Smut Quota: Medium to high, Jacqui Smith and Iain Dale discuss events in the week’s political debate including the relaxing of the 2 metre social distancing rule, the failure of the Tracing App, Black Lives Matter, Why Trump hates Bolton (has he ever been there?! How true this is. Any smut comes right at the end. Smut Quotient: It takes a while, but they get there in the end…. Smut quota: Low to middling. Iain teaches Jacqui about the Amritsar massacre and Jacqui offers to squeeze Iain’s zits… except he has perfect skin. Why did you invite this person to come on your podcast? 30 mins. They answer listener questions too. They talk ‘tampon tax’ and ‘For the Many’ mugs, as well as answer listener questions. For the next few weeks up to the General Election, For The Many will be changing it's name to LBC Election 2019. Smut quota: Off the scale. Iain Dale and Jacqui Smith start of this week’s podcast by discussing the news that Lady Smut will be contestant in this year’s Strictly Come Dancing show. Tony Blair and John Major appear alongside each other to urge tactical voting and the leaked document on trade deal impact on Northern Ireland dismissed by the Tories. Iain Dale and Jacqui Smith dish out their end of year awards to the politically deserving and undeserving. Coming soon. They talk about The Saj and The Jez and how their leadership campaigns are progressing as well as the latest goings on with Donald Trump. They debate the merits of the Speaker’s decision to overturn parliamentary convention and apologise for the lack of innuendo in this week’s podcast. Podcast downloads for We Can Change The World. Smut quota: Medium. Jacqui the reveals her love of Boxing and wonders if she can get Iain on the turn… Smut quota: Medium. Smut Quota: High, at the start! Iain & Jacqui mark the first anniversary of the For the Many podcast, but the celebrations are tinged with sadness. They agree babies should be banned for having their ears pierced and reveal a mutal hatred of body piercings and tattoos. Smut Quota: Lowish I love every minute. Gulp. They also discuss the impeachment of Donald Trump and why people send homophobic hate mail. Well no, but… well, you’ll just have to listen. They discuss latest developments in the Coronavirus crisis and how they’re coping being at home all the time. Smut quota: Medium. Iain talks about his new job as media critics for Reaction.Life and they discuss the merits or otherwise of mushy bananas. Smut quota: Very high, verging on outrageous. In this episode Shealgh Fogarty is joined by LBC's Matthew Thompson. Find out if Iain would like to run for mayor of London and why he once kissed a tractor. Plus Shelagh and Iain work out their UKIP names. Lib Dem Deputy Leader Ed Davey is asked to explain and Green Party Candidate Caroline Lucas admits to long haul flights. They also answer lots of your questions! Smut quota: Middling. In association with the Progressive Britain Podcast, this is a recording of an event organised by Progress. They answer lots of listener questions and you can have the benefit of finding what is their favourite cheese. Seriously. Smut quota: Medium. Jacqui Smith returns to the podcast after her sojourn in India and reveals what going on a singles holiday is like. In this welcome return of the Wednesday podcast Jacqui Smith and Iain Dale turn their beady eye on Boris Johnson’s address to the nation and ask whether the measures taken to limit the spread of Coronavirus really go far enough. They also discuss politicians not being able to break away from campaign mode. Iain Dale and Jacqui Smith discuss Donald Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, his debate with Joe Biden, the idiocy of people who break Coronavirus rules (yes you Jeremy Corbyn, Stanley Johnson and Margaret Ferrier! Smut quota: Medium, Jacqui and Iain review the latest shenanigans in the Tory leadership contest were Boris Johnson (Mr Johnson, to Jacqui) seems to be storming through. Iain & Jacqui dissect the week’s Brexit speeches, Jacqui defends “His Toniness” while Iain launches into an attack on corrupt councils and incompetent councillors. Iain and Jacqui demonstrate their powers of multi-tasking in this podcast. Smut Quota: Not quite as high as last Wednesday, but not far off. Ireland, Abortion & the Trump Flip-Flop-Flip. No smutvthis week. They discuss the A Level grading fiasco, Public Health England and the Democrats National Convention, as well as taking on a whole host of listener questions. They preview the LibDem conference and