This no-equipment-required move not only tightens your belly, it strengthens your chest, arms, back, glutes and legs, too. Start in forearm plank position with shoulders over elbows and core engaged. Prevention participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. There's a reason why fitness instructors are so gaga about planks—they work. She also writes a well-regarded political commentary column published in Fairfield, New Haven and Westchester counties in the New York City metro area. If you think your core is strong enough, it’s time to discover the three most efficient core exercises you’ll ever try – real core killer exercises. And, like all strength moves, the more you perform the plank, the stronger these muscles will become -- enabling you to hold the pose for even longer periods of time. Muscles Worked. This Workout Keeps Burning Calories For Hours, The One Fat-Burning Move You Need To Sculpt Your Butt And Back. All sorts of wonky alignments are possible, and a sloppy plank can cause a slew of ailments including wrist, neck, shoulder, and lower-back injuries. If you are just beginning a plank workout and you find the move too difficult to hold for more than a second or two, put your knee or knees on the ground. Among these exercises, the standard plank pose and its variations are considered to be the most effective ones. Squeeze everything and hold it for as long as you can. For this purpose, many different full-body workouts help in building the perfect body. The oblique muscles help you twist and rotate as well as pull the muscles in around your middle. Soon it will be you on the treadmill, bragging about your rock-hard abs. So Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat, or What? You may be thinking, big deal! A strong full plank provides the foundation for moving into progressions involving external weight and unstable surfaces such as stability balls, the BOSU trainer, and medicine balls. It is especially suitable for beginners as the starting point towards more challenging versions of plank exercise ( forearm plank , side plank , plank with opposite arm and leg lift , plank with arm extension , etc). Stack your shoulders directly over your wrists and firmly plant your palms on the floor. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. This site uses cookies: By using this site you agree to the use of cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. The full plank (also known as the straight-arm plank position) is the simplest plank for total core conditioning. Actively press your bottom hand into the floor, and lift your hips toward the sky—this will ensure you are using your arm muscles to support your body and will lessen tension in the shoulders and wrists, says Aguilar. Then you've got time to lose the weight for good with Prevention's new 10-minute workouts and 10-minute meals. What about my obliques? As you gain strength in your abs, back, shoulders, chest, quads, glutes and calves, you'll be able to hold the pose for a minute or longer. And don't forget to switch sides. Is your neck jutting forward? If your hips sag in forearm plank, lower your knees to the floor. (Now that you're a plank master, try this powered-up plank workout that HIITs your core hard.) The front plank builds strength in these areas with body weight rather than equipment, making it a great, no-excuses-tolerated exercise. "When you have the strong foundation of a good plank pose, then everything else you do in a fitness class is going to be more effective—the key is to get it right," says Bria Tavakoli, a NYC-based yoga teacher and retreat leader. Builds strong back – Another amazing benefit of the forearm plank is that it helps in toning and strengthening of the complete back. Banana Milkshake: Is it Unhealthy and Fattening? "Draw the chin slightly back, keep eyes down, and keep the back of the neck long and in line with the rest of the spine," says Aguiar. “The other muscles you will work during planks are in your back, hips, legs, shoulders, and chest,” explains Jo Gomez, director of training for solidcore… Consult your doctor before taking on a new exercise routine, and for the best results, learn proper form. Get Fit in 10: Slim and Strong for Life now! As a general rule most people are tight in the upper chest and loose in the upper back. However, your obliques (the muscles of the waist) are part of what make the entire core strong.