The colony became independent more peacefully. Pages 4 Ratings 100% (2) 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 3 - 4 out of 4 pages. In Argentina, the indigenous slave work prevailed, while in Brazil millions of Africans were brought to the country to work on sugar cane and coffee plantations. The navigation of its rivers was strategic from a political and economic point of view, and it was even used to justify bloody conflicts, which culminated with the Paraguay War (1864-1870), that involved Paraguay and Uruguay as well. The War of Independence of Brazil (also known as the Brazilian War of Independence) was waged between the newly independent Brazilian Empire and the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, which had just undergone the Liberal Revolution of 1820. The southern Bahia region produced sugar, cotton, tobacco and molasses. The workforce that replaced indigenous and Africans, were Europeans and Asians immigrants, who mingled with the local population bringing new features to the countries’ cultures. Both parties (Portuguese and Brazilian) saw the Portuguese warships spread across the country (mostly in poor condition) as the instrument through which military victory could be achieved. After its independence from Spain, Argentina was made a republic and dealt with several separatist movements and civil wars. By 1823, the Brazilian Army had grown, replacing its early losses in terms of both personnel and supplies. From that moment, Brazil and Argentina followed different paths that would explain their currently very different economic situation. In Brazil, this percentage can achieve up to 183% of the employees’ gross wages. Ecstatically, the African descendants live in the worst conditions, have the poorest education and salaries. Excluded from society, they originated what we currently know as “favelas”, an amount of precarious shacks, located in marginalized urban areas. Brazil is one of the most bureaucratic and expensive developing countries when it comes to forming a company, for example. Nowadays, it is difficult to see their descendants walking on the streets. But by 1823 the navy had been reformed and the Portuguese members were replaced by native Brazilians, freed slaves, pardoned prisoners as well as more experienced British and American mercenaries. From now, we will discuss Brazil and Argentina's differences regarding business. There, companies have to pay around 25% of its employees’ gross salary on taxes. Wellington High School, Wellington • HISTORY 3784/S. The first meeting of the new Legislature was set to take place on 3 May 1826, and after a brief delay, that Parliament was indeed opened on 6 May 1826. The political events that succeeded the royal family’s coming to Brazil led to its independence in 1822. By that time, the independence question was resolved, as the Independence treaty had been ratified in November 1825 and as the Emperor, still yielding the fullness of legislative authority (that he was to lose upon the first meeting of the Parliament), ordered the execution of the agreement as part of the law of Brazil on 10 April 1826. As a Brazilian that lived in Argentina for seven months, I could compare it. Its culture is remarkably different from the rest of the country’s. There is a shortage of reliable casualty data. Currently, Argentina counts with a relatively low unemployment rate and a reduced poverty index. It's an object of discussion that the Brazilian society is still in debt with black people because of slavery. The Brazilian agent in London, Marquis of Batley (Philibert Marshal Brant) received orders to acquire warships fully equipped and manned on credit. Among these nationalities were Italians, Germans, Spanish, Japanese, Lebanese, Syrians, Armenians, Chinese, Koreans, Polish among others. Brazil would only become a Republic in 1889, after the militaries had contact with the republican ideals with Argentineans during the Paraguayan War. The colony became the seat of the grand Portuguese Empire that covered parts of Africa, India, and Brazil. ... who was dom pedro and what role did he play in brazils independance. During late 1821 and early 1822, the inhabitants of Brazil took sides in the political upheavals that took place in Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. Independence, Republic and industrialization. The Spanish, instead, came to America with the thinking of making here a new Europe out of nowhere. Argentina, on the other hand, shows great issues regarding the attraction of foreign investments. In Argentina, the immigration of Italians and Spanish people prevailed over other nationalities, while in Brazil, a great variety of nationalities composed several immigration waves. The rules change constantly according to interests, aren't enforced uniformly, and are forever subject to breaking if a bribe is suggested. [2] Casualty estimates are based on contemporary reports of battles and historical data, and range between a total of 5,700 to 6,200. Even after the political independence of Brazil and Argentina from Portugal and Spain – in 1822 and 1816, respectively – the countries continued their struggle for power in the Southern Cone, especially along the La Plata river Basin. Though in Argentina the income tax rate is higher, in Brazil the payroll taxes and costs are much higher than in Argentina. We separated the subject in some interest topics for business people. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Brazil and Argentina? Of course, that doens't mean that Brazil is the paradise for entrepreneurism, just that laws and incentives are improving faster than in our neighboors. About 3,000 soldiers were later besieged in Montevideo. That's why several people defend racial quotas in tenders and universities for them, assured by law. For them, it was necessary to “clean” the territories, killing and enslaving the natives and repealing their culture. The War of Independence of Brazil (also known as the Brazilian War of Independence) was waged between the newly independent Brazilian Empire and the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, which had just undergone the Liberal Revolution of 1820. 