speculate on Uncle Vince’s successor. Stand by for some quality corpsing too. A very little. Around 250 people listened to them discussing the latest Brexit development, the Sultan of Brunei as well as answering lots of questions. Smut Quota: Lowish, Iain and Jacqui discuss free school meals and the abolition of the Department for International Development before moving on to answer lots of listener questions like: Might they one day get married? And they answer a shed load of your questions including which politician has the weakest handshake (you might be shocked by both their answers) and which is Iain’s favourite Abba track. They discuss the A Level grading fiasco, Public Health England and the Democrats National Convention, as well as taking on a whole host of listener questions. The right-wing pundit, publisher and LBC phone-in host Iain Dale is teamed with former Labour home secretary Jacqui Smith to talk through the issues of the week. They also discuss Sir Keir Starmer’s virtual Labour party conference speech, and they lighten the mood at the end with a conversation about ‘bushiness’. And they answer more questions from listeners than ever before. It’s a packed episode, and the smut quota is medium. Really. Iain and Jacqui discuss the fallout from the alleged terror attack outside Parliament, they pull apart Iain’s week in Spain and answer some pretty direct questions, including will Iain still have a radio show when he returns from his week in Norfolk. Smut Quota: High at the start, low elsewhere. Smut quota: Medium to High. Iain amd Jacqui review the week’s Brexit developments and Iain wonders why Jacqui wasn’t on the People’s Vote march. Labour aren’t free yet as the pair reflect on the interview with Andrew Neil and Jeremy Corbyn. They answer the question of how they would spend a £50 million lottery win and Jacqui fails lamentably in Name That Tune. DAILY TRAIL: Bobot and lessons in being human. Iain and Jacqui review the latest developments in the Tory leadership, they bid a fond farewell to Andrew Neil and discuss the worrying developments in the Strait of Hormuz. Smut quota: High towards the end. They mull over whether the BBC were right to broadcast the Enoch Powell ‘Rivers of Blood’ programme and discuss the play with the controversial title of “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins”. Iain and Jacqui delve into the local election results and ponder the sacking of Gavin Williamson. A nice, cheerful podcast this week! They talk about their run-in with Grace Blakely on Good Morning Britain and answer a lot of listener questions. Expect plenty of jokey banter and informed speculation. They discuss this week’s defections and Jacqui reveals for the same time what would tip her over the edge. It's available in 175 countries and regions with content in more than 100 languages and on the following devices and platforms: They analyse the latest developments in Trumpland and wonder what the appeal of Davos is. Will the Lib Dem’s form a remain pact with Labour? You have been warned. Back to ormal next week, though. Ish. They dicusses Boris defending his decision not to do Andrew Neil interview. Iain and Jacqui look at Theresa May’s week, look forward to the European elections, ask if Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party can succeed and both express their wish to see the back of Julian Assange. Iain and Jacqui discuss the government’s announcements on lockdown and whether mixed messaging is a ‘thing’. Iain Dale and Jacqui Smith review three of the big stories of the week and have some fun along the way. The Will Self/Mark Francis stare-out gets a mention and Iain puts Jacqui on the spot about her new job in political lobbying. Jacqui Smith and Iain Dale take on their usual Wednesday role of Agony Aunt and Uncle to the nation. Iain is naturally too modest to comment. Iain and Jacqui chew over the big news stories of the week including a highly intellectual analysis of Ann Widdecombe coming second on Big Brother. Go back and listen to one of your old interview episodes and ask yourself the following: The only measuring stick you should focus on is becoming a better interviewer than you were yesterday. Smut Quota: Medium verging on high at times. Top quality political analysis, this. Jacqui and Iain tear into Boris in the way only they can, Jacqui reveals her maternal inadequacies, they discuss what to do if you discover your child’s a racist, and LBC’s political editor Theo Usherwood puts in a surprise guest appearance.