The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically disrupted business and exposed major vulnerabilities in the economy and global supply chains. The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are an annex to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. The National Contact Points for RBC are established by governments to promote the Guidelines and to handle cases against companies when the Guidelines are not observed as a non-judicial grievance mechanism. The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises set out the principles and standards for responsible business conduct expected by the governments of the Netherlands and 45 other countries from multinational enterprises to observe. 1. 2. The Guidelines are not only a demand on business, but also contribute to providing a more level playing field and protect business from unrealistic expectations. They are recommendations providing principles and standards for responsible business conduct for multinational corporations operating in or from countries adhering to the Declaration. , Latest statistics for global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows and international mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Related Documents. Q5AD�!$��]�Bh�����B(�a�P�@�h�į�� ڶl�"�Δ��H�� v�#����0��y�*Z3�+b���]�b�� :*��x�QoR}�'#�� ѧ�U�4��wD��h� ���q�����8t�)l�;*��u����r�K ��E�$K�c�k�d�`�e��b��5�o�,X�gՖY�g]*6��bN�� Responsible business conduct can serve governments and business in shaping responses to the crisis that ultimately create short-term and long-term benefits. It examines Peruvian policies in the areas covered by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as in other areas through which the Government can leverage and incentivise responsible business practices. Secretariat The OECD’s work on RBC is delivered through the OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct. 0��dB�i�rBl\�7A�9��cO�!� rU�%�t��if!/�� 4�����8���Q���l+��Y�5Dw�e����������0�^�Y����� 1 0 obj �;�ޕ���o�y�{ ���(ю��'a,�nN�ǭ/[.���^���+V�M̚X�*���Pm(��4�u�M��ݱR�e/tP9�V�����r2Z#>�.�Ȅ�g����e��g�=��m;��mZyEژ0ٴ�,"h͵�W�51���l̕PVa���. <> The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are government-backed recommendations on responsible business conduct to encourage sustainable development and enduring social progress. endobj The OECD organised a plenary session on due diligence, a side session on climate change, and co-organised two more sessions on access to remedy and informality and SMEs. 13/15, Chaussée de la Muette NCPs are a unique implementation mechanism on RBC and have supported access to remedy on a global scale by providing a platform for mediation and conciliation. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 22 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.56 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) is about integrating within the core of businesses the management of risks to the environment, people and society. What they are. The buying power of governments is a lever for promoting RBC : they are expected to lead by example by incorporating RBC standards in their purchasing policies, to safeguard the public interest and ensure the accountability of public spending. The 2011 Guidelines include a number of new features, such as a comprehensive concept to avoid adverse impacts, including a related due diligence provision, and new provisions on how to promote observance of the Guidelines in the supply chains. stream Risk-based due diligence, a key element of RBC, is a process through which businesses identify, prevent and mitigate their actual and potential negative impacts and account for how those impacts are addressed. <>>> France, Tel: +33 (0) a process through which businesses identify, prevent and mitigate their actual and potential negative impacts and account for how those impacts are addressed.