But the move also has a political dimension. You visit this website to seek quality analysis that enables you to forge your own understanding of today’s world. Sweden took the line the OECD is primarily an economic club, with discussion of political issues best left to other forums. Where will you eat your apples and honey this year? For over 16 years, ISRAEL21c has brought you the faces and places of Israel every day, spreading the word about Israel to millions of people in virtually every country around the globe. It includes the United States and most of Europe. Meron Benvenisti, a former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, noted recently that there was a 20:1 ratio in the difference in gross domestic product per capita between an Israeli and a Palestinian living in Gaza. They chose not to do so," he said. Both East Jerusalem and the Golan have been annexed by Israel in violation of international law. Some countries proposed attaching a footnote to Israel's official letter of invitation saying the OECD does not recognise any changes to Israel's pre-1967 boundary. Another OECD report, published in January, showed that, even on the basis of Israel’s figures excluding the Palestinians, Israel would still have the widest social gaps of any member state if it were accepted. First of its kind, our content is originally researched, written and produced by seasoned experts directly from Israel. "It is a show of confidence in the Israeli economy and in Israeli society," a diplomat from the Jewish state added. Israel in OECD: Israel Set to Join Club of Richest Nations, Some thoughts on Ethan Bronner at The New York Times, Azerbaijan armed by Israel against Artsakh, Israel playing with Lebanese people’s nerves, Israel and the Emirates sign the "Abraham Accords", Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon, The future of public debt: prospects and implications, Kissinger foreshadows the world after Covid-19, “End the dog-eat-dog mentality to tackle the crisis”. The OECD said it invited Israel, Estonia and Slovenia to become members after they met specific criteria as developed, open economies. The OECD has required member states to crack down on corrupt practices since it approved a convention against bribery in 1997. It’s what the country does with its membership and the accompanying opportunities – such as access to development funds – that counts. Commenting on the EU's commitment to human rights in its foreign policy-making more broadly, she said: "They are the silver thread that runs through everything we do and will be the silver thread that runs through the EAS [the EU's nascent diplomatic corps] when it is up and running.". 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According to its rules, the OECD takes account of economic activity outside a candidate state’s recognised borders in very limited circumstances, such as with remittances from migrant workers. Despite being an OECD member, Greece has just gone bankrupt. “Some things we had to do were small and some were bigger. Bar Efrat says that OECD membership will grant Israel better tools for policy making, and create a dialogue with government officials in the developed world. Israel's success in gaining membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is a big deal. Bar Efrat, who was a key player in applying to the forum, tells ISRAEL21c that Israel had been working toward participation since the early 1990s, when it finally received the invitation to join the prestigious group, whose members include the US, Canada and Switzerland. ISRAEL21c presents: All the top locations where Israel offers aid to people in need around the world. Join today and save 40% on our yearly plan. Help us by making a contribution. 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Israel is still allowed to regulate its policy based on security threats. The OECD report proposes that these legal difficulties may be circumvented by asking Israel to produce new statistics within a year of its accession excluding the settler population – even though, an OECD official has admitted, Israel would have the power to veto such a demand after it becomes a member.