60% of them were free men, mostly of Portuguese descent. After Néstor Kirchner took the presidency, in 2005, a series of social programs were implemented and managed to diminish poverty and better distribute wealth. By the end of 1823, the Brazilian naval forces had pursued the remaining Portuguese ships across the Atlantic nearly as far as the shores of Portugal. However, the country still deals with the stagnation of its industry and a low amount of foreign investments, despite of being one of the better ranked Latin America countries regarding social development, education and wealth distribution. By the end of this period, the country was razed economically and politically, counting with enormous external debts increased by the disastrous Falklands War with England. At first, the chosen ones were the indigenous native populations. This Treaty was ratified by the Emperor of Brazil on August 30, 1825, and by the King of Portugal on November 15, 1825, and entered into force in international Law also on November 15, 1825 upon the exchange of the instruments of ratification in Lisbon. No vendor, however, was willing to take the risks. In Brazil, it was different. Prince John VI, the future Portuguese monarch, escaped Napoleon and moved to Brazil. Start studying Brazil's Independence. In some places in the south, children sing the state anthem each morning in school. These three regions dominated economic and political life of the colony. An interesting thing is that Argentina and Brazil are very bureaucratic in their economic relations as well. Remote and sparsely populated northern provinces of Pará and Maranhão declared loyalty to Portugal. In the ranking of Ease of Doing Business made by the World Bank in 2012, Brazil ranked the 126 position while Argentina occupied the 113 place. The Pernambuco region thrived by producing sugar, a crop of great value at the time. The independence process of Brazil and Argentina ran in a very different way. From 1822 to 1825 the Portuguese Government engaged in heavy diplomatic efforts to avoid the recognition of Brazil's independence by the European Powers, invoking the principles of the Congress of Vienna and subsequent European alliances. It's estimated that 30 thousand people were kidnapped and killed. Despite the crucial differences existent between the Brazilian territories, the monarchy managed to maintain the country unified. As for Africans in Brazil, after the abolition of slavery, they were submitted to the worst jobs, and indecent living conditions. What are some similiarities and differences between Brazil Independence vs. Spanish American Independence? The exploitation of natural resources (especially precious metals) and the monoculture plantation represented the economic model installed for the settlement, which reigned absolute until the industrialization process by the early 20th century. he agreed to the creoles' demand to be the new leader of Brazil . The first act of recognition was materialized in Letters Patent issued on May 13, 1825, by which the Portuguese King "voluntarily ceded and transferred the sovereignty" over Brazil to his son, the Brazilian Emperor, and thus recognized, as a result of this concession, Brazil as an "Independent Empire, separate from the Kingdoms of Portugal and Algarves". Until today, the Brazilian society suffers with a masquerade prejudice against blacks. In early 1822, the Portuguese navy controlled a ship of the line, two frigates, four corvettes, two brigs, and four warships of other categories in Brazilian waters. The Portuguese, however, only agreed to sign the Independence treaty on condition that Brazil agreed to pay reparations for the properties of the Portuguese State that were seized by the new Brazilian State. Argentina is always creating barriers to the Brazilian products and Brazil is always imposing restrictions to Argentinean’s, even though the countries have a lot of cooperation agreements in force. Also, during his administration, Argentina got rid of the IMF debts (an worldwide known default), and experienced a slow recuperation of its industry. Brazil and Argentina are seen as “young” countries, packed with natural resources and with a population built from a variety of ethnicities. Both conducted long dictatorships in their countries, and are known for introducing several social reforms, especially in labor laws. A significant number of former officers and Portuguese sailors volunteered to serve the new nation, and swore loyalty to it. The Argentinean military dictatorship (1976-1983) was the bloodiest of Latin America. Portuguese regiments retreated to Montevideo and were surrounded by Brazilians, led by Baron of Laguna (himself a Portuguese, but, as many other aristocrats, on the side of Brazilian independence). The fact scared off foreign investments and strongly diminished the trust of companies worldwide in Argentina. A similar number of soldiers occupied Salvador and the rest of the troops were scattered throughout Brazil. The Portuguese army in Brazil consisted of professional troops and militiamen. During the 1970s and 1980s, both countries fell in debts, corruption and inflation. why was brazils fight for freedom different than others. Finally, there was an initial public offering, and the new Emperor personally signed for 350 of them, inspiring others to do the same. The settlers who came to Brazil and Argentina were looking for a quick and effortless way to make money and then come back to their hometowns. The following democratic presidents (Alfonsín, Menem and Duhalde) couldn’t handle the situation of economical and political instability and their administrations were taken by corruption, hyperinflation, social uprisings, retraction of industry, unemployment crisis and worsening of social inequality. Here, entrepreneurs find a friendly and supportive environment to develop, grow and invest while in Argentina there’s an omnipresent feeling of crisis.