Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4, SNA93, 9. Farm management (nutrients, pests, soil, water, biodiversity and organic), International trade of fisheries products, Fisheries international collaboration in technology development (rates), Fisheries international collaboration in technology development (bilateral), Recreational fisheries - Historical archive, Foreign Landings in Domestic Ports (FLDP) - Historical archive, Government Financial Transfers (GFT) - Historical archive, Employment, unemployment, participation rates by sex and place of birth, Employment rates by place of birth and educational attainment (25-64), Historical population data and projections (1950-2060), Total flows by donor (ODA+OOF+Private) [DAC1], GeoBook: Geographical flows to developing countries, Private direct investment and other private capital [DAC4], Total official development flows by country and region (ODF), Total official flows by country and region (ODA+OOF), Aid (ODA) disbursements to countries and regions [DAC2a], Other official flows (OOF) and export credits - disbursements [DAC2b], Aid (ODA) commitments to countries and regions [DAC3a], Total receipts by country and region (ODA+OOF+private), Aid activities targeting Global Environmental Objectives, Aid projects targeting gender equality and womens empowerment (CRS), Members' total use of the multilateral system copy, Private Philanthropy for Development (CRS), Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration, 2012 Anexo I Figura 39: Níveis de educação entre africanos com 15 a 24 anos de idade, 2012 Anexo I Figura 40: Jovens africanos em zonas urbanas e zonas rurais por nível de rendimento, 2012 Caixa 6: Dinâmica de assentamento e criação de emprego rural na África Ocidental, 2012 Caixa 9: Taxas de inscrição no ensino secundário e terciário, por região do mundo, 2012 Figura 1: África apresenta um rápido crescimento de jovens com educação (grupo com idades entre os 20-24 por nível de educação, 2000-2030), 2012 Figura 10: Jovens e adultos por actividade, 2012 Figura 12: Estatuto de emprego por nível de educação e grupo etário nos PRB, 2012 Figura 13: Estatuto de emprego por nível de educação e grupo etário nos PRM, 2012 Figura 14: Desempregados contra NEET: motivos auto-admitidos para não trabalhar, 2012 Figura 15: Motivos para não trabalhar entre os jovens desanimados por nível educativo alcançado, 2012 Figura 16: Percursos transitórios por jovens do sexo masculino e feminino (15-30), 2012 Figura 17: Emprego juvenil por actividade em 2008 e 2010: as actividades do sector informal e a agricultura absorveram o impacto da crise, 2012 Figura 18: Vendas agregadas e número de empresas da África subsariana, por dimensão, 2012 Figura 19: O compromisso entre o emprego vulnerável e o desemprego, 2012 Figura 20: Distribuição de emprego primário por tipo, 2012 Figura 21: Mais de metade dos jovens rurais trabalha fora da agricultura, 2012 Figura 22: Pobreza alimentar entre os jovens trabalhadores:agrícola vs. não agrícola vs. urbano, 2012 Figura 23: Desafios do mercado de trabalho enfrentados pelos jovens, 2012 Figura 24: Percepção dos jovens dos principais obstáculos a encontrarem um emprego, 2012 Figura 25: O desânimo relativamente a um mercado de trabalho justo aumenta com a educação, 2012 Figura 26: Maiores obstáculos às empresas na África subsariana, 2012 Figura 27: Obstáculos às empresas no Norte de África e na África subsariana, 2012 Figura 28: Os obstáculos mais importantes para as empresas informais, 2012 Figura 29: Emprego e desemprego juvenil por níveis de educação e rendimento do país, 2012 Figura 3: Tempo despendido pelos jovens por grupo de rendimentos do país (2010), 2012 Figura 30: Fatla de competências contra desfasamento de competências, 2012 figura 31: Probabilidade prevista de ter um emprego assalariado em vez de outro estatuto de emprego (em cada nível de educação), 2012 Figura 32: Empresas que oferecem formação, África e o mundo, 2012 Figura 33: As expectativas dos empregadores são um desafio para os jovens que entram no mercado de trabalho, 2012 Figura 34: Raisons avancées par les jeunes pour justifier qu'ils ne travaillent pas. Gross domestic product (GDP), 2019 archive, 2. Targeted statutory corporate income tax rate, Table II.3. Corporate tax rates can vary significantly by region. SNG expenditures and investment by function, Regional Government Finance and Investment Database, Comparative performance of science and innovation systems, Public support to business R&D and innovation, Revealed technology advantage (RTA) in selected fields, Share of PCT patent applications filed by universities and PRIs, Structural composition of BERD by sector of activity, Structural composition of BERD by category of entreprise, Country Profiles - Comparative performance of national innovation systems - Raw data (Panel 1), Country Profiles - Comparative performance of national innovation systems - Indexes (Panel 1), Country Profiles - Structural Composition of BERD (Panel 2), Country Profiles - Revealed Technology Advantage in selected fields (Panel 3), Country Profiles - Allocation of public R&D funds (Panel 4), Science Technology and Innovation Outlook 2016, Domestic ownership of inventions made abroad, Patents - total and specific technology domains (OECD), Patents in environment-related technologies, Patents in selected technologies by TL3 regions, Patents in environment-related technologies by TL3 regions, Business enterprise R&D expenditure by industry (ISIC Rev. [9], Sources: OECD, “Table II.1. The main source for non-OECD jurisdictions are the statutory rates provided by KPMG; see KPMG, “Corporate tax rates table,” 2019, To be able to calculate average statutory corporate income tax rates weighted by GDP, the dataset includes GDP data for 176 jurisdictions. Our work depends on support from members of the public like you. Jurisdictions that are not part of either source were researched individually. Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4, 2019 archive, 9A. STAN Database for Structural Analysis (ISIC Rev. Rep, Details of Public Revenues - Equatorial Guinea, Details of Public Revenues - South Africa, Revenue Statistics - Latin America and the Caribbean: Comparative tables, Details of Public Revenue - Dominican Republic, Details of Public Revenue - Trinidad and Tobago, Revenue Statistics - Latin America and the Caribbean: Reference series, Revenue Statistics - Asian and Pacific Economies: Comparative tables, Revenue Statistics - Asian and Pacific Economies: Reference series, Details of Public Revenue - China (People's Republic of), Details of Public Revenue - Papua New Guinea, Details of Public Revenue - Solomon Islands, Table I.1. Table II.1. 3, SNA93), Bilateral Trade by Industry and End-use ed.2011 ISIC3, Carbon Dioxide Emissions embodied in International Trade, 2013, Indices of the number of production stages, STAN Database for Structural Analysis ed2005, Bilateral Trade by Industry and End-use ed. Information on the methodology behind the two R&D tax incentives indicators are available in two reports: implied tax subsidy rates (1-B index) and R&D tax expenditures. The members of this group are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 2012 Figura 35: Onde pretende trabalhar, pressupondo remuneração e benefícios iguais? - select ‘related files’ in the “Export” menu . Average personal income tax and social security contribution rates on gross labour income, Table I.6. The dataset does not capture these lower rates. Pascal Saint-Amans, director of the OECD Centre for Tax … [13] This section of the report covers all 218 jurisdictions for which 2019 corporate income tax rates were found (thus including jurisdictions for which GDP data was not available). All regions saw a net decline in average statutory rates between 1980 and 2019. The average tax rate is the total tax paid divided by taxable income.