Read the full  description of property water and sewer categories to determine your property's eligibility for service. Council Public Hearings starting at 1:30 p.m. Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 18-06, Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) – Bonus Density. June 2014 This arrangement is referred to as "public" water and sewer service. April 2015 The Perkasie Regional Authority will receive $200,000 for its Ridge Road Sewer Extension project, which will improve quality of life for West Rockhill residents by "expanding access to the public sewer system beneficial to both for public health and property values," Santarsiero said. October 2015 November 2018 Since 1924, Montgomery County Environmental Services has provided high quality water and sewer services to residents and businesses in Montgomery County. May 2014 August 2018 (For example, a property could have a water supply category of W-1 and a sewer service category of S-6.). The following However, the approved master plan for Damascus, where the boundaries between areas recommended for service by public utilities as opposed to private water and sewer systems have changed, addresses the subject at greater length. November 2019 “The Morrisville grant will enhance the delivery of water to our residents and business by meeting water quality best management practices, and with the landscaping it will be more aesthetically pleasing," said Warren. Rural Schools West Montgomery County Citizens Association, Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington. provides information on the County's existing water supply systems and on planning efforts to ensure that the County's mid- and long-term water supply needs will be satisfied in a manner consistent with public policy and the plan's objectives. In Eastern Montgomery County, the North Wales Water Authority will receive $882,761 to go toward its $2.8 million comprehensive water system improvement plan. Climate Change Category 6 includes all areas not designated as categories 1 through 5. February 2018 Growing Legacy Land Link December 2013 Lead sponsors: Councilmembers Nancy Floreen and George Leventhal and Council President Hans Riemer. The Board sends its comments to the County Executive and/or County Council for final action. The plan's policies are implemented in part by assigning  July 2019 Mega Church County's General Plan,  On Wedges and Corridors As part of this process, MDE seeks guidance from the Maryland Department of Planning for consistency with local and State planning use goals, policies and objectives. Periodic amendments to the plan – requested when property owners ask for water a nd/or sewer service outside the area shown in the 10-year plan – come before the Planning Board for review and comment as category change requests, which are considered in a public hearing. Montgomery County's Ten Year Water and Sewer Plan Matters! December 2017 A property owner using a private, on-site system (well and septic) wants to change over to service from a public water and sewer system. “These projects will help make critical improvements to our municipal water and sewer systems, strengthening our infrastructure to protect our environment and maintain quality drinking water for our community,” said Santarsiero, D-10, of Lower Makefield. November 2012 provides information on the County's existing sewerage systems and on planning efforts to ensure that the County's mid- and long-term sewerage needs are and will be satisfied in a manner consistent with public policy and the plan's objectives. Goal:  To increase the incentive for owners to implement transportation improvements concurrent with development activity instead of paying fees to the County for public implementation of the improvements. The content of the 2018 update of the  December 2014 Fun! Water, August 2020 The 2018 update of the Plan, linked below, is the most recent comprehensive update approved by the County Council in October 2018. Ten-Year Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan. Another $300,000 will go to Chalfont for the borough's storm sewer replacement project, Santarsiero said Wednesday. Briefing on I-495 and I-270 Managed Lanes Study. For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 11, 2018, Also on Sept. 11: Vote to approve legal defense fund for low-income residents facing deportation proceedings and several zoning and legislative proposals covering affordable housing, accessory apartments and solar power. December 2015 Yet, for reasons that elude us, the August 24 staff draft supports a very different approach - one that continues to use areawide surveys to push sewer lines into areas that don’t need them. This is the Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan (Water and Sewer Plan). The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) provides the majority of public water and sewer service available in Montgomery County. MONTGOMERY COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE SYSTEMS PLAN Appendix C: Exceptional Service Policies and Recommendations 2018 - 2027 Plan (County Council Approved – October 2018) Page C-2 These exceptional policy and recommendation areas are scattered widely throughout the county. May 2018 A typical public water system starts off with a raw (untreated) water source from which the state has authorized the water/wastewater utility to draw its supply. – Local, Municipal, State, and Regional Agencies, Appendix E March 2019 May 2017 (The exceptions are typically rights-of-way for public roads, railroads, and gas and electrical transmission lines.) Parks Events April 2018 Master Plan Update November 2014 Click on the “Layer” button and choose either “Sewer Category” or “Water Category” separately. Goal: To make it easier to install a solar collection system on any pre-existing impervious surface. October 2017 Once the water is treated, the utility pumps it through a series of pressurized water mains and storage tanks and finally through relatively small connections into customers' homes and businesses. February 2015 It includes areas that are planned or staged for community service beyond the scope of the plan's ten-year planning period and areas that are never expected to have community service on the basis of adopted plans. The state water and sewer grants are awarded to fund projects that assist with the construction, improvement, expansion or rehabilitation or repair of a water supply system, sanitary sewer system, storm sewer system or flood control projects, officials said. April 2019 The plan provides information on the County's existing water supply and sewerage systems from beginning to end. September 2017 Note that the County does not necessarily designate properties with matching water and sewer categories, such as W-3 and S-3. September 2018 Reopening Montgomery: Phase 2 & 3 Guidelines, Potomac Water Filtration Plant and the Patuxent Water Filtration Plant, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), description of property water and sewer categories, Learn how to display the map and find your property's service category. January 2016 December 2019 Lead sponsors: Councilmembers Tom Hucker and Nancy Floreen Committee meeting:  The PHED Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 13 at 9:30 a.m. View the Council staff report here for the public hearing on ZTA 18-09. Areas served by community (public) systems that are either existing or under construction.