with CP, and that children with minimal motor involvement have higher IQs than those with severe motor involvement, it is difficult to determine which assessments are most valid. located at 41850 West Eleven Mile Rd., Ste. 0000139077 00000 n KYo�U�In��R��gxD(�[�;L�k�����A��>�d���8閲4j��q��t�c�V��͓�����e��Z�ʤG��&�˹~�Y�Wʢ"�K���L���'@r+���~mQߒ}��ʹ[ �O¢)�k�~�������|V���U�"�s�V��}�26�B*���. Leiter‐R). Furthermore, the cognitive abilities of children with more severe motor, communication, and/or visual impairments are likely to be underestimated because the standardized procedures of such assessments are not appropriate for the population as a whole. 0000054530 00000 n Under the special education program, children are assessed for: The assessments help to allocate the following service and supports to accommodate, modify or adapt a child’s needs: Every child is entitled to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. provided only an academic assessment or screen of cognitive abilities). 0000139255 00000 n Initial searches yielded 3882 articles. No information provided by you will be treated as confidential unless and until 1) you request legal services and 2) an attorney-client relationship has been established by an Engagement Letter provided by us and signed by you. 0000084774 00000 n If a child with cerebral palsy has issues with communication and/or swallowing and breathing issues, speech therapy is generally recommended. Measuring intellectual ability in cerebral palsy: The comparison of three tests and their neuroimaging correlates.