Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 29. King is one of the most fertile storytellers of the modern novel (. In a drunken celebration at the finish of this mainstream novel, he has a drunken urge to … "Your life will never be the same," he said. In a drunken celebration at the finish of this mainstream novel, he has a drunken urge to … Paul Sheldon has killed off his bestselling star of his bestselling MISERY book series, and has written a non-Misery book that he loves. Stephen King is a fantastic author. Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 5. King's new novel, about a writer held hostage by his self-proclaimed "number-one fan," is unadulteratedly terrifying. Eine verrückte Krankenschwester“, erzählte Stephen King dem Spiegel-Magazin. 3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 9. The manuscript fragments he produces tell of a great Bee Goddess, an African queen reminiscent of H. Rider Haggard's She. A darkly comic scene has Annie disposing of a nosy police officer by running over him with a lawnmower. And it's not good that her favorite writer has been a Don't-Bee and written a different kind of novel, a nasty novel, the novel he has always wanted to write, the only copy of which now lies in Annie's angry hands. Annie forces Paul to write a new MISERY novel bringing her heroine back from the grave. Not mentioned by name, but he was the one who was the caretaker that supposedly caused the Overlook Hotel to burn down. The reader in subjected to incredable amounts of suspense, wondering wheter Paul will ever escape his deranged warden. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 22. Annie gets him addicted to pain medication and soon Paul realizes that his is her prisoner. Because if he doesn't, if he is bad, she will be cross - very cross. The main problem with this book is that you just don't care about the fates of the characters. Yet Paul needs Annie to survive. Mare of Geoffrey, Cat owned by Anne Wilkes and Andrea Saint James. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. New... Harm's Way: A Horror Comedy (English Edition), Welcome to Spicetown (A Spicetown Mystery Book 1) (English Edition), Sorry. Diese Aktionen werden auf diesen Artikel angewendet: Einige Angebote können miteinander kombiniert werden, andere nicht. An Ihren Kindle oder ein anderes Gerät senden. Später trennt sie ihm in einem Wahnanfall mit einem elektrischen Küchenmesser den Daumen von der linken Hand. Character in the Misery Novels. And yet it's a tight, highly resonant echo chamber of a book--one of King's shortest, and best novels ever. Sheldon has killed off Misery Chastain, the popular protagonist of his Misery series and Annie, who has a murderous past, wants her back. Paul Sheldon, a talented author famous mostly for his Misery books (think bodice-ripper romance), has put the finishing touches on his Great American novel, Fast Cars, and, heavily intoxicated, drives down the Colorado Rockies in the midst of a snowstorm. Ex-cop who helped Paul with manuscript for "Fast Cars". Wrote newspaper article about maternity deaths in Boulder Hospital, Put the fake bullet hole in the Sandpipers "Misery room", Mutilated man found in bush. PaperbackPaul Sheldon Novel,Misery's Return. Der Verkaufspreis wurde vom Verlag festgesetzt. One is a needle. Studded among the frightening moments are sparkling reflections on the writer and his audience, on the difficulties, joys and responsibilities of being a storyteller, on the nature of the muse, on the differences between "serious" and "popular" writing. Another is an ax. Sie (im englischen Original: Misery) ist ein im Jahre 1987 vom New Yorker Viking Verlag publizierter Roman des Schriftstellers Stephen King.Die deutsche Übersetzung von Joachim Körber wurde durch den Heyne Verlag im selben Jahr herausgegeben. Kaufen und versenden Sie dieses eBook an andere Personen. Das Buch wurde schnell geliefert außerdem ist es fesselnd, leider war das Cover bereits beschädigt und einige Seiten haben Eselsohren was sehr schade ist. Stephen King is arguably the most popular novelist in the history of American fiction. Geben Sie einen Promotionscode oder einen Geschenkgutschein ein. Misery is the tale of Paul Sheldon, a "popular" author who travels from his home in New York, to a hotel whereas to fnish his final attempt at mainstream writing in his novel "Fast Cars". Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat.