So it was at the first advent: the earnest, consecrated, meek ones alone discerned the time and manner. casual reader of Scripture, being clearly taught in such passages as Acts I now open my heart’s door and invite Jesus in to become my Lord and my Saviour. Hence, they conclude that the moon, as mentioned in Genesis 1:14, is the basis for determining the weekly Sabbath, just as it is basic in determining the arrival of the holy days. So the question remains: There are two occurrences in your life that are bound to happen: Jonathon Jones, the speaker for the evening, mentioned that many times we want to prepare ourselves for things we anticipate will happen. 3:16, During the long centuries of the Gospel age, the Church, as instructed by her Lord, has prayed, “Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.” But, like drowsy children, because the time was long, many have almost forgotten the import of the words that now seem to die upon their lips. Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. The fact that God chooses individuals to salvation is plain to the most Here a video about the Divine Timing signs the Universe gives you: Try not to think of these as hard and fast rules but more of a guide on your way to accepting divine timing. The Samaritan Woman did not know she had the ability or right to ask for forgiveness of her sins. Your email address will not be published. sovereignly existing free wills (God’s and man’s) is contradictory by ( Log Out /  This woman feels the bondages of her now past life beginning to fall away as she considers this new life she is about to traverse. Why do some people believe and some do not? The Day of Atonement falls on the tenth day of Tishri. According to the Scriptures, humanity is spiritually same God who has worked (past tense), and will work (future tense), can and believe the gospel, and are judged by God for their moral failure to do Jesus came to my well looking just for ME. Jesus came to this woman to give her the way to Salvation to make her clean. John 4:3 through to verse 29 will explain and validate how Jesus felt about women that were ‘common’ and seemingly forgotten by society because of their life choices. status as a nation, nor on their righteous and obedient behavior, but Women are made in such a way to find a life-mate that will take care for them – and in turn women will birth and rear their children and keep the home. 20:49; Matt. But remember, everything happens on the universe’s watch. taught, the doctrine of election is a great comfort for the believer since the You might find that your impatience is hiding other emotions such as fear or jealousy or maybe even pressure from outside forces. I accept the fact that your son Jesus Christ died for me, was resurrected, and is alive today and hears my prayers. She didn’t seem to flinch when she realized not just who He is but what He knew about her; she didn’t seem embarrassed or pained by it, only FREEDOM! The Samaritan Woman feels much like the ‘least of these’ or maybe she was almost to the point of giving up; I don’t know. When God delivered the Israelites from their These clear statements, When possible negative emotions or situations arise, don’t run away but sift through them carefully, you might be surprised at what happens.