Approval was partially successful, following selected items could not be processed due to error,, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. CPA reflects the amount of aid that is subjected to multi-year planning at country/regional level, and is defined through exclusions, by subtracting from total gross bilateral ODA that is: Since the Monterrey Consensus in 2002, questions about broader development finance, including how to best mobilise private resources for development, have been at the heart of the political debate on development finance. Finally, it highlights areas for further work to improve the understanding and use of development finance data in support of sound policy making, and as an incentive for increasing public and private flows for development. OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD’s many databases. DAC members are improving the quality of their development co-operation but most still have a long way to go to meet their international commitments. The OECD DAC has partnered with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the African Development Bank to make global aggregate data on aid funding easy to access. The 2017 volume of the  Development Co-operation Report focuses on Data for Development. ... –Ms. The Sustainable Development Goals along with the data revolution are opportunities that should not be missed: more and better data can help boost inclusive growth, fight inequalities and combat climate change. This chapter focuses on data related to development finance, setting out the current landscape and looking at how data systems are evolving in the context of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Addendum 1 contains supporting information on the classification of flows such as the List of ODA recipients, the List of ODA-eligible international organisations and various code lists which all require regular updates. Organisation for Economic, ODA, or aid, was defined over 50 years ago, FAQs: ODA eligibility of COVID-19 related activities, DAC List of ODA-eligible international organisations, The Evolution of ODA: achievements, criticisms and a way forward, OECD and donor countries working to focus development efforts on Covid-19 crisis, building on a rise in official aid in 2019, Development Finance Institutions and private sector development, Mobilisation effect of public development finance (including guarantee schemes), modernisation of the DAC statistical system, total official support for sustainable development (TOSSD), Online databases are updated four times a year, Main DAC questionnaire for reporting on 2019 flows, Converged Statistical Reporting Directives, Amendments to the directives on SDG field, disaster risk reduction, nutrition, inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities, Reporting on Debt Relief in the Grant Equivalent System, Guidance for multilateral agencies reporting to the DAC, Note on the treatment of loan concessionality in DAC statistics, Glossary of statistical terms and concepts, Information regarding updates of the list of ODA eligible international organisations, Measuring aid: 50 years of DAC statistics, unpredictable by nature (humanitarian aid and debt relief), entails no cross-border flows (administrative costs, imputed student costs, promotion of development awareness, research and refugees in donor countries), does not form part of co-operation agreements between governments (food aid and aid from local governments). Approval was partially successful, following selected items could not be processed due to error,, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Country programmable aid (CPA) is a subset of official development assistance (ODA). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Calculating imputed multilateral aid (by donor country via a multilateral agency). Development Co-operation Profiles 2019 are now available. Development finance data. Data are presented under three sub-themes: There are two ways to access DAC and CRS data. Over the past two decades, financing for development has undergone fundamental changes in terms of sources, volumes and patterns of flows. Find the answers and more in the latest Development Co-operation Profiles. The concept of ODA, or aid, was defined over 50 years ago.It refers to financial support - either grants or "concessional" loans from OECD-DAC member countries to developing countries. The Glossary of key statistical terms and concepts used in DAC statistics cover the following: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), All about numbers - who spends what, and where. Development finance is increasingly diverse and complex in